It was a scene that is difficult to describe in words.

Accompanied by that small black beam of light penetrating the universe, the sky and the earth suddenly dimmed at that moment, and the surrounding light was swallowed up by large swathes.

Centered on that black line,

Around a hundred miles of heaven and earth,

Suddenly fell down!

The whole world seems to usher in the ultimate catastrophe,

The sky, the earth, the soil, the peaks, the forests... everything seems to have been erased from the source by some kind of supreme power!

Like a long scroll of reality, erased from the paper by an eraser!

All that remains is a **** hole,

The darkness that can't see five fingers!

It devoured the brilliance of everything in the sky and the earth, turning it into a terrifying crack that runs through the sky and the earth and extends to the unknown abyss of hell!

Immediately after,

An even greater impact erupted!

The terrifying storm that was enough to destroy the space shook the sky and swept across the eight deserts and Liuhe. The large mountain peaks collapsed, the earth collapsed, the tall ancient trees were uprooted, and they were strangled and smashed by the airflow in the air!

I don't know how many pieces of heaven and earth were crushed by the violent impact, and the entire East Mountain Region shook violently!

Countless people raised their heads in awe, their eyes turned to the direction of the impact, and they felt the overwhelming aura of destruction, and their faces showed an unprecedented look of shock!

"What the **** happened?!"

"It is rumored that not long ago, the imperial army in the East Mountain Region was mobilized and traveled in secret. Is this to deal with a big man?!"

"Hey! This kind of momentum, I'm afraid it's not the Dao Zun giant of the Wanhua series shot!"

The sects, noble families, and the powerhouses of the major forces in the cultivation world of the Eastern Mountain Region all flew out one after another, leaping into the sky, staring at the edge of the sky in awe, the terrifying momentum of the storm that swept across like a tsunami!

Feeling the chaos, as if the avenue of heaven and earth had been broken,

They couldn't help but take a deep breath!

At the same time,

In the more distant Shenjing, the positive and negative hands stood on the sky platform detached from the earth, looking up to observe the dark and deep infinite stars on the top of the Yin-Yang Master, his eyebrows suddenly moved, as if sensing something.

He lowered his gaze and looked at the map of the whole territory of Qingzhou shrouded in a dense network, shrouded in a faint light, intertwined by lines of fine light.

On this map, just like the map of Qingzhou obtained by Zhang Qingyuan, a black hole appeared in the north.

It's like being bitten by something!

The lines that were densely intertwined into a network also disappeared in that area.

However, the Lord of Yin and Yang did not set his sights on the gap that represented the land of Shenxu.

but to the south,

Among the three hundred and sixty-five areas divided, a line in the south was broken!

The Master of Yin and Yang closed his eyes,

Followed by some kind of induction,

"The breath of the unfamiliar Wanhua Dao Zun, and he is also the powerhouse among the Wanhua Dao Zun..."

After a while,

Lord Yang opened his eyes, and there was a pattern of yin and yang flowing slowly in the pupils of both eyes, as if the halo at the end of the avenue was flowing, explaining the unfathomable meaning.

at this time,

He frowned slightly and whispered.

"Is it an alien existence? It seems that it is necessary to investigate carefully..."


almost at the same time,

Somewhere in the secret realm of Dongtian, a fairy-like old man wearing a blue robe and sitting cross-legged on a white jade futon also opened his eyes, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"In this way, there is another Taoist friend, very good!"

"Emperor Zhou is cruel and unkind, and he has been doing evil for many years, and he should be destroyed. One more fellow Taoist is more powerful!"

between talking,

Lao Dao's figure flashed, and he was already floating away.


Zhang Qingyuan's blow shook the world, and it was already perceived by the major monks in the Qingzhou realm, and there were various reactions among them.

But all of this has little to do with the monks who gathered in Shangshan at this time.

At this time, in the eyes of the monks who were lucky enough to survive,

A huge and terrifying crack abyss appeared, extending to the sky with no end in sight!

Void is collapsed for it,

Chaos pervades the air,

All the light in the sky and the earth has been swallowed up, and there is a black hole that can't be seen.

In the monstrous Ying Changkong in the East Mountain Region, if he couldn't even resist the slightest bit, he was completely wiped out!

An army of half a million,

The large area that resisted the front was swept away,

As the sky and the earth were wiped from the world by terrifying power, nothing was left behind!

At this moment,

The whole world is dead silent,

not a single sound,

The scene in front of them made everyone present with their hearts and guts torn apart, countless people's faces were white, and boundless fear rose deep in their hearts!

"This this!!!"

At this moment,

The people present still don't know, the nameless boy who has never drilled out of the ravine in front of him must be the legendary Taoist giant in the realm of myriad transformations!


He is still the absolute powerhouse in the realm of Wanhua Dao Zun!

You must know that the main image of the sky in the East Mountain Region is to mobilize the luck of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the territory, and the strength is no longer under the ten thousand changes.

The 500,000 elite army under his command is enough to resist the attack of the realm of ten thousand transformations!

However, even so,

When that person is over there,

The other party just raised his finger slightly,

Ying Changkong and the army of 300,000 people who were standing in front of them were completely wiped The army that remained in the surrounding formation was all stunned in place at this moment, and then every soldier took a breath. Cold air, looking at the vast expanse of sky and earth that turned into nothingness in front of him, his body couldn't help shaking, and an overwhelming fear of death enveloped his heart!

Whether it was the imperial soldiers who came from the siege or the surviving Dongshan monks, countless people were trembling.

To the originator of all that,

Zhiruo faced the world-destroying gods and demons that descended on the human world, boundless fear surged up, drowning reason.

"Wait, do you still want to fight?"

Seeing the remaining imperial army and the monks of the imperial court standing in place, Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly, and a faint voice filled every corner of the world.

until now,

The remaining troops around and the monks of the imperial court just reacted.

with a bang,

Countless people only hated that their parents had lost two legs and ran away to the outside world.

Even the cultivator of Dongzhen Realm, who has high eyesight in ordinary people, was trembling at this moment, completely frightened by that scene, and ran away in fear.

in the blink of an eye,

The army of the imperial court that came with the monstrous weather and wanted to besiege and exterminate the largest rebel organization in the East Mountain Region has since collapsed!

At this time,

Countless eyes converged on him, shocked, complicated, adored, and different from each other.

As for the high-level giants who had been escorted and scolded loudly, scolding the two of them who would bring disaster to Dongshan, at this moment, their complexion was as pale as paper, their feet were trembling, and their body was almost paralyzed.

this moment,

They recalled the feeling of bewilderment and lack of masters when they offended big men when they were weak!

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