Remember [New] for a second,! The overall map of Qingzhou, with its curved borders, barely looks like a pentagon shape.

Shenjing, the capital of the Great Xia Dynasty, is located in the very center of Qingzhou.


Most notably,

But it was in the northern part of Qingzhou, it was pitch black, as if a large piece had been bitten off by something!

An empty void of nothingness,

without any information,

Quietly entrenched in the north of Qingzhou.

And it is precisely where the gap is, there is the mark of President Zhou!

"The land of the gods..."

Looking at the map in his hand, Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly.

Could it be that there was a huge change in the land of the gods mentioned by Yin-Yang Immortal Venerable that year, and it finally became like this?

He didn't think that this was a small trick by President Zhou.

This kind of thing is easy to distinguish,

It only takes a little time to find the map of the whole territory of Qingzhou. If it does not match the map he gave, then you can obviously see the clue.

Since the other party has agreed to the transaction, there is no need to set any traps on it.

Then there is only one explanation,

That's how the map was originally, and the land of the gods left by the Yin-Yang Shuangzun back then is of great importance, and it is very likely that it involves something deeper!


After a moment of contemplation, Zhang Qingyuan's brows stretched out.

Yin and Yang fairy scriptures,

This is the main goal of his trip to Qingzhou.

And the place where this thing is located is very involved. It is the place of prohibition of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is very likely related to the Yin and Yang Division, one of the three major institutions of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It is obviously not that easy to obtain the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra.

Perhaps it may finally be against the Great Zhou Dynasty.


Zhang Qingyuan was not in a hurry either.

The Five Elements Immortal Sutra that he has obtained has not yet been fully comprehended. Among the Five Elements Dao, only Shui Xing has reached the end, and the other Dao has not reached the end of consummation.

It can be said that now he still has a lot of room for improvement.

Even if you get the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra now,

It cannot be transformed into his own strength in a short period of time.

There's no need to hurry,

Anyway, the meat is rotten in the pot, even if the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra in the land of the gods finally falls into the hands of the Great Zhou Dynasty, until I fully comprehend the Five Elements Immortal Sutra and cultivate the Five Elements Dao to the perfect state, then I will be considered as never before. To be promoted to heaven and man, the strength is definitely first-class in the realm of heaven and man.

At that time, the Great Zhou Dynasty was probably nothing to him.

these days,

Zhang Qingyuan also knew something about the Great Zhou Dynasty that ruled the entire Qingzhou land.

That is, although the Qingzhou Cultivation World is much more prosperous than the Yunzhou, it is not too outrageous, at least far from the level of the rumored Central Continent.

The ruler of Qingzhou, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, is the unparalleled powerhouse of the ancestors of Heaven and Humanity who has ruled the entire Qingzhou for eternity!

With its tyrannical strength to suppress all enemies, it laid the foundation for the supremacy of the Great Zhou Dynasty!

The whole Qingzhou land,

There is only the emperor of the gods who is a powerful person in the series of the ancestors of heaven, humanity and Taoism.

Of course this is on the surface,

It is not clear whether there is still Zhang Qingyuan in the dark.

But that's enough,

Even if that God-Emperor, coupled with the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty to gather all ages, Zhang Qingyuan is confident. After he has completely digested and absorbed the Five Elements Immortal Sutra, and cultivated the Five Elements Dao to perfection, he has no less than its strength!

To know that with the hole cards he has,

Long before that, he had the power to kill the gods and the ancestors of the gods, and defeat the holy Buddha of Daxumi Temple, the holy place of Buddhism in Central Continent.

If we go further on this basis,

Even if Jie Shi is not in the realm of strength, he is definitely a strong person in the realm of heaven and man!

"Don't worry, if you want to get the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra and check it out slowly, anyway, this time is just a good time for me to experience and digest the Five Elements Immortal Sutra... If I can find a way to crack the fate of the dynasty, it will be even more so. Simple..."

"Anyway, although I want to reach the peak of the world, there is no time limit. It doesn't matter if I stay in this land of Qingzhou for a hundred years, hundreds of years."

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan slowly put away the map in his hand, walked to the window, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked out into the sky with long eyes.

The sky outside was gloomy at some point.

dark clouds surging,

A dark curtain of light obscured the sky,

In the tumbling clouds, it seems that there is a dragon in it, turning the river and the sea, giving the world a very oppressive coercion, as if the wrath of the sky has descended on the world.

Zhang Qingyuan knew that,

This is because he cut off the connection between Nadu Zhenfu and the Great Zhou Dynasty's official qi and luck, which caused the boiling anger of the Great Zhou Dynasty's official qi and luck!


Afraid not only that,

I am afraid that at this time, Li Zhengbang, the governor of the governor, was completely dead.

That's why there was such a big reaction!


There was a faint light in Zhang Qingyuan's pupils, as if he saw the essence of the power of the dynasty's luck!

Under this mighty power,

He looked calm,

The boiling anger at the top of the sky is not worth the slightest concern for him.


After all, President Zhou obeyed the wishes of countless people and beheaded the governor.

He is very clear,

With the character of Li Zhengbang, who will always retaliate in discord,

If you let the other party go, you will definitely get revenge in the future. There is no possibility of an accident, and Jie Shi will definitely not escape the ruin of the family and the end of the nine clans!

If that's the case, then there's nothing to say.

Since there is no end to death, there is simply ruthlessness over there!

After venting his anger, he completely killed that Li Zhengbang!

Of course,

Although Li Zhengbang was killed by President Zhou himself,

But in this incident, no one will set their eyes on him, but almost all eyes are focused on the most important Li Feiyu!

It is naturally an unprecedented event for a regional governor to suppress his death!

The Great Zhou Dynasty sat in Qingzhou,

Divide Qingzhou into 365 domains,

The governor of each domain, UU Reading is the highest local official, in charge of the life and death of hundreds of millions of monks and people in one place!

The death of such a powerful man is naturally enough to shock the entire Great Zhou Dynasty!

The entire Eastern Mountain Region,

Even more turbulent waves!

This is no less than a big event that changes the day!

The name of Li Feiyu has spread throughout the entire Eastern Mountain Region, and even began to spread throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At the same time, countless people in the entire Dongshan Region were beating gongs and drums, displaying lanterns, and setting off firecrackers at the door. It was like a festival to celebrate the death of a cruel and corrupt official who was hated by gods and ghosts.

But the prestige of the dynasty should not be underestimated,

Everybody knows,

In the near future, the cultivator named Li Feiyu is about to face a wanted hunt by the Great Zhou Dynasty!

For this reason, many people secretly engraved rankings for him, and placed them in their homes day and night to worship them, so that the other party could escape the pursuit, and never fall into the hands of the imperial court...

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