Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 410: Fairy and Demon War (8)

The terrifying impact shook the world!

In that large dark abyss, terrifying energy fills the area for hundreds of miles!

The power of Zhang Qingyuan's sword,

Even a monk in the early stage of the ancestral realm beyond the ordinary, the power that burst out is enough to inflict heavy damage on a celestial being!

Did you make it?

Zhang Qingyuan concentrated, looking at the center of the explosion in the sky alertly.


The energy storm swept across the heavens and the earth suddenly fell silent,

For a moment it seemed to pause,

Immediately after,

boom! ! !

An even greater force swept through the center of the sudden self-explosion!

The black light circulated, covering the dazzling energy shock. At the center of the explosion, a black hole appeared, and the terrifying and boundless suction burst out, and within the surrounding chaotic vacuum, the energy shock wave like a vast sea appeared. There was a sudden stagnation, and then suddenly collapsed inward, and the huge amount of energy impact was actually swallowed by that vast force!

In the chaos of heaven and earth,

It's empty!

The slender figure of the alien demon king with a gun appeared!

at this time,

The figure of the other party is suspended in the chaotic vacuum,

His aura was unremarkable, like an ordinary mortal!

But at this moment,

The warning signs in Zhang Qingyuan's heart were flickering wildly!

【First move! 】

The Alien Demon King made a dull sound, and the sound resounded throughout the chaotic vacuum.

I saw that he slowly raised the long spear in his hand, and the tip of the spear was reflected by a black light, and the sharp edge appeared, as if the chaos was cracked, and he pointed at Zhang Qingyuan!

The moment the spear was pointed at,

Zhang Qingyuan's strong and keen consciousness came with a premonition,

He is locked!

Not just a lock on breath,

It is a lock in the concept of causality!

It made him feel that,

No matter where he hides, even if he goes to the ground and escapes thousands of miles away, that shot will definitely hit!

"What kind of power is this?!"

Zhang Qingyuan was shocked,


boom! ! !

In an instant, the black spear pierced through the vacuum and suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Qingyuan!

almost like teleportation,

When Zhang Qingyuan reacted, the spear was already in front of him!

With the terrifying power of shattering all methods and collapsing the world, it came towards him!

Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrunk to the size of pinpoints.


too fast!

Before he could react, a terrifying edge had already arrived!

That shattered Wan Jun, as if the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth was also the force for it to collapse, made Zhang Qingyuan feel the horror of death crisis coming!

death comes,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't have time to think.


Instinctively, the five-element avenues of life in the body meet at this moment, turning into the Zhoutian Divine Wheel, penetrating the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, and turning into an indestructible five-element grinding wheel hundreds of feet in front, resisting the front!

at the same time,

Golden radiance erupted all over his body, and his entire body turned into the color of a glazed diamond.

The glazed golden body and the immeasurable Moko golden body exploded with all their strength,

It made his body defense almost invincible!

The defensive power that erupted at this moment, if facing the monks in the Myriad Transformation Realm, I am afraid that it is not enough to resist any of their means just by virtue of the cultivation of this body!


this moment,

What Zhang Qingyuan is facing is the alien demon king with the strength of heaven and man!


the first moment,

The millstone turned into by the Five Elements Avenue could not hold even a single breath, and it shattered instantly!

The dark light on the spear has the power to penetrate the world!

The Five Elements Divine Wheel, which was even strong enough to resist the power of the Heavenly Human Dao Ancestor series for a moment, was shattered in the blink of an eye!

terrifying sound,

Immediately implement Jiuxiao and stab Zhang Qingyuan's golden body!

when! ! !

Between heaven and earth, there was a crisp sound of gold and jade clashing!

Golden wave light ripples swept across the sky in all directions!

The thousands of miles of sky are reflected in a golden piece!

at the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure, like a golden cannonball, passed through a stream of light in the chaos, and crashed to the ground!

In an instant the earth in a radius of hundreds of miles collapsed in an instant!

The terrifying breath circulates and impacts,

Make it vacuum smashed!

[In this world, you have become enlightened, and your talent can be regarded as a title of genius among all worlds, but unfortunately, today, you will surely die! 】

The alien demon king hovered in the sky, holding the black spear that pierced through the chaos with a terrifying aura,

on the tip of the gun,

With gilded blood!

That is Zhang Qingyuan's blood!

at this time,

In the center of the pothole in the earth, the golden light on Zhang Qingyuan's body had dimmed, and a penetrating wound appeared on his left arm. The flesh and blood were opened, revealing the color of glazed and jade-like bones, and golden blood flowed out.

The golden blood drips, and each drop has a terrifying power like a thousand fingers.

The vast vastness of blood spreads out,

Shattered the void!

Above the wound, there is a black death lingering!

Stop the wound from healing!

"This strength!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan was holding a long sword, and his face was extremely solemn at this moment!

Just one blow,

He couldn't even see the opponent's attack trajectory, and was almost shot through his head and beheaded on the spot!

This is the strength of the previous opponent,

How many times has it increased? !

"It's going to be hard!"

Zhang Qingyuan let out a long sigh and said secretly in his heart.

at the same time,

【it's over! 】

In the sky, the strange demon king's calm voice fell, holding a long spear and pointing in the direction of Zhang Qingyuan again.

At that moment,

Zhang Qingyuan felt it again,

That kind is like being locked by the edge of death,

The feeling of being hit!

There are four hundred more words here.

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