Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 375: Yan Fanatic's Sigh


The setting sun is like blood,

The earth was in a mess, and there were a series of huge holes in the ground in front of which were pitted and bumpy. Large chunks of soil were hit by the terror battle, and huge cracks in the abyss were opened one after another.

The soil is uplifted and the mountains are sloping.

Gun smoke rose into the sky,

Successive blood stains on the ground,

There are large and small corpses all over.

Pile up like a mountain.

There are alien beasts as well as human beings.

The former is obviously much more,

This is relying on the formation and terrain, inflicting heavy losses on the tide of strange beasts.

The killing was tragic, and among the densely packed corpses on the ground, few of them were intact.


The scattered monks walked out of the shaky formation base,

Start to clean up the battlefield.

Either converge the remains of comrades in arms, or clean up the clogged mountain of corpses, or begin to repair the broken and broken formations.

No sadness or fear can be seen on everyone’s face,

Only numbness.

Such a high-intensity battle,

It has made people not have any thoughts to think about other things.

If it weren't for the sect's mission and the resources that would come in a steady stream in the future, I'm afraid the monks guarding here would have already collapsed.

Back mountain,

Yan Kuangju living on high places saw this scene,


Did not speak.

He looked up at the gloomy sky,

His gaze seemed to penetrate the void, and saw a few terrifying shadows floating outside, the power distorted the vacuum, casting a vast and terrifying shadow between the world and the earth.

That is the commander of the four alien demons!

In these days, under their leadership, countless strange beasts have struck like a tsunami.

Flying in the sky, walking on the ground, swimming in the water,


If it weren’t for the ancestral home of the Yunshui Sect, the formation protection system set up by the sect here is extremely powerful, coupled with the elite guards of the sect,

I'm afraid it will be breached in the first time!

However, although the previous offensive was resisted,

But Yan fanatic knows,

This is just the calm before the next more terrifying and fierce battle!

The previous wars of attrition,

Almost all the alien beasts under the command of the four alien demon suffered heavy losses.

They are gathering forces,

The strange monsters gathered around raging!

The number is constantly increasing,

When the army gathers to a certain level, it will launch an impact again!

At that time,

With this shaky defensive formation near Kunwu Mountain, whether it can be resisted is simply unknown!

But even so,

The fanatic Yan was actually not too worried in his heart.


Not long ago, the ancestors of the sect had already sent a message,

That person,

It's already out!

Soon after,

They will come to support and let them support for a while.

When this news came out,

Not only the sect monk guarding Kunwu Mountain, even his heart quickly settled down.

This is the trust in the stalwart existence of the legendary realm of Wanhua!

Exist like that,

But the legendary horror figure who can support the sky with only one hand!

These strange monsters in front of us, no matter how many they are,

In front of those people,

It's just ants!

This is the gap between levels!


After getting the news,

Compared with the hope in others,

There is undoubtedly a bit more complexity in the heart of the fanatic Yan.

"The gap is getting bigger and bigger!"

Yan Kuangtu looked at the gloomy sky, and suddenly said to himself.

In the eyes,

It was also at a loss.

He is a rare genius in the eyes of others for thousands of years. In just two to three hundred years, he has achieved the realm of Dongzhen's late stage in one fell swoop. He is so talented that he is even considered to be the seed that may step into that step.

The look up of the same level, the admiration of everyone,

these years,

The succession of achievements he got,

Makes him almost the center of sight of the monks in the cultivation world!


How do you understand the bitterness in his heart if you envy the people who are watching him?

He is of the same generation as that person.

It even came from the Outer Gate Competition of the same session of the Yunshui Sect.

that time,

He is already a well-known rookie Tianjiao inside and outside, and his future is unlimited. Of course, he entered the inner door with the first position in the outer door competition, and he was booked in advance by the head of the sect.

But at the same time,

That person was only barely able to enter the inner door.

Perhaps they have a certain reputation in the nearby countryside, but the overall reputation is not obvious. It can be said that they are the foil green leaves for their proud children.

that time,

I’m afraid no one knows,

Among the group of disciples who were able to enter the inner gate through the outer gate, the one who behaved mediocrely was a true dragon who could reach the top of the Yuzhou cultivation world in the future!

This is also normal.

If you go back to three hundred years ago, tell others that the ordinary one among the three hundred disciples who can enter the inner gate standing on the stage will reach the Dongzhen fairyland after three hundred years, just like a myth. A giant in the realm of Wanhua!

I am afraid that anyone will treat it as a madman's madness!


For that person’s achievements,

Yan fanatic has never been jealous.


Just deeply tired!


It's exhaustion!

Seeing the back of the other party keeps going away, I can't catch up with exhaustion no matter how much!


I am the top of my own generation.

That person can only look up at his back.


After decades,

The opponent defeated himself head-on in the Inner Gate Competition.

After that,

Using the true essence to reverse the cave, the figure completely disappeared from Yuzhou, leaving behind a legend to leave!

these years,

Because of the other’s motivation, the other’s existence,

Yan fanatics continue to work hard to practice,

Struggling, cultivating, and practicing, almost all the time is spent on improving oneself, in an attempt to overwhelm that person's In fact,

It is precisely because of this,

He was able to be promoted to the late stage of the cave realm within a short period of two to three hundred years.

once Upon a time,

I am also complacent because of this,

I was full of sighs at the news of that person, sighing that God was jealous of talents, and sympathized with that person's "fall", but at the same time, I was full of confidence. If that person returns, this time, I will finally surpass the other person again!

After all, he won to the end!


When that person really returns, he reappears.

Yan fanatic found desperately,

My previous self-confidence,

It's just a joke!

The clown turned out to be me!

Especially when the entire Yunshui Sect was welcoming the return of the person at the gate of the sect that day, the opponent freely revealed the strength of the tip of the iceberg displayed by one hand.

that moment,

He almost collapsed!

How could there be such a evildoer in this world? !


A genius is a genius after all,

The evildoer is the evildoer after all!

Back then, that person was able to lag far behind his own strength, and in the next few decades, in turn, surpassed himself, and later, you tried your best to fail to catch up with the opponent, but instead were pulled farther and farther by the opponent.

Where are you confident,

Can you surpass that person?

Yan fanatic, Yan fanatic!

You are crazy!

At this moment,

Thinking back to that person,

Yan Kuangzu couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

But soon,

These thoughts in his heart disappeared.


Not far ahead,

The four monsters seem to have gathered enough monsters, and they are ready to attack!

"All staff are on alert!"

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