Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 411: Fairy and Demon War (End)

The world is shaking, the world is shaking!

At this moment, the Yuzhou cultivators gathered here have a feeling of precariousness in their hearts!

Dozens of millions of monks gathered around,

At this moment, everyone feels that they are under that power, like a dust-like feeling!

The people around me have failed to bring me the slightest sense of security!

Even if the strength of these millions of monks is gathered,

"It's terrifying! In the face of such power, the number of people has lost its meaning!"

"Yeah, if that terrifying attack comes, I'm afraid I won't have any ability to resist it!"

Someone exclaimed,

The people around should sigh and sigh.

The power of this level is already completely above the entire Yuzhou cultivation world!

At this time,

Zhang Qingyuan, who faced this blow, was undoubtedly under even greater pressure!

The terrifying edge, as if coming from the chaos, pierced and scattered his entire soul!

Must be blocked!

The previous shot had already wounded me,

The power contained in this blow is even more terrifying than the previous one!

Supernatural Powers Great Zhoutian Five Elements Reincarnation!

Divine Ability · Taishang Destroying Divine Ability Heavenly Sword!

Yin Yang Five Elements Chaos Singularity!

The Book of Magic Immortals Six Desires Divided Magic Fingers!

Yin and Yang in one breath!

A move that shocked the nine days, with a terrifying breath, unfolded one after another with Zhang Qingyuan at this moment!

Each of these attack methods,

They are all powerful enough to hit the Heavenly Human Dao Ancestor series!

But in the face of the devastating blow from the Demon King, Zhang Qingyuan unleashed the means of pressing the bottom of the box one after another, squeezing almost every ray of mana in his body, and bursting out with unprecedented power!

Boom boom boom! ! !

One after another, the rays of light that destroyed the sky and the earth shattered the vacuum of thousands of feet and bombarded the front!

strong voice,



All the power, in front of that long spear that turned into a dragon, almost lost all the miraculousness of the past!

Five Elements Supernatural Powers, broken!

Sword art supernatural powers, yin and yang supernatural powers, broken!

Immortal method, broken!

The earth-shattering attacks that Zhang Qingyuan unleashed were all shattered by that long spear!

The dark light above the spear,

It seems to come from a higher level of power!

In front of him, the power of Taoism can't play any role at all, and it is shattered and destroyed!

The road seems to be cut off!

to destroy,

Potential like a broken bamboo!

There are no obstacles!

between breaths,

That magic spear was once again wrapped in a terrifying aura of annihilation, with a chaotic evil, terrifying power that shattered all laws, and stabbed from Zhang Qingyuan head-on!

At this time,

Zhang Qingyuan, who broke out one after another, even if the mana in his body is far beyond that of ordinary monks of the same rank, he has exhausted the mana in his body at this moment and could not recover for a while.

Watching the black gun pierce through!

If this gun hits, it will definitely pierce its head, and the dead can't die again!

In times of crisis,

Zhang Qingyuan roared, and his right hand, which was shining with golden light, reached up, grabbing the black tip of the gun between the electric light and flint.


Another crisp sound of gold and jade clashing,


Zhang Qingyuan's golden palm was directly penetrated from the middle, and the black magic spear even penetrated the bones inside, and penetrated from the shoulders of the younger generation!

Blood splattered and sprayed in mid-air,

An excruciating pain surged like a tide.

Zhang Qingyuan's face was as pale as paper,

But in the face of death,

He completely exploded his potential!

Enduring the severe pain, he swung the spear away from his head, causing the spear's attack to fall into the air!

【what? ! 】

Seeing this tragic scene, the Alien Demon King was also surprised.

【Enough! But unfortunately, it can't stop your death! 】

The second move hit Zhang Qingyuan hard again.

at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan's left and right hands were abolished,

At least under the power of the annihilation pollution and distortion, it cannot be recovered in a short period of time.

strength plummeted,

Just one more shot,

Must die!


When the demon king pulled back the black spear, he suddenly found that the spear didn't move at all!

But it was Zhang Qingyuan who used the glazed and jade-colored bones to kill the spear, and the pierced palm also endured the severe pain that ripped through the heart and lungs, and firmly grasped the handle of the gun!


The Demon King's face revealed a look of surprise, looking up,

just saw,

On the pale face of Zhang Qingyuan, who was dripping with blood, his mouth was wide open, revealing a hideous smile.

"Caught you!!!"

The alien demon king was startled, and suddenly, he felt a huge danger!

boom! ! !

behind it a chaotic vacuum,

Suddenly there was a terrifying figure that reached the level of heaven and man!

It is the **** guard puppet!

When refining the immortal stone and condensing itself to master the immortal energy, the immortal essence in the immortal stone was not completely exhausted, and the remaining immortal essence still has the ability to drive the guardian puppet to reach the level of heaven and man, and support it to cast the last one. The power to attack!

this attack,

It was Zhang Qingyuan's last hole card!

Because at the same time, on the dark armor of Shenwei Puppet, a white light lit up, but it showed the same origin as Zhang Qingyuan!

It seems that something has merged into the Shenwei Puppet!

It is another avatar of Yiqi Hua Sanqing!

At this time Through the magic of the Magic Immortal Sutra, Zhang Qingyuan's avatar and Shenwei Puppet were temporarily merged together, making him temporarily possess the power of the series of imperial envoys!

"you lose!"

words fall,

A vast and terrifying attack came from behind, and the breath shook the world!

The alien demon king immediately released the black spear, and the figure wanted to avoid dodging,



A vast and vast aura appeared, like a stalwart aura that originated from the ancient prehistoric times and surpassed the heavens!

time and space,

At this moment, it seems to be frozen!

The world stopped moving!


That is a ray of immortal energy condensed by Zhang Qingyuan's greatest achievement in this retreat!

The figure of the demon king,

At this moment, they were all suppressed and frozen for a moment.

But this moment of effort is enough!

The profound light that penetrates the sky and the earth runs through the universe, but the distribution of breath makes the chaotic starry sky of thousands of miles shattered and split at this moment, and the world seems to be split in half by terrifying power!

That ray of light seemed to be born from the endless darkness, overshadowing all the forces in the sky and the ground!

The solidified time and space are broken,

Between lightning and flint,

It is to penetrate the body of the demon king!

A terrifying force erupted,

Together with that piece of space, it collapsed and shattered, turning the entire body of the Alien Demon King into flying ash and dissipated in the heaven and earth!

Boom boom boom! ! !


Infinite Tianwei impacts the universe, sweeping across thousands of miles!

All the creatures between heaven and earth have a trembling fear!


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