on the frontier,

Fierce fighting and killing, as always.

At this time, the 100,000-mile defense line arranged by the Yunshui Sect gathered not only the cultivators of the Yunshui sect, but also many cultivators from other forces who had been driven out of their hometowns and had a **** feud with them!

At this time, the line of defense was not only gathering the forces of the Yunshui Sect,

It is also the only hiding place for the surviving monks who escaped from Yuzhou!

this day,

Boom! ! !


There is a mighty Qi machine running through the sky,

It was like a meteorite smashed on the calm lake, setting off a terrifying turbulent sea, hitting every corner of the world, as if it would turn the whole world upside down!

"What happened, what happened?!"

Many cultivators who were physically and mentally exhausted woke up from their sleep,

Looking up to the sky,

was horrified to see,

The sky on the horizon was completely dark, pitch black as ink, and the clouds as thick as a mountain surged rapidly, covering the nine heavens. Wherever they passed, everything fell into the dark abyss of despair!

endless darkness,

Like a ferocious and terrifying giant beast, it devoured a large swath of the sky,

Bring endless darkness of despair to the world!

Rolling toward the frontier front!

"How can this be!"

Countless people's hands and feet were cold, and an unstoppable chill surged into their hearts. At this moment, every inch of blood and muscles on their bodies seemed to be solidified, and their hands and feet could not move at all!


Everyone felt it, the terrifying and boundless aura that came from the endless darkness!

At this moment, the monks on the frontier, whether they are monks who are fighting against different demons on the battlefield, or the wounded who are suffering from scars and are temporarily resting at the rear,

At this moment, I felt an aura that made the world fall into the doomsday catastrophe!

Just a breath of air,

That is to make all, whether it is the true essence realm or the cave realm cultivator, or the ancestors of the Wanhua realm, at this moment, they only feel as if they have poured cold water on their heads in the middle of winter.

all over,

A piece of ice!


Deathly silence!

In the sky and the ground, the border front line that stretches for 100,000 miles, the battlefield that used to be turned upside down, has fallen into a dead silence at this moment.

no one speaks,

The fighting ceased,

At this moment, the world seems to have pressed the pause button!

"The king of different demons, the source of all the turmoil in Yuzhou, there is only the power of the realm of heaven, human and Taoist ancestors recorded in ancient books"

In the continuous battlefield,

Yan Kuangzu looked up at the dark and deep sky, moved his dry lips, and his face was bitter.

At this moment,

Standing in front of the boundless darkness that came from the horizon and swallowed half of the sky into it, he actually had a kind of fear like an ant facing the endless vast and deep space!

In front of the endless sky,

that bit of dust,


A kind of fear that penetrates deep into the bone marrow like an ant, arises spontaneously!

Even at that moment, he lost control of all his hands and feet, unable to move!

even consciousness,

Almost fell into chaos!

This made Yan Fanatic couldn't help but feel even more bitter.

I thought,

Even if he is not strong enough, if the end comes one day, he at least has the courage to throw a fist at him!

Even if it is ants shaking the sky,

But this is enough to prove his courage that he will never give in!

many years ago,

In the face of that figure that could never be surpassed, he never gave up chasing!


When the madman Yan really faced the terrifying and vast darkness in front of him,

He just found out,

His so-called courage and determination are just a joke in the face of such power!

Only the coercion of breath,

It will deprive you of your ability to resist!

"That person, has his strength reached such a terrifying level!"

Despair loomed, and death was imminent.

But at this moment,

In Yan Kuangzu's mind, what he recalled was the biggest opponent in his life, and the opponent he could never catch up with.

Not long ago, that person once confronted such a terrifying King of Alien Demons in the Black Abyss forbidden area.

and retreated.

such strength,

It made Yan Kuangzu have a deep sigh from the heart.

"Unfortunately, it can only stop here, and I can't see with my own eyes, what kind of point that guy can finally reach"

just between breaths,

The night has come, and the sky above is shrouded in darkness that devours all light!

[Human ants, kneel down! 】

The darkness that can't see five fingers, the voice full of unquestionable majesty like the gods in the wild, resounding between the heavens and the earth like thunder!

In an instant,

All the cultivators felt a tens of millions of gigantic mountains pressed down on their shoulders, pressing everyone to the ground!

At this moment,

The madman's spirit is a warning sign of madness,

He had a hunch,

In the boundless darkness, there is a terrifying will pervading, with greedy malice and ominousness.

Anyone who kneels down will be swallowed by an inexplicable force and lead into the endless dark abyss!

But the power of the Heavenly Human Daozu series that only exists in ancient books~www.readwn.com~ How can he be able to resist a little ant?

just for a moment,

His eyes fell into complete darkness!

not only him,


Not only vision, but also the five senses such as sound, smell, touch, etc. are completely plunged into a dead darkness!

Just as an endless fear devoured the hearts of all the monks, suddenly, a clear voice came from the horizon, as if a round of the great sun and scorching sun had torn apart all the darkness. It sounded in the heart of the absolutely dark monk!

"It's a big deal, but this is not the place for you to be presumptuous!"

Boom! ! !


At this moment, they are gathered on the front line of 100,000 miles, gathered from various places, and in front of dozens of millions of monks in total, the dead black curtain in front of them is like a glass that instantly shatters!

The vision returns again,

The five senses are restored again,

Countless people escaped from death, broke free from the darkness and despair, and saw the warm sunshine again,

In an instant, I was dripping with cold sweat, and there was a cold sweat behind me!

Horrified speechless!

At the same time,

I can only see above the sky,

The dark abyss that was originally shrouded in the top of the battle line and could not see five fingers was torn apart by the boundless dazzling golden light.

The whole world,

Centered on the battle line,

Divided into two halves!

While swallowing all the light, everyone feels a kind of despair in a desperate situation, and there is no line of sight in the dark world!

On the other side is the rising sun, shrouding everyone, making people only feel warm, and dispelling the warm golden divine light of pain and exhaustion!

light and dark,

Split the world in the middle!

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