ps: Do not subscribe when you see this line of words, this is a repeat of the previous chapter.


Xian Yuan,

The energy contained in the fairy stone.

This kind of power is completely different from the nature of aura!

The moment when the divine consciousness penetrated into it and wanted to refine and absorb it, Zhang Qingyuan had a feeling of falling into the endless starry sky, and thousands of rays of light flickering in it!

Incomprehensible, incomprehensible!

Not to mention refining it to improve its own strength.

before this,

Zhang Qingyuan spent a lot of time, driving his powerful mana, based on the power of the five elements, to turn it into a furnace for the heavens.

In this five-element oven, there is probably no thing in this world that can withstand this scorching refining power.

But unfortunately,

This immortal stone comes from the upper realm,

And it still involves things at the level of immortality.

This made staying in the five-element oven for more than half a month, and there was no change on the surface of the immortal stone!

I didn't see the slightest melting trend,

Not even a trace of immortal essence escaped.


The futile refining made Zhang Qingyuan understand one thing.

Although the immortal essence in this immortal stone is very little left, it can only provide about ten moves and eight moves to drive the guard puppet,

But this originates from the upper realm, but it is also a level that he cannot relate to now.



However, Zhang Qingyuan did not extinguish his thoughts about this immortal stone.

The heart became more and more fiery.

He had a vague hunch,

This fairy stone,

Perhaps it is the key to his involvement in higher-level power!

"Since neither mana nor spiritual power can mobilize the immortal energy in the immortal stone, what about the immortal energy at the same level?"

Thinking hard for a long time,

In Zhang Qingyuan's heart, a thought suddenly flashed.

At this time, in the heaven and earth in his dantian, he was suppressing a wisp of immortal energy originating from the divine guard puppet with the Sutra of Demon Immortals.

homologous to each other,

Can you use that wisp of immortal energy to elicit the change of immortal essence within it?

Think of this layer,

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes lit up.

Do it when you think of it!

Immediately, Zhang Qingyuan no longer hesitated, sitting cross-legged in the void, closing his eyes.

The mind sinks into the heaven and earth in the dantian,

Above the boundless vast sea formed by the gathering of mighty mana, a wisp of air that penetrates the sky and the earth, as if to rip apart the void, is now being solidified in mid-air.

The surrounding Yin-Yang Five Elements Avenue, under the support of boundless mana, if the avenue runs through the virtual sky, it will freeze and suppress that piece of heaven and earth!

"Come out!"

With a thought, Zhang Qingyuan unlocked the power of the ban.

in an instant,

The terrifying aura dissipated, and the wisp of immortal energy began to vibrate violently in the heaven and earth in the dantian, setting off a tsunami of mana, which swept in all directions!

Zhang Qingyuan's breath became heavy at this moment!

However, at this time,

There was no trace of panic on his face.

Double palm seal,


The mysterious seal seems to connect the heaven and the earth, turning it into a bridge that grafts the heaven and the earth. The endless laws and profound meanings descend from the nine heavens. At this moment, it seems to be integrated with Zhang Qingyuan!

At the same time,

Among the heaven and earth in the dantian,

Around that wisp of immortal energy, groups of chaotic black holes appeared, and an irresistible force appeared, driving it out with an inviolable force!

boom! ! !

That ray of immortal energy was drawn from the heaven and earth in the dantian by Zhang Qingyuan,

In an instant,

Shockingly moving!

The vast and terrifying power filled every corner of the void, causing the entire Yunshui Sect secret realm to shake!

The entire secret realm world seems to be afraid of the power of that wisp of fairy energy.


Between the chaotic void, like in the tumbling four seas, a boundless hurricane was set off, and the tsunami shocks swept through!

If anyone here sees this scene in front of them, I am afraid it will be unbelievable!

Just the release of aura is a wisp of immortal energy that can cause a side of the secret realm to tremble. It was suppressed by Zhang Qingyuan in the inner world of Dantian, unable to move!

Even a cultivator at the peak of the realm of myriad transformations, under this wisp of immortal aura, will be crushed by the reckless aura.

Not to mention suppressing it in the inner world!

But before that,

Zhang Qingyuan suppressed him in his dantian through the Magic Immortal Sutra, and even had the strength to fight the old man Konghai, who was no less powerful than the early days of the Heaven and Human Realm, and beheaded him!

From this it can be seen that

Zhang Qingyuan's strength was a cultivator far beyond the ordinary Wanhua realm.


At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan shouted loudly.

Under his traction, that ray of immortal energy came into contact with the immortal stone suspended in mid-air!

In an instant,

The two resonate,

The void boils,

"This is!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes widened,

Brilliant divine light blooms,

Between the two, there is a mysterious change that is difficult to describe in words!


time flies,

Another year passed in the blink of an eye.

During this year,

Facing the attack of the army of alien monsters,

Under the fierce fighting, the battle line arranged by the outside world Yunshuizong became shaky at this moment.


In an instant,

The two resonate,

The void boils,

"This is!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes widened,

Brilliant divine light blooms,

Between the two, there is a mysterious change that is difficult to describe in words! In an instant,

The two resonate,

The void boils,

"This is!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes The brilliant divine light bloomed,

Between the two, there is a mysterious change that is difficult to describe in words! In an instant,

The two resonate,

The void boils,

"This is!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes widened,

Brilliant divine light blooms,

Between the two, there is a mysterious change that is difficult to describe in words! In an instant,

The two resonate,

The void boils,

"This is!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes widened,

Brilliant divine light blooms,

Between the two, there is a mysterious change that is difficult to describe in words! In an instant,

The two resonate,

The void boils,

"This is!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes widened,

Brilliant divine light blooms,

Between the two, there is a mysterious change that is difficult to describe in words! In an instant,

The two resonate,

The void boils,

"This is!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes widened,

Brilliant divine light blooms,

Between the two, there is a mysterious change that is difficult to describe in words! In an instant,

The two resonate,

The void boils,

"This is!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes widened,

Brilliant divine light blooms,

Between the two, there is a mysterious change that is difficult to describe in words! In an instant,

The two resonate,

The void boils,

"This is!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes widened,

Brilliant divine light blooms,

Between the two, there is a mysterious change that is difficult to describe in words!


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