Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 432: All in awe (2 in 1)


Du Zhenfu frowned and looked at the source of the voice unhappily.

I saw Zhang Qingyuan in the corner of the crowd not far away showing helplessness in his eyes,

That feeling is like trying to stay out of the way, but there is something troublesome coming to you.

"Who are you?!"

The commander-in-chief Li Zhengbang said in a deep voice, a cold light flashed in the depths of his pupils.

He rose from poverty and poverty, and being able to use his own strength to sit on the position of the governor of the East Mountain Region is the most proud event in his life.

People value official prestige the most,

Especially after bending over and bowing his head to flatter for many years in the midst of petty officials,

Now that he is sitting in the position of the chief official, he will pay more attention to whether the people below respect his authority and respect his official position!

If someone dares to offend him, and it happens that the person has no background,

That person must die horribly!

Li Zhengbang's sharp eyes swept up and down Zhang Qingyuan's body, and the surrounding air was deadly silent!

"It was under Li Feiyu, but there was no nameless scattered cultivator in a mere mountain, and I met the governor and the governor."

Zhang Qingyuan bowed slightly,

President Zhou, who didn't care about the crazy coloring on the side, said lightly:

"Do you really not care about axioms when you confuse right and wrong with black and white like this?"

There was dead silence all around,

Everyone's eyes converged on Zhang Qingyuan.

Even the princes of the imperial court seemed to be looking at fools.

when more,

It's a pity for a stunned young man!

I still remember the last time that the corrupt officials raided the place and arrested the Zhang family of Dongshan domain on trumped-up charges, chopped off tens of thousands of heads, killed thousands of people, and involved hundreds of thousands of people who were denounced as slaves and exiled to the northern barbarian land.

At that time, a young scholar was enthusiastic and came forward to scold him on the spot for corruption and perversion of the law, cruelty and inhumanity, which won the minds of everyone present.

But what was the result?

After that day, all the young scholars from the nine clans were in front of him, and he watched helplessly as all his relatives and friends were executed, and his wife and daughter were humiliated and committed suicide.

And he was hanged on the city gate, and was punished with thousands of knives every day, but there were people who used magic every day to hang his life, so that he could not survive or die.

I mourned at the city gate for a full month,

In the end, he died in a state of torture!

Since then,

In the entire Eastern Mountain Region, no one dares to offend its majesty!

There are also precedents,

Let Xiuwei, who is also at the peak of Dongzhen Realm, give up resistance completely after being accused by Wang Bao of being framed, and knowing that he will hand over more than 90% of the profits of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce in the future.

If you give up resistance, you may still be able to leave your family blood a way out.


That is the nine clans to kill!

Many people took a deep look at Zhang Qingyuan,

It was as if he saw the old scene of the cruelest torture in the world next!

"Old, adults, young people are ignorant, I hope you don't blame..."

see this scene,

Chairman Zhou groaned in his heart,

He hurriedly hurriedly bowed to the governor above and pleaded for mercy.


However, before President Zhou's words fell, Li Zhengbang, the governor of the government, suddenly burst into laughter.

As if hearing something extremely funny, the laughter shook the sky, setting off a tsunami visible to the naked eye, sweeping towards the sky in all directions!

At this moment,

In Dongshan City, many people heard this familiar and wild laughter,

There was a look of fear on his face.

The body couldn't help but groan a bit.

"Axiom? What this official said, that is axiom!"

The voice of Li Zhengbang, the governor and the governor,

word by word,

like thunder,


Full of inviolable domineering majesty,

Against the background of that official qi, it was the Emperor of Heaven who issued an unquestionable decree to the world!

It turned out to be just a stunned young man!

I thought it was someone with a deep background,

Simply ridiculous!

The governor zhenfu made a sneer,

On the gloomy face, those eyes became more and more cruel!

Li Zhengbang was able to rise from the low end and achieve the position of the governor of a region. In addition to his strength, he was also careful everywhere.

Even a seemingly ordinary person will not act rashly until he finds out the details of the other party.

After all, I thought it was just an ant, but when I photographed it, it suddenly turned into a giant dragon. It did not happen in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

This time, he also secretly investigated the Dongshan branch of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce for a long time.

Make sure that there is no talent behind Zhou Zhengbin to make a thunderous shot.

At the moment when the young man made his voice,

I thought something was wrong,

Suspicious, he also wondered if it was the backstage of the young master that Zhou Zhengbin had found.

But think carefully,

This person is not a descendant of a prince or a big man in the dynasty,

Especially the moment when Zhou Zhengbin opened his mouth to plead with him,

Make him more sure,

This person is just a mere stray from the mountains!

If that strange boy had some big-name background behind him, why would Zhou Zhengbin beg for mercy?


Then it will be fine!

In Li Zhengbang's eyes, it was all cold at the moment, and he looked at Zhang Qingyuan again, as if he was looking at a dead man!

"Crazy ministers and thieves, you should be punished! Kneel down to this official!!!"

Governor Zhenfu was furious, and his voice exploded like thunder!

In an instant,

The fortune of the dynasty turned into a giant dragon roaring, the phantom shrouded the sky, and the mighty coercion descended like a mountain and a giant mountain, pressing down on everyone present!

In an instant,

Everyone seems to have added a lot of weight on their shoulders!

The cultivator with a weaker cultivation base, his feet softened, and he knelt on the ground!


Among the people below, Zhang Qingyuan's figure remained motionless.

The mighty coercion shrouded him like a faint breeze!

Not waiting for Li Zhengbang, the governor and governor, to react,


"It's you who should kneel down!"

The faint voice is like the clear sound of a clear spring flowing in the mountains, with clear ripples.

At that moment,


The sky above Tianzhu Mountain shattered suddenly!

The supreme air is coming,

At this moment, the azure blue sky was replaced by a huge black and white yin and yang grinding disc.

At this moment,

It seems that the supreme Dao power has come to the human world, explaining all the Dao and the truth in the heaven and the earth,

The sky is broken,

Covered with darkness,

At this moment, the world seems to have fallen into the abyss of doomsday!

at the same time,

The imperial arrogance shrouded in Li Zhengbang's body was instantly shattered by a supreme terror force!

A half-step ten thousand transformation of Qi machine,

In front of the boundless power of the avenue, it is like a small wave splashed by a small stone in the galloping river, and it is drowned by the vast power in the blink of an eye!


The high platform collapsed, the rocks shattered into nothingness,

The figure of Li Zhengbang, the commander-in-chief, seemed to be pressed against his shoulders by an invisible force that could not be resisted.

"Actually, how domineering you are in this Eastern Mountain Region, how angry you are, and what you want to do, I don't even bother to come to the door."

"But why, why do you want to mess with me?"

Zhang Qingyuan stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of him, his voice faint and authentic.

Li Zhengbang knelt on the ground under the terrifying momentum, the skin on his legs burst open, blood dripping, his eyes were round, and the eyeballs were full of red, as if he was about to protrude, his face was unbelievable!

No matter what position he held in the past, what kind of high-ranking official he had achieved, and what kind of power he had accumulated, at this moment in front of this person, he was all trampled to dust!

He continued to run rampant in the Eastern Mountain Region for hundreds of years, and the Great Zhou Dynasty suppressed the prosperity of the dynasty in all directions.

At this moment, he was cut off by an incomprehensible force, and the remaining official cyclone was easily crushed into powder!

"What happened?!"

The whole world fell into dead silence at this moment.

It was different from the dead silence where Li Zhengbang suppressed the Quartet and made all the people present in fear and silence.

this moment,

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at everything in front of them, and lost their words!

"Who is he?!"

Wang Leopard's mouth could not be closed, and his whole body trembled.

Just a moment ago, he was still high above the ground and had the supreme right to judge the life and death of everyone, so that they could not give birth to the heart of resistance at all, the governor and the governor,

In the next instant, he knelt on the ground like a dead dog,

Kneel in front of that kid named Li Feiyu!

On the body of the superintendent of the governor, it seemed that a terrifying force like billions of tons was pressing down, causing him to explode with blood and unable to move!

"To be able to achieve such a level, is it possible that this person is at that level?!"

among the crowd,

Someone looked at all this in horror and murmured,

But not far away, he was extremely proud before, but in the blink of an eye, it was the Qingyang Sword Wu Fan, who was severely injured by the repression and suppression by the governor!

at this time,

He held on to his severely injured body and looked at the scene in front of him. In addition to being horrified, his heart also seemed to have knocked over a seasoning bottle, and the five flavors were mixed.

Everyone around was so shocked that they couldn't help themselves at this moment, and they didn't care about it at all.

At this time,

As President Zhou who had invited Zhang Qingyuan and experienced the journey from heaven to **** in his heart, this moment was even more terrifying, and a stormy sea broke out in his mind!

"Dharma looks like heaven and earth, Dao transforms nature, heaven and man are in sympathy, and the changes of heaven and earth are stored in a single thought. This is the realm of Dao Zun of Wanhua!"

Chairman Zhou widened his eyes and said tremblingly.

Could it be that Mr. Li, who had invited himself to the platform to make a big splash, turned out to be a powerful giant in the realm of Dao Zun of Wanhua? !

At this moment, President Zhou trembled from the bottom of his heart!

In my heart, I can't tell whether it is shock or joy!

At the very beginning, relying on his years of experience and vision as the branch president of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, he felt that Li Feiyu, who had an extraordinary bearing, was very extraordinary, and that was his talent. Moved the idea of ​​inviting him over.

In the beginning, the other party's humiliation was not frightened, and the natural and casual bearing made President Zhou feel that he was immersed in the peak of the real world for many years, and his strength stood at the peak of the real state of the cave.

Even, with the kind of momentum it shows, the hidden strength is probably not even more than the tyrant sword!

As such,

It's enough to invite him as a platform to strengthen his momentum with Ba Dao Xiang Wei.

As a result, in the conflict in the chamber of commerce, Ba Dao Xiangwei was easily suppressed by Qingyang Sword Wu Fan, and then Li Feiyu was indifferent to Qingyang Sword Wu Fan's provocation, and seemed to dare not respond.

I originally thought,

This person is not strong enough to dare to confront him.

Zhou Zhengbin couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

I just thought that the other party was just an ordinary peak of the real hole, and it might even be inferior to Xiang Wei.

It also slightly left the other side cold.


He never imagined,

This Mr. Li, who had been standing behind everyone, had no words in the previous battle, and behaved like an ordinary person, Mr. Li,

It turned out to be the existence of the Wanhua Daozun level in the legend? !

a thousand words,

At this moment, it is impossible to describe the feeling in his heart!

"President Zhou, this person is handed over to you. If you think about it, you won't blame me for rashly shooting and offending the court, right?"

When Zhang Qingyuan decided to take action,

Then it's all over!

The breath of Yin-Yang Avenue came, not only suppressing that Li Zhengbang, but also abolishing his strength.

Seeing that after the incident happened that week, the president carried it himself, and then spoke for himself. For the sake of being a good person, let's treat it as a favor and give it to him.

"How could this be? When this corrupt official identified Zhou as a chaotic thief, Zhou knew that he was going to die, thanks to Mr. Li's life-saving grace!"

President Zhou woke up with a start, glanced at Li Zhengbang, the commander-in-chief, who was unable to get up again, with a weak breath, couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and quickly thanked Zhang Qingyuan.

"This person has been an official in the East Mountain Region for hundreds of years, and he has committed many heinous crimes. This is also most deserved. The hundreds of millions of people in the entire East Mountain Region must thank Mr. Li for eliminating the harm for the people!"

between talking,

President Zhou also had a bit more sincerity on his face.

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly,

"How to deal with it is up to you to decide."

not to stop,

The figure flashed and disappeared.

The people in the place looked at each other in dismay.

"Responsiveness is true, but you can do whatever you want. This is the real powerful demeanor!" President Zhou couldn't help but feel a deep sigh in his heart.

Wandering in the world, the prince with the sword is light,

When things are done, go away and hide your merits and fame!

Although I can't go to, my heart is admiring it,

For a while, Chairman Zhou was stunned.

At the same time, an idea suddenly appeared in his heart.


After leaving, Zhang Qingyuan didn't plan to take care of what happened later.

This shot,

Nothing to care about.

The first is that Li Zhengbang, the governor's pacifier, did not say anything about his own death.

Originally referring to a deer as a horse and turning black and white, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't stand it anymore, and then he even provokes himself.

Then there is nothing to say.

not to mention,

Over the years, while Zhang Qingyuan was studying the fortunes of the dynasty, he could not help but come into contact with officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The official voice of the governor, the governor and the envoy,

Even within the system of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is hard to say anything.

All kinds of evil things that he has done, even he has heard of it.

Zhang Qingyuan has passed the impulsive age of being a chivalrous man, and in the past he was too lazy to kill the people in the past, but now, when the other party bumps into it, there is nothing to say.

To this,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't have the slightest guilt in his heart.

"Although I got into some trouble, the map is finally here!"

in the void,

Zhang Qingyuan took out the storage ring that President Zhou gave him as a reward,

I got a jade slip from it,

What is recorded in it is a map of the entire Qingzhou territory!

in the map,

And deliberately marked a place,


When he saw the punctuation on the map, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help frowning.

"How could this be..."

as if found something,

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly and muttered in a low voice.

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