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ps: Don't subscribe yet, there are still a thousand words to write.


Ten days later,


Thousands of mountains rise and fall one after another, endlessly,

A gigantic spaceship lit up with a faint white aura, broke through the heavy and heavy clouds on the top, leaped out of the sea of ​​clouds, and landed on a towering mountain that rose straight into the sky.

"Hahaha, there are friends coming from afar, what is it! Welcome Daoist Qingxuan to visit!"

A hearty voice resounded through every inch of space in the sky and underground, with a kind of coercion that made the space like a glass wall, overwhelmingly surging towards the spaceship.

At the top of the mountain, an old man in a Taoist robe led several people, his eyes flickering, and he was welcoming Zhang Qingyuan's arrival.


Feeling the eager provocation of Lao Dao, Zhang Qingyuan raised his brows.

"I take the liberty to visit, and please forgive me!"

The dull sound swayed between the voids, causing the vacuum to have faint ripples at this moment. At the same time, in the silence, an invisible and intangible power spread out. The rolling pressure from the old-fashioned voice instantly melted away like the scorching sun and sunshine encountered by ice and snow!

on the bow,

As a guide, the girl named Ning Qing saw the familiar mountain, her mind relaxed at this moment, and she didn't notice the invisible confrontation around her.


The old Taoist headed by him couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

That day, he was able to perceive the momentum of this person's destruction of the sky and the earth at a distance of hundreds of millions of miles, and let him know that the cultivator of the Wanhua realm who appeared here was definitely extraordinary, and it might even be a heaven-level Wanhua!

That's why he personally went out and brought people to greet him.

if not,

How can an ordinary cultivator in the realm of Wanhua be worth so much fanfare?

You must know that the monks of Wanhua Dao Zun are for the countless living beings in Qingzhou to see the beginning and the end of the dragon, and look at the entire Qingzhou land as a rare existence.

But for their level, it is not uncommon.

what kind of people,

What level of monks are you in contact with?

Looking at the existence of millions of Taoist realms in Qingzhou, as a heaven-level Wanhua, he is already a powerful giant in the realm of Wanhua Taoist realm, and he is also the deputy leader of the Feixian League, which is worthy of him. Going out to meet you in person is even more of a handful!

Unless it is Wanhua, who is of the same rank of heaven, what a joke if you want him to go out to greet him!


When they actually met, Xiaoyao Laodao's evaluation of Zhang Qingyuan took it to a new level!

This hand that wiped out the will in his voice lightly, is not something that ordinary monks who can reach the level of heaven and ten thousand transformations can compare.

Even if you look at the sky, he is definitely a strong one!

Xiaoyao Laodao froze in his At the same time, his eyes twinkled, and a brighter smile appeared on his old face.

If so,

The possibility that this person is a spy used by the Great Zhou Dynasty to infiltrate the Feixian League is even lower!

"The strength of fellow daoists is really extraordinary. Looking at the entire Qingzhou land, the number of fellow daoists who can surpass them is probably no more than one-handed!"

Xiaoyao Laodao smiled and said,

The voice and willpower of the original temptation also quickly disappeared into nothing, as if nothing had happened.

"People from the Black Ice Terrace of the Zhou Dynasty are all-pervasive, so Lao Dao tried to test one or two. Lao Dao apologized here, and please don't take offense!"

between talking,

Xiaoyao Laodao bowed to Zhang Qingyuan and apologized.


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