Not to mention how Zhou Zhengbin would explain to Zhang Qingyuan,

But said the other side,

After getting Zhang Qingyuan's approval, Lin Hao left the stronghold, went into the mountains to practice, and looked for opportunities.

While honing your skills,

He also gradually found some miraculousness of the fate-defying technique that Mr. Li taught him.

That is, after using this secret technique, within a short period of time, he will become lucky. He has encountered cherished heaven and earth spirits in the mountains several times. After refining it, he has improved himself. Strength.

But at the same time,

The consequence is that luck will deteriorate for a period of time,

Not only is it likely to get nothing,

In addition, he often encounters dangers, such as falling into a trap while walking, being attacked by monsters behind him, etc., one after another, until the exhausted gas luck recovers, and everything returns to normal.

What a magical method!

Lin Hao couldn't help but admire this from the bottom of his heart.

Relying on the rules of this discovery, Lin Hao searches for treasures every time he casts a secret technique when his luck is overwhelming, and when his luck is low, he sticks to a temporarily opened safe place to deal with incoming monsters.

As such,

On the contrary, it made his experience extremely smooth, and his cultivation has improved a lot in a short period of time, reaching the sixth level of Ling Yuan.

this day,

Lin Hao used the Destiny Destiny Technique as before, and found a thousand-year-old Vermillion Fruit.

It's just that although the vermilion fruit is not guarded by monsters, it grows between extremely dangerous cliffs, and between the cliffs of the canyon, the wind is cold, and there are traces of cold and horrifying Yin Qi, Lin Hao finally spent a lot of money. It took a little effort to pick up that thousand-year-old vermilion fruit.


Before the joy in his heart fell,

Not far from the sky behind him, suddenly there was a greedy scream.

"Good boy, how dare you take my Zhu Guo, let it go!"

The voice resounded in the sky,

in an instant,

Lin Hao groaned in his heart,


Time is up!

During this period of attempts, Lin Hao knew very well that this Heaven-Defying Fate Technique was indeed powerful, but the backlash that followed was not weak!

How great is the chance you get through it, so how great is the danger in the later period of time!

Follow the law of equivalent exchange that you must pay for what you want to get!

Originally, Lin Hao had already prepared a safe place to spend the time when his luck was low.

But what he didn't expect was,

The terrain where the thousand-year-old vermilion fruit was located was extremely steep. It took a long time to pick it up. It directly passed the period when the luck was growing, and entered the stage where the luck was weakening!

With such a great opportunity as a thousand-year-old vermilion fruit, the following dangers may not be small!

"Your Zhuguo, what do you mean by this? Treasures of heaven and earth are naturally raised, and naturally it is first come, first served!"

Lin Hao casually took the Millennium Zhuguo income and turned around, looking at the few people behind him with a gloomy expression.

three in total,

They are all young monks with feather crests and white coats,

The aura headed by him was at the seventh level of Lingyuan, with a handsome face and a hint of pride between his brows.

The two people behind them were one fat and one thin, the fat one was at the fifth level of Lingyuan, and the thin monkey was at the sixth level of Lingyuan.

Lin Hao's heart sank even more.

"You **** your mother! Senior Brother Zhuguoshu discovered that tree ten years ago. He has come to water and fertilize it day and night for many years just to wait for it to mature. Now that one was stolen by you, he was embarrassed to argue. !"

A sly look flashed in the thin monkey man's eyes, and he scolded righteously.

"That's right, let's put down Senior Brother's Zhu Guo!"

Another fat cultivator responded in harmony.

And the young monk at the head,

Hearing that the two followers behind him were talking like this, they didn't say anything, just fanned the fan in their hands leisurely, and looked down at Lin Hao, who was not far away, with arrogant eyes.

at the same time,

In the depths of his eyes, a murderous intent flashed away.

Although there are ready-made excuses for all this, if this matter is publicized, it will be bad for their Deng family's reputation. Taking advantage of the wilderness here, it is better to kill them directly.

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through the young cultivator's mind.

And the fleeting murderous intent in his heart was also keenly captured by Lin Hao!

"If you want to add a crime, there is nothing to worry about. If you want to grab it, you can just shoot it. Why do you pretend to be so pretentious!"

Knowing that he could not avoid this scene, Lin Hao stopped talking nonsense and shot with a bang!

Lin Hao, who was dressed like a farmer in a short robe, suddenly burst out, looking forward to flying, his eyes were like electricity. At this moment, the whole person seemed to be transformed into a fierce tiger that came with the wind and clouds!

Boom! ! !

Its momentum is like a tiger descending the mountain, and between the electric light and flint, five fingers turn into claws, and the head of the cultivator Deng headed is shot like a mountain!

Lin Hao was able to be taught by Zhang Qingyuan. Although at the basic stage, Zhang Qingyuan didn't teach him too much in mysterious places, nor did he teach him any advanced martial arts, just ordinary ones such as Tiger Fist, Hemolytic Bone Forging Fist, etc. basic martial arts.

But who is Zhang Qingyuan?

The strength is already comparable to the extreme existence of the ancestors of heaven and human beings.

Under his eyesight, if Lin Hao has any problem, he can point it out at a glance.

And Lin Hao was also precocious because of the hard life in his youth. After taking care of housework every day, he continued to practice the martial arts taught by Zhang Qingyuan, coupled with the use of the fate-defying technique, which made him a fierce tiger. In a moment, it was already close to the transformation realm, and it actually produced the artistic conception of a ferocious tiger!

The tiger roars,

A loud noise like thunder exploded in the ears of the three!

Lin Hao did his best,

The three of them didn't notice for a while, and they stood there, deterred by the roar of the evil tiger!


The young man surnamed Deng with the highest cultivation base was the first to react, his breath condensed into a pale white shield of light, blocking the The tiger claws wrapped in a thousand-thousand-thousand-force force, scold the wind and thunder, ruthlessly bombarded on the light shield,

In an instant, the light shield shattered, and the aura exploded in the sky,

The young man surnamed Deng was directly knocked into the air, and the swept air swept away the fat and thin cultivators around him!

"Very good, boy, I remember you Deng Yunian! You wait for me!"

Injured by one blow, Deng Yunian spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Lin Hao with a look of resentment.

But he was not overwhelmed by anger,

The boy's blow had already hit him hard,

Turn around and run away,

And the fat and thin cultivator, seeing this scene, also showed a look of astonishment, did not dare to stay any longer, and ran back and ran away.

Lin Hao stood there, staring at the disappearing figures of the three, and remained silent.

It's not that he doesn't want to catch up and cut the weeds,

but the blow,

It has exhausted all his strength!

If it wasn't for the three of them being stunned by their desperate blow, I'm afraid it's me who will die next!


After all, he was betting right.

These people who obviously look like aristocratic families will not be fools who are easily overwhelmed by anger, and they will not bet their lives on others!

At this moment,

Lin Hao's body almost went limp.

just at the same time,

There was also a worry in his heart.

I hope,

It won't cause any further trouble.

A certain worry is gone in a flash,

but soon left behind,

Even if you get into trouble, there's nothing you can do.

Now is not the time to think about that.

As the spiritual power in the body recovered, the figure flashed and quickly left the place.


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