
Dongshan Club resident,

Inside the Bookstore.

In the past, the books and classics of the several giants of the Dongshan Society in the past were all confiscated and gathered here, allowing Zhang Qingyuan to watch and browse.

This is undoubtedly something that even the previous leaders of the Dongshan Association have not been able to accomplish.

But under Zhang Qingyuan's light words, he took the initiative to send them over. When the high-level executives left, they were still trembling, for fear that Zhang Qingyuan would get angry and run them to death on the spot!

After not getting any response from Zhang Qingyuan, he went back in a cold sweat, all feeling uneasy, frightened, and anxious all day long.

have to be afraid,

In front of the Shangshan station, the originally boundless and dangerous mountain forest of monsters disappeared, and the earth was split into a terrifying rift valley that has spread for thousands of years and tens of thousands of miles!

through the earth,

Bottomless, as if going straight to the abyss of hell!

Zhiruo left a shocking scar on the boundless earth!

no doubt,

This is the existence of the real Dao Zun giant in the realm of myriad transformations!

Every time I think of the previous targeting of that person by myself and others, as well as the insults I made not long ago, the senior leaders of the Dongshan Association can't wait to give themselves a slap.

Regret that the intestines are blue!

Think about it instead,

If they are treated like this by the cultivators of the True Yuan realm,

There will be no hesitation at all,

Directly raise the other's ashes!

that person,

How will you deal with yourself and others?

The big figures of the Dongshan Society who returned to their caves all looked sad and felt a sense of impending disaster every day.

Even in the entire Shangshan station, the remaining Dongshan monks are shrouded in a strange atmosphere.

And the unease of the top management of Dongshan Association,

As Zhang Qingyuan who caused all this, he didn't know, or rather, he didn't care about it at all, but focused his energy on the records of the many classics in front of him.

"The Great Zhou Dynasty is still related to the Central Continent Cultivation World?"

Among the many classics, the exercises, techniques, and martial arts related to cultivation are all recorded on the proficiency panel and turned into resources for his own growth.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's current state, various methods have already surpassed the limitations of such attack methods as techniques and martial arts.

The supernatural powers mastered are not what ordinary people can imagine.

But every technique, every martial skill, contains the thoughts and ideas of different creators.

these ideas,

Undoubtedly, in some aspects of his practice, it brought him other inspirations.

As the saying goes, the sea is inclusive of all rivers, and tolerance is great. Zhang Qingyuan was able to get to the point where he is today, and in the past days, he paid attention to collecting all kinds of cultivation books, sorting them out, and accumulating a very solid knowledge base.

In addition to these cultivation books, Zhang Qingyuan also obtained some useful information from some ancient records.

After all, it is an organization that has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is also related to the Feixian League, the largest anti-thief organization in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

Although the Dongshan Association is not big, it is not clear why the land of the gods has become a taboo that the Great Zhou Dynasty cannot even mention. That place to the north is missing a big chunk.

But the information that once happened on the edge is still recorded.

About five thousand years ago,

That is to say, there was a huge change in the forbidden area of ​​​​God Ruins, and the Qingzhou Cultivation Realm was also hit hard. According to rumors, even the Great Zhou Divine Emperor who achieved Heaven and Human Dao Fruit was the period of heavy damage and fall.

before that,

Great Zhou Dynasty,

Once held a grand welcome banquet!

At that time the court granted amnesty to the world,

In Shenjing, the lanterns were decorated for hundreds of thousands of miles, the jade dishes, the dragon's liver and the chicken's feet had exhausted the accumulation of the court for hundreds of years, and an unprecedented grand banquet was held.

The well-informed elders of the major sects who attended the meeting were all shocked.

And rumors,

The purpose of that feast was to welcome the messenger from a certain imperial holy place in Central Continent.

The rumor seems to be a marriage or something,

It is unknown because of the time period.


The name of the imperial shrine from Central Continent was recorded.

Because at that time, the flags and flags covered the sun for thousands of miles along the way, and the gods covered the sky.

It is decorated with an ancient text full of endless boundless air——


That was the name of that dynasty from Central Continent!

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes couldn't help but glow faintly.

this name,

I am not unimpressed.

Yuzhou, the leader of the Desolate Heaven Sect, Ning Bufu, seems to be from the Great Desolate Dynasty in the cultivation world of Central Continent, and it is still suspected to be the legacy of the royal family!

these messages,

It was Zhang Qingyuan who learned from his incomplete memory after beheading Ning Bufu!

"The Great Wilderness Dynasty, is it the same Central Continent Holy Land power as the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty in this record?"

Think of the ancient road that leads directly to Qingzhou,

And some hidden memories in Ning Bufu's mind,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but be suspicious.


Back then, Ning Bun died too quickly, and all the secret memories in his mind were banned.


There are four hundred more words here.

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