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Although the Great Zhou Divine Emperor has not walked out of the Divine Capital for many years since the great change five thousand years ago.

But that doesn't mean that people outside don't know him!

As the founding **** emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he has survived for ten thousand years. It is rumored that there is an existence at the end of the cultivation path of the ancestors of heaven and human beings.

Its own statue is based on every inch of land in the three hundred and sixty-five domains of the entire Qingzhou land!

It can be said,

Whether it is the Taoist in the realm of myriad transformations, or the monk in the real cave, all of them have grown up watching his face!

So at the moment when that phantom appeared in the world,

In no time, everyone recognized the identity of that figure!

such a person,

Why is it here!

this moment,

Countless people's hearts were shaken violently, and storms were set off in their hearts!


Why is that one here!

And the one who stood at the top of the Qingzhou Cultivation Realm, is the only existence of the Heavenly Human Dao Ancestor in the entire Qingzhou Cultivation Realm, and who is he fighting? ! !

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Is it possible that in Qingzhou, has there been an existence that can compete with the legendary ancestors of heaven and humanity?

A group of Taoists in the realm of myriad transformations stared at the collapsed sky,

I want to take a closer look at what's going on inside!

When they reach their realm, it is difficult to gain an inch of strength. For many years, there are many Dao Zuns in the realm of Wanhua who have not made progress in half a step.


Located at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, and suppressing the entire Qingzhou land for an era, the existence that almost existed in myths and legends personally took action.

No matter who his opponent is,

in battle,

If you can get a glimpse or two of it,

It's definitely a great benefit!

"The confrontation between heaven and man is really a rare sight for thousands of years!"

In the ears of Taoist Master Xuanqing, a sigh of emotion suddenly sounded.

I don't know when

The white-haired and white-haired Baiyun Guan Guanzhu appeared beside him, and his deep eyes were also looking at the dark sky, and he cried out with emotion.

"Yeah, three thousand miles away, that terrifying air machine that runs through the heavens and the earth and shakes the sky can be clearly sensed here!"

"The center of the confrontation is the silence of death. The laws of heaven and earth are broken, so that the whole world is in darkness that swallows all the light!"

Taoist Master Xuanqing murmured in a low voice, but his eyes never shifted.

Even if that day's popularity was the scorching sun, which burned the eyes and damaged the soul, the Taoist Master Xuanqing had never diverted his eyes at all.

At this time, behind him, Duanmu Yun and several other monks in the real world had already left a line of blood and tears in their pupils, so they could not help but close their eyes.

This is the price of looking directly at the supreme brilliance of the Human Dao Ancestor that day!


Undoubtedly, Daoist Xuanqing had a shock in his heart!

Just the air machine that escapes is unbearable!


What kind of terrifying situation would the real power of heaven and man be!

"It's just the distribution of qi, that has such terrifying consequences, what kind of realm is heaven and man, heaven and man?!"

At this moment,

This Taoist Xuanqing, who ranks among the top cultivators of the Qingzhou Wanhua level, shed tears and couldn't help closing his eyes.

"Heaven, that is naturally the supreme existence standing in the midst of the extremities, but what Pindao is very curious about is that with the strength that this person is showing now, it probably won't take much effort to level the Feixian League. , But why, Feixian League has existed for so long, and the headquarters mountain gate stands brightly on the cliff of the sea, but it has not been destroyed?"

Baiyun Guan Guanzhu looked at the shocking battlefield, and his eyes became darker at this moment.

It's just a pity,

The person who caused all this is sure to die.

Great Zhou Divine Emperor,

That was the terrifying existence that came from Central Continent, founded the Great Zhou Dynasty and ruled Qingzhou for ten thousand years!


Although the Great Zhou Divine Emperor has not walked out of the Divine Capital for many years since the great change five thousand years ago.

But that doesn't mean that people outside don't know him!

As the founding **** emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he has survived for ten thousand years. It is rumored that there is an existence at the end of the cultivation path of the ancestors of heaven and human beings.

Its own statue is based on every inch of land in the three hundred and sixty-five domains of the entire Qingzhou land!

It can be said,

Whether it is the Taoist in the realm of myriad transformations, or the monk in the real cave, all of them have grown up watching his face!

So at the moment when that phantom appeared in the world,

In no time, everyone recognized the identity of that figure!

such a person,

Why is it here!

this moment,

Countless people's hearts were shaken violently, and storms were set off in their hearts!


Why is that one here!

And the one who stood at the top of the Qingzhou Cultivation Realm, is the only existence of the Heavenly Human Dao Ancestor in the entire Qingzhou Cultivation Realm, and who is he fighting? ! !

Is it possible that in Qingzhou, has there been an existence that can compete with the legendary ancestors of heaven and humanity?

A group of Taoists in the realm of myriad transformations stared at the collapsed sky,

I want to take a closer look at what's going on inside!

When they reach their realm, it is difficult to gain an inch of strength. For many years, there are many Dao Zuns in the realm of Wanhua who have not made progress in half a step.


Located at the peak of the comprehension world, suppressing the entire Qingzhou land for an era, the existence that almost exists in myths and legends personally shot No matter who his opponent is,

in battle,

If you can get a glimpse or two of it,

It's definitely a great benefit!

"The confrontation between heaven and man is really a rare sight for thousands of years!"

In the ears of Taoist Master Xuanqing, a sigh of emotion suddenly sounded.

I don't know when

The white-haired and white-haired Baiyun Guan Guanzhu appeared beside him, and his deep eyes were also looking at the dark sky, and he cried out with emotion.

"Yeah, three thousand miles away, that terrifying air machine that runs through the heavens and the earth and shakes the sky can be clearly sensed here!"

"The center of the confrontation is the silence of death. The laws of heaven and earth are broken, so that the whole world is in darkness that swallows all the light!"

Taoist Master Xuanqing murmured in a low voice, but his eyes never shifted.

Even if that day's popularity was the scorching sun, which burned the eyes and damaged the soul, the Taoist Master Xuanqing had never diverted his eyes at all.

At this time, behind him, Duanmu Yun and several other monks in the real world had already left a line of blood and tears in their pupils, so they could not help but close their eyes.

This is the price of looking directly at the supreme brilliance of the Human Dao Ancestor that day!


Undoubtedly, Daoist Xuanqing had a shock in his heart!

Just the air machine that escapes is unbearable!


What kind of terrifying situation would the real power of heaven and man be!

"It's just the distribution of qi, that has such terrifying consequences, what kind of realm is heaven and man, heaven and man?!"

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