"His Excellency has come from a long way, and the juniors and others have lost their way, so please don't blame me!"

Wearing a white long gown, the girl with a delicate face and a capable temperament stood in the hall, one hand on her chest, bowed her head and bowed in the direction of Zhang Qingyuan, and the sound of wind chimes echoed in the surrounding hall space, making the whole The air in the hall is all new.

"People from the Feixian League?"

Zhang Qingyuan held a jade slip in his hand, and his spiritual sense carefully browsed the information in it, but did not turn his eyes away, and his voice was indifferent.

"That's right, this junior is ordered by the above to come to your door to make amends for you."

The girl's head is lower,

There was also a fierce look on her beautiful face.

"Those idiots who deserved to die for their crimes, did not talk about important matters in the alliance, and dared to speak rudely to the venerable. The juniors have already abolished the cultivation of those idiots and put them in prison. !"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly,

But didn't say anything.

In fact, he never paid attention to the provocation of the ants.

But if you want to let go of the previous suspicions and plead for those people, it is impossible.

Let them do as they please,

did something wrong,

always be punished.

When he got to the realm where stomping his feet like this could make one party's cultivation world shake, even if he didn't show anything, the people below would take the initiative to solve all the troubles for him.


It was also Zhang Qingyuan who took the initiative to avoid many troubles back then.

The reason for practicing single-mindedly and improving one's own strength.

"It happens to be a bit tired of staying in this place. Since you are from the Feixian League, let's lead the way. Zhang has been here in Qingzhou for a few years, and the name of the Feixian League is very familiar."

Taking back the jade slip in his hand, Zhang Qingyuan said indifferently.

In the line of Dongshanyu, I have taken everything that I should take, and I have completed the improvement of everything that should be improved. As far as I can see, I can't find any benefit, so I simply leave.

Although he has not yet fully digested the Five Elements Immortal Sutra, he has no such urgent desire for the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra.

But the gains over the past few days have made Zhang Qingyuan understand that the more contact with the outside world, the deeper the accumulation, the broader the knowledge, and the faster the digestion of the Five Elements Immortal Sutra!

Feixian League,

This might be an excellent springboard.

not to mention,

This is the largest anti-thief organization in Dazhou.

Being able to fight against the Great Zhou Dynasty for so long, he must know a lot of secrets.

Make up for the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra on the last floor of Chaos Avenue, maybe it should be on it!

"Zhang? Isn't this Venerable's real name Li Feiyu?"

The girl who lowered her head and maintained a respectful salute suddenly had such a thought in her mind, but there was no change in her face, she was still respectful as usual.

"I don't know if the venerable can tell me the title of honor, so as not to collide with the next person in the future."

"This seat Qingxuan, you can spread it out."

"Yes, Dao Zun Qingxuan!"


After a few days,

On an inconspicuous hill near Shangshan,

Zhou Zhengbin, Lin Hao and his sister on the side raised their heads, silently watching the streamer light in the sky.

"Boy, why didn't you follow Mr. Zhang and leave with him? You must know that Mr. Zhang is the legendary Taoist in the realm of ten thousand transformations. Staying by Mr. Zhang's side, ordinary cultivators look up to the realm of the cave all their lives, and it's just a matter of leisure for you."

It was not until Zhang Qingyuan and his party left for a long time that Zhou Zhengbin withdrew his complicated gaze.

turn your head,

Seeing the two brothers and sisters Lin Hao who had packed up their belongings and were about to leave together, they couldn't help asking out of curiosity.

In his opinion,

This little devil in front of him can establish a relationship with a Taoist in the realm of ten thousand from a poor person. Although he does not have the name of master and apprentice, he has the reality of master and apprentice. This is simply the eighteenth generation of ancestors in the previous life. Good luck!

How can you give up and follow that one side together?

He decided to stay because he had already given up on breaking through to a higher level. He spent a lot of heaven and earth to be promoted to the peak of the cave realm. He has cut off his future path and will not follow him. How many benefits are there.

What's more, without strength, it is not easy to stay in Feixian League.

I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail,

Anyway, the one who engraved all his instructions on himself in a jade slip and gave it to him. In the next time, the order will study the instructions carefully, which is enough to make his strength leap greatly. The strength of the pinnacle of the real world.

So they didn't follow along.

But what about this kid?


Under the guidance of that person, the foundation is uncertain, the foundation is strong, and the future has infinite possibilities.

Just stay with that one,

With that kind of incense, and with the help of that person, the future achievement hole reality is simply within reach!

Such a good opportunity, this kid actually gave up!

This is really incomprehensible.

You must know that even he himself was full of twists and turns when he first broke through to the realm of Dongzhen.

The threshold of that step,

It's not that easy to get through.

"Mr. has a high level of realm, and what he has to do is also an earth-shattering event. The boy's cultivation base is low, and he can't help him. If he doesn't say anything, it will only drag him down."

"Mr. has already taken care of me a lot, and I don't want to cause trouble to Mister."

Lin Hao looked at the direction where the streamer disappeared from the sky and shook his head.

He went through many hardships in his youth, which made him more precocious than ordinary people~www.readwn.com~ During these days of getting along, Lin Hao also knew that Mr. Just enough to blow yourself away.

He hadn't forgotten that scene that day.

not to mention,

With the self-defeating technique, he is more suitable for roaming outside.

this moment,

Lin Hao couldn't help but see the scene of saying goodbye not long ago. When he was about to say goodbye, he couldn't help asking when the other party would meet.

The gentleman just smiled faintly. When he reaches the peak in the future, he will naturally have the opportunity to meet again.

And the gentleman seems to have no doubts about whether he can reach that legendary realm.

"thank you teacher!"

Lin Hao said secretly in his heart.

At the same time, he secretly set a grand goal in his heart. He must climb the legendary realm in the future, and only then can he be qualified to perform the ceremony of a disciple in front of the master!

The strong foundation laid by his husband for his fate-defying technique, these are the foundations for his future rise.


It's just a rise in strife.

"If you don't have a place to go for a while, just follow me first. Anyway, after this incident, the imperial court can't take care of us anymore, but we can't stay here. Fortunately, the fairy from the Feixian League, He gave me a token to contact another organization in the alliance, and I can settle down for a while in the past."

For some reason, Zhou Zhengbin was shocked.

I vaguely feel that this child will be extraordinary in the future!

It is indeed the existence of the realm of all transformations,

The provocative eye is also unusual.

Immediately spoke up.

"That's the real trouble."

Lin Hao thought for a while, then thanked him.

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