Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 409: Fairy and Demon War (7)

ps: Don't subscribe yet, this is a repeat of the previous chapter. I haven't figured out how to write it yet. The last chapter is a bit watery, but this is because it's coming to the later stage. Please echo the beginning and end to improve the image of the protagonist.

This chapter is a full-time content, and the rest has not been written yet, everyone will read it tomorrow.


[Between heaven and earth, there is no love or hatred for no reason, just like you have crossed a certain remoteness, there are no monks in that country, only mortal beings, will you stop for this purpose and teach them to open up the path of cultivation? 】

The voice of the alien demon king echoed between heaven and earth.

Zhang Qingyuan's face was silent.

This question is obviously impossible.

He is not a saint,

There is no great ambition to make everyone in the world like a dragon.

In his eyes, the possibility that everyone in the world is like a dragon does not exist, because in a sense, the so-called "human like a dragon" is equivalent to everyone like a worm!

Why does everyone yearn to become a dragon?

Because the real Jackie Chan, there are only one in the billions, very few!

But when everyone becomes a dragon, the dragon will no longer be precious, and its status will be similar to that of a bug on the side of the road. At that time, people will only yearn for a higher and scarcer symbol.

Reincarnation as before.

Zhang Qingyuan saw through this very early.

In his previous life, he was also a hard-working lower-level worker, looking up at the housing prices that he could only spend his entire life on, and resented the injustice of the rich and the poor in this world.

But when he lay flat,

He suddenly discovered that his original life, in the poor era 40 years ago, was not the rich life that everyone yearned for in that era 40 years ago?

I can eat white rice every day, there is no shortage of oil and salt, and I can eat meat every meal. There are three major items in the house: TV, refrigerator and air conditioner.

That kind of life, for people of that era 40 years ago, was not the living standard of the rich developed countries they dreamed of?

At that time, the great man who made the open decision, the goal of common prosperity,

I am afraid that I have already reached it!

All of my living standards, in the eyes of people 40 years ago, have already reached the level of affluence!

The standards of poverty and wealth are relative.

Forty years ago, poverty was starvation all day long, and there was a risk of starvation to death.

Forty years later, poverty will be able to provide food and clothing, but only eat one or two meals of meat every month.


The standard of wealth 40 years ago is not the same as the standard of wealth 40 years later!


People's standards of wealth are also different.

A person who earns 3,000 a month feels poor, but when he earns 100,000 a month, he still feels poor.

Because he has reached that position, he will instinctively look up.

On the top of the head, there are more people with monthly income of tens of millions. Compared with those people, I am still very poor!

So he realized,

He felt that he understood the truth of life!

As long as there is still desire in a person's heart, he will never achieve prosperity!

And human desires can never be satisfied!

So later,

He lay flat!

As long as I have no desires, then I am rich and I can live well!

mobile phone? Just enough, why buy expensive brand-name goods? car? The traffic is so developed, if you have something to do, just take the car, the house? Why, don't you have a house in your hometown?


Zhang Qingyuan quit his hard and busy job and found a leisurely job of eight hours a day.

Don't get married, don't buy a house, don't talk about girlfriends, go out for drinks with friends occasionally, read comics and play games after get off work.

don't save money,

don't try hard,

Spend the money you earn on yourself.

A completely flat life,

Zhang Qingyuan felt an unprecedented happiness!


When I was playing games in the rental house comfortably on a rainy day,

struck by lightning,

crossed into this world.

Then began the journey in this world.

During the initial period of time-travel, Zhang Qingyuan once thought, in fact, whether his transcendence was because he was lying down too thoroughly and was completely enlightened, so God couldn't stand it anymore, so he threw himself out of the house.

Just after coming to this world,

Can't lie flat.

A flat life is built on no worries about life.

In order not to control life and death in the hands of others, in order to be able to go back and live his unfinished laying life, Zhang Qingyuan had to struggle and make progress.

So all the way to today.

Of course,

It's just a self-deprecating joke.

Is there no blood in every teenager's heart?

In the past life lay flat,

But because of that society, it is hard to see the hope of rising. Since the end result of hard work is only bruised and bruised, it is better to give up at the beginning and enjoy the moment.

But in this other world,

Perhaps there is a naked law of the jungle, the law of the jungle,

But at least to some extent,

There is the possibility of going from the bottom to the top step by step!

Especially with the proficiency panel,

You can see your own improvement and harvest time and time again!

The heart of competition in his youth was also completely activated, and then he rose up and changed his lying posture before crossing.

It is because of the experience of two lifetimes,

With that time change,

Great change in world change.

Let Zhang Qingyuan see through a lot of things.

He cannot be a saint,

Can't save the world,

Only self-cultivation.


Especially with the proficiency panel,

You can see your own improvement and harvest time and time again!

The heart of competition in his youth was also completely activated, and then he rose up and changed his lying posture before crossing.

It is the experience of being a human being in these two With the changes of the times,

Great change in world change.

Let Zhang Qingyuan see through a lot of things.

He cannot be a saint,

Can't save the world,

Only self-cultivation. Especially with the proficiency panel,

You can see your own improvement and harvest time and time again!

The heart of competition in his youth was also completely activated, and then he rose up and changed his lying posture before crossing.

It is because of the experience of two lifetimes,

With that time change,

Great change in world change.

Let Zhang Qingyuan see through a lot of things.

He cannot be a saint,

Can't save the world,

Only self-cultivation. Especially with the proficiency panel,

You can see your own improvement and harvest time and time again!

The heart of competition in his youth was also completely activated, and then he rose up and changed his lying posture before crossing.

It is because of the experience of two lifetimes,

With that time change,

Great change in world change.

Let Zhang Qingyuan see through a lot of things.

He cannot be a saint,

Can't save the world,

Only self-cultivation. Especially with the proficiency panel,

You can see your own improvement and harvest time and time again!

The heart of competition in his youth was also completely activated, and then he rose up and changed his lying posture before crossing.

It is because of the experience of two lifetimes,

With that time change,

Great change in world change.

Let Zhang Qingyuan see through a lot of things.

He cannot be a saint,

Can't save the world,

Only self-cultivation.


I have a proficiency panel chapter list https://

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