"Unexpectedly, after digesting these sources of heaven and earth, the harvest will be so great!"

Feel the improvement of oneself,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh authentically.

"I don't know exactly how these heaven and earth source powers came from. Why are there such things left behind after slaying the alien demons of the Wanhua level?"

at the same time,

There was also a doubt in his mind.

According to legend, the alien demon is an extraterritorial demon, a great enemy of heaven and earth.

They don’t seem to need to consume spiritual energy for cultivation,

But for things with aura, they are eager for it!

A lot of information in the past flashed in his mind, and Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed, and he seemed to grasp something faintly, but he couldn't grasp anything.

"No matter, this matter is not something that people of my realm can worry about for the time being!"

Lack of intelligence, no matter how you think about it, it won't help.

Zhang Qingyuan simply gave up thinking.

He now,

I can barely protect a Jade Island cultivation world,

As for considering the existence of the Blue Realm, at least you have to wait until you reach the realm of the ancestor of heaven and human beings to be qualified to consider these things.

"Fortunately, having such a divine object has given me such a big increase in mana. As a result, I am closer to the realm of heaven and man!"

Feel the full mana in the body,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help showing a hint of joy in his heart.

Although Zhang Qingyuan, a monk who reincarnated from the upper realm, Gui Yuanxin’s memory, was promoted to the realm of the ancestor of heaven and humanity,

But got the method,

It doesn't mean that he will be able to directly break through and improve!

Want to break through to heaven and human,

Then at least raise the cultivation base of the Wanhua realm to the critical point, and the mana reaches the point where the mana is close to the limit, and lays the most perfect foundation. Only then can you be able to win the world and have the first line of life for promotion and transformation!

Even with Zhang Qingyuan's reliance on Dayan Art, he laid a solid foundation that no one in the world can compare.

Nor did it say that one hundred percent will be able to be promoted successfully!

What's more, now that the mana of a body is far from seeing the limit.

The way to ascend to heaven,

It’s just that Zhang Qingyuan had grasped the key to that door in advance,

Want to really make that step,

Still need a lot of distance.

Zhang Qingyuan doesn't know how strong his limit is, but he will definitely not be low.

And the mana growth thing, originally can only rely on time to polish.

Even with the golden finger of the proficiency panel and the deduction of Dayan Art, it is impossible to reach the sky in one step.

but now,

Zhang Qingyuan seems to see a shortcut!

"If it is to slay a different demon in the realm of Wanhua realm, you can obtain a group of heaven and earth source power, then how about slaying a different degree demon king of the heaven and human ancestor grade?!"

Thinking of the alien demon who was sealed in the black abyss forbidden land,

In Zhang Qingyuan's eyes at this moment,

There was a flash of greed that couldn't help but flash.

The inheritance of the Five Elements Immortal Sutra in the Five Elements Realm, the safety of Yuzhou...As a result, I have one more reason to act on it.


It is not the time yet.

The gains of that battle have not yet been digested.

There is no absolute certainty.


Zhang Qingyuan also thought of an incident mentioned by the ancestors of Danyang and Taoist Xuansu when he was in the Five Elements Realm.

The founders who founded the Yunshui Sect back then had a great opportunity and gained a lot of gains from it.

There are several things passed down as the heritage of the sect,


Hundreds of years ago, the famous water sword immortals in their own time mingled together. It was with the supreme kendo talent to comprehend the secret of one of the bronze fragments, and thus learned and passed down the supernatural powers. Heavenly Sword!

The two words too,

Let Zhang Qingyuan pay special attention.

He didn't think it was Qi Yiming's name randomly.

In the memory of Gui Yuanxin,

There are two characters in the name of supernatural power,

It's basically the Taiyi Immortal Sect of the Upper Realm!


The ancient ruins discovered by the ancestors of Yunshui ancestors were the traditions left by the Taiyi Immortal Sect of the Upper Realm in this realm in the ancient times!

Later, because of the unparalleled connection between the world and the earth,

The upper realm and the blue realm are cut off,

Then the Taoism of Taiyi Immortal Sect was also defeated.

"If it is really the Taoist ruins left by the Taiyi Immortal Sect in this world, then most of the things inside have not been fully explored. I can take a look at it with my strength, and maybe I will gain..."

Zhang Qingyuan bowed his head thoughtfully and authentically.

At his level,

For some things in the future, I can already have a faint foreboding.

Among his feelings,

In that secret site, there may be unexpected gains for him!

Thinking about it,

Zhang Qingyuan already has plans.

"First recover from the injury, digest the gains, and then go out and ask Danyang ancestor and Senior Brother Xuansu!"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded,

There is care in mind.

Then I stopped being distracted,

Sitting in the void of the secret realm, the qi machine of the whole body melts into the vacuum of the world, echoing with the world, and the terrifying mana aura seems to cover the whole secret world, giving the world a vast and terrible pressure.

Law exercises every week,

Through the world!

The majestic mana almost turned into substantial waves at this moment,

Begin to continuously obliterate the devilish energy and injuries left by the enemy in Zhang Qingyuan's body during the battle~www.readwn.com~ At the same time,

The scenes of the previous battle with the different demon king of the ancestor of heaven and human beings are also repeatedly shown in front of Zhang Qingyuan. The details of the various battles are unfolded one by one, and the various insights and experiences are digested by Dayan Art. Under the absorption, it is quickly turning into a resource for his own improvement.

And Zhang Qingyuan’s breath,

In the process of digestion and absorption, he became stronger and stronger!


Time flies by,

One year passed in the blink of an eye.

During this year, a lot of things happened,

Especially because of the changes in the forbidden area of ​​the Black Abyss, there are more foreign demons, conflicts and fights have become more and more tragic, and many deeds of geniuses have emerged.

But time is not long after all,

It has not yet spread to Yun Shui Sect.

As the only top sect in the Yuzhou cultivation world that has three Wanhua giants, even the monsters and monsters dare not stroke their tiger's beards.

In this context,

After a one-year retreat, Zhang Qingyuan, who had recovered from his injuries and completely digested and absorbed the battle, quietly left.

A retreat,

Take his strength to the next level.

Comparing with himself more than a year ago, what Zhang Qingyuan can be sure of is that he can at least contend against two without breaking out the trick of the equal pressure box bottom!

But Zhang Qingyuan also knew well,

If so,

He might be able to rely on his strength at this time to reluctantly compete with the alien demon king at the source of the Yuzhou alien demon, but if you want to solve the opponent completely, don't even think about it.

He needs to go further!


Zhang Qingyuan, who left the customs, directly found the ancestor of Danyang.

Ask about the secret ruins encountered by the ancestors of the sect.

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