Remember [New] for a second,! "Brother Zhou, I'm really sorry, the three hundred and sixty-five domains of Qingzhou, I wait for Dongshan to see it, it's just an insignificant chess piece, where is the qualification to contact the above?"

"Brother Zhou, although I have already reported the matter, but until now, there is still no news. I don't think the above will believe it..."

In the council hall, a man with a high crown and a Confucian dress sitting in the first seat sighed and complained to Zhou Zhengbin a while ago.

"Yeah, although this time the death of the old dog Li Zhengbang, the governor of the East Mountain Region, is a great event for us monks in the East Mountain Region, but these are also important for those big men standing at the top. But that's all."

"I heard that there seems to be a big move on it recently, and it's even more inconspicuous when I wait..."

Several middle-aged and elderly cultivators with different looks on the side also responded in a friendly manner.

"Well, since that's the case, then there's no other way."

"But no matter what, there are a few more people who can help. Zheng Bin would like to thank him here."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhengbin also sighed, bent over and bowed his hands to several people, saying thank you.

"I also ask you to help and pay more attention. If there is any news, I will notify Zhou, and Zhou will thank you here."

"Brother Zhou, why be polite, it's just a little effort."

"Yes, when I was chased by the old dog Li Zhengbang and couldn't escape, or Brother Zhou secretly helped me, how can I forget such kindness?"

After some polite talk,

Zhou Zhengbin left the hall.

The effort of the three or two meetings has already been read for several miles.

When he climbed over a mountain peak and the main hall behind him had disappeared, Zhou Zhengbin turned his head to look at the main hall behind him, which had been hidden in the mist of the mountains. He let out a long sigh, only to feel a while of dullness.

screwed up!

At the beginning, he patted his chest and assured Mr. Li that he would definitely be able to join the Feixian Alliance and become a member of the senior management.

In the end, I didn't expect that it just hit a wall at the first Dongshan meeting!

The Feixian Alliance was the name of the alliance that did not want to be severely ruled by the Great Zhou court.

It's just that the Great Zhou court never used this name, but called it a demonized name such as the Demon Gate and the Demon Dao Organization.

The Feixian Alliance has traveled all over the land of Qingzhou.

over the years,

It has been fighting against the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It is the biggest worry of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

And Dongshan Club,

It is one of the branch organizations under the rule of the Feixian Alliance.

It's just that most of the members in the Dongshan Club are from the Dongshan region.

For nearly a hundred years, with Li Zhengbang, the governor, the governor, and the governor, he wanted to oppress and plunder, causing more monks to flee the mountains and join the Dongshan Association, which greatly enhanced the strength of the Dongshan Association.

No one knows who founded Feixian Club, and no one knows the true strength of the president.

But the famous giants in the Feixian Club are all in the realm of ten thousand transformations.

Therefore, Zhou Zhengbin originally thought that once he got in touch with the Feixian Association, then with Mr. Li's strength in the realm of myriad transformations, he would definitely be able to get the attention of the high-level people of the Feixian Association, and even be enough to become a new giant in it. At that time If you want to inquire about something, it couldn't be easier.

After all, the land of Shenxu is a secret for the low-level and low-level monks, but for those at the top, it is probably nothing.


Zhou Zhengbin did all the calculations, but after all, he didn't count anyone going to have a cup of tea.

With his eyesight in business for many years, how could he not see the excuses of those in the Dongshan Society?


I am no longer the president of the Dongshan branch of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce,

It's just a cultivator who was forced to enter the peak of the ordinary cave in the deep mountains.

It is possible to fight with them for power.

When you have no interest in others, the so-called friendship is like that.

Zhou Zhengbin sighed again,

shake your head,

The figure left sadly.

In my heart, I don't know how to go back and explain to Zhang Qingyuan.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

When Zhou Zhengbin is gone,

inside the hall,

Immediately, there was an undisguised wanton laughter, and several people in the hall looked at each other with smiles in their eyes!

"Hey, this week's president is also funny. It seems that he is really panicking. This kind of words can be made up!"

Sitting on the first seat, Xue Zhenyun, a man in a high-ranked Confucian attire who is the current president of the Dongshan Association, smiled and said with an undisguised contempt in his eyes.

"This is not surprising. Although our president's realm this week is said to be the peak of the legal realm, it is actually just a medicine jar piled up with resources. The real strength may be very difficult to deal with a middle-level legal realm. Now he Abandoning one's foundation, joining our Dongshan Club, and trying to find a way to increase one's worth is the most normal."

Below is a burly man with a red upper body and an iron tower with dragon and tiger tattoos on his majestic arms, disdainful.

This person's name is Deng Long, and he was born in a loose cultivator. He used his own skills to fight all the way to the realm of the late legal realm.

For Zhou Zhengbin's combat power accumulated by relying on wealth, he naturally looked down on it at all.

"Comparable to a young man in the realm of Wanhua Dao Venerable, hey, he dares to say this, I have a chance to consider whether that kid really has such strength!"

Deng Long held my broad palm, feeling the majestic power contained in it, his eyes flickering, and he said proudly.

Given that he is not at the late stage of the legal realm, he can have a place here, and naturally he has extremely good strength!

There are not many people who can beat him in the field. For ordinary people, it is one of the giants of the Dongshan Club.

This is his pride,

Rising from a young age,

Because there is no family background, the hardships and hardships suffered since childhood are far more than others.


It also made him extremely unhappy with those who were promoted by their family background, or who were famous for their fame and reputation.

At this time, some thoughts were already born in my heart.

"Hey, I'm only three or five hundred years old, and I dare to say that it is comparable to the realm of Wanhua Dao This week's president is worthy of being a businessman. I think he wants to sell the old lady Wang who was in business in the past. Means, use it on me!"

Another old man, leaning on crutches and sworn in with beard and hair, said with a smile.

"I also heard about that incident. At that time, Wu Fan, the sword of Qingyang, was on the spot. I think that Li Laogou suppressed Wu Fan in order to kill chickens and monkeys. The support of the real is just the strength of the middle and late stages of the legal realm revealed, just by that kid taking advantage of the situation, so I can kill him!"

"I didn't see the situation clearly, so I took the credit for myself, but I'm another person who made a name for myself!"

Another middle-aged man with a face in soap clothes and a Chinese character responded with a cold smile on his face.

"Qingyang sword Wu Fan, that is the existence ranked on the Dragon and Phoenix List. A clown who does not know jumped out of that corner, dares to take the lead? Humph! Find a chance to expose the face of that shameless villain. !"


For a nameless person who ran out of an unknown ravine,

They obviously trust Tianjiao on the Qingzhou Dragon and Phoenix List even more!

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