The secret technique of transforming one gas into three clears was obtained by the old man Kong Hai when Zhang Qingyuan was in Yuzhou.

Also because of the existence of the other party,

Let Zhang Qingyuan know, it turns out that when the Great Dao has reached the end of its consummation, it can also exert its extraordinary terrifying strength!

As far as Zhang Qingyuan knows, this technique of transforming one gas into three clears has a very important relationship, and it seems to be related to the plan of the big man in the upper realm.

Back then, the rise of the old man Kong Hai and Ning Bufu was behind the existence of someone suspected of being in the upper realm.

The old man Kong Hai obtained the secret technique of Yiqi Sanqing,

And Ning Bufu got Yuan Jin Jian Pill!

But why,

The Great Zhou Divine Sovereign in front of him will also use this secret technique?

When did he get this secret technique!

Even the clone has already cultivated to the realm of heaven and man!

Zhang Qingyuan was shocked,

this moment,

He finally understood,

Why did he have a vibrating look when he saw his clone just now!

The other party is afraid that he is not regarded as the same kind of existence!

"Did you recognize it... as expected of the chosen person, the strength is really not bad..."

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor was surrounded by a terrifying dragon energy, and looked at Zhang Qingyuan deeply with both eyes, the extreme fear in his eyes was not concealed in the slightest.

Although he is only a clone, after more than 5,000 years of cultivation, he has consumed countless imperial fortunes to cultivate, and he has already accumulated himself to the peak of the ancestors of heaven and humanity!

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This kind of strength is enough to cover the sky with one hand in the entire Qingzhou Cultivation Realm and suppress all dissatisfaction!

but now,

He can be said to be invincible in the realm of Qingzhou Cultivation Realm, but he was smashed in front of this kid in front of him!

More importantly,

It's this kid in front of me, who hasn't even been promoted to heaven!

With the existence of his heaven and human series,

I can't even take down an ant in the realm of ten thousand transformations!

What a joke!

If the boy in front of him wasn't one of the chosen ones, he would have killed him with a piece of tofu on the spot!

The avenue of perfection,

It has such a powerful force!

Recalling the previous battle, the vast and boundless avenue of perfect water travel had undergone qualitative changes, and it was able to carry the laws of the avenues of his heaven and man series without any loss!

This kind of power is simply incredible!

At this moment,

In addition to the deep fear in the eyes of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor, there was also extreme desire and greed.

that feeling,

It's like seeing a peerless treasure in front of you,

Resist the desire to take away!

"Boy, the Xuantian Mirror will be placed with you for the time being, we will meet again soon!"

The avatar of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor suppressed the greed in his heart, and gave Zhang Qingyuan a deep look, as if he wanted to remember his appearance in his heart, and said plainly.

"The next time we meet, it won't be just that, enjoy it, you have a few days to come!"

With the fall of the voice,

The figure of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor gradually faded at this moment.

Like a cloud of ink dripping into clear water, it gradually fades and dissipates.

In just a few short breaths,

has completely disappeared,

Only the pair of deep gazes remained, deeply engraved in Zhang Qingyuan's mind, lingering!

he's gone!

For half an hour of confrontation,

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor knew that with his current strength, it was impossible to take down this kid in front of him.

Although I don't know what kind of qualitative changes will occur after the water travels to the end of the road,

But the confrontation along the way,

The boy in front of him showed no signs of exhaustion.

God Emperor clone is very clear,

You can't take the opponent yourself.

This is an existence with the same level of heaven and human power!

The main body and another avatar are still at an important juncture in the plan, and that plan was shattered because of the Xuantian Mirror, which is not worth it at all!


The plan is almost done!

Until the conspiracy succeeds,

Not to mention Jie Shi is an inexplicable junior boy, even if there are those in Central Continent, he will have the strength to not be afraid of their existence!

Therefore, the Great Zhou Divine Emperor clone is gone!

It went without the slightest sloppiness.

After confirming that there is no chance, he left immediately.


The things are just temporarily stored on that kid.

Although the Xuantian Mirror is very important,


As long as there are clues and trails, that's enough for the time being.

As the ripples in the void dissipated, the figure and breath of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor also completely dissipated at this moment.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the vacuum in front of him,

deep eyes,

the opponent's departure,

He didn't stop.

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor in front of him is just a clone.

Even if you show your full strength and take it down in one fell swoop, you won't get much information in the end.

on the contrary,

Judging from the stable character shown by that person's past deeds, it is impossible to say that it will also lead to stunned snakes, causing the other party's body to escape and never appear again.

In that case, many of my doubts will not be answered!

"Will we meet again soon? I'm looking forward to it too!"

Zhang Qingyuan murmured in a low voice, the long sword in his hand trembled slightly at this moment, as if he was dissatisfied with this inexhaustible battle.

He stroked the long sword lightly to soothe it.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't stay for long, then turned around and left.

Is that side mirror called Xuantian Mirror...

It seems that it is not a simple go back and study it carefully.

a fight,

I also gained a lot of money myself.

Although only using the perfect waterway that reaches the end,

But the confrontation with the existence of a heaven and a human series is just right, which makes his control of his own power to a higher level.

The most important thing is that in the process of confrontation, using the water as a breakthrough, the perception of the power of the other five elements has reached a higher level.


The other party's use of Dynasty Dragon Qi also gave him a lot of inspiration.

this time,

No loss!

After returning, Xiaoyao Laodao should also fulfill his promise.

I hope,

Don't let yourself down with the secrets from the other party's mouth.

With so many thoughts,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure flashed, and he completely disappeared in place, without the slightest breath.

in place,

The wind whistled, and the residual energy storm swept across the fragmented world, telling the tragic scene that broke out here not long ago...

The battle between the heavens and the human series that broke out in the Xisha of the Hanhai Sea has since come to an end.

Standing on the edge of the surrounding area, the cultivators gathered together could no longer feel the huge vibration from the depths of the sand sea.

I don't know if it's a winner or loser.

or something happened,

But anyway,

That shocking battle that made them all tremble with fear was over.


Everyone who was silent at the scene was very clear.

the battle subsided,

But even bigger waves have just set off in Qingzhou! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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