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When they sensed that Zhang Qingyuan's breath was still there, the faces of the few dozen people in the imperial court who were hiding thousands of miles away, who did not participate in the sacrifice, showed expressions of astonishment.

The old man from the Yin and Yang Division on the side whispered again and again that it was impossible, impossible...

Lost in his soul, as if he had suffered a huge blow, his face was full of disbelief.

It's just that Hong Tiantong and the others, who were almost frightened around him, didn't care about him. He turned into a flash of light in the first time, and he fled in the breath, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye. Zhang Qingyuan, who survived the terrifying attack, chased after him.

And the old Taoist of the Yin-Yang Division was dragged away and escaped by several Taoist priests of the Yin-Yang Division who had reacted soon afterward.

The remnants of the imperial army were defeated and fled, which meant that this battle had come to an end.

it's all over!

The cultivator of the Feixian League walked out of the broken mountain gate, looking at the cloudless sky and the abyss-like world around him, only to feel a trance for a while.

They actually survived!

Survive under the confrontation of such forces!

In the void above the mountain gate, with a sword and star-like eyes, his face is like a crown of jade, but there is a resolute look between his brows, and a young man dressed in a deep black robe like a starry sky stands on the mountain gate station, watching all this. , and the figure of Zhang Qingyuan not far away, his eyes are also full of complexity, and the color of thinking flashes away.

He is the leader of the Feixian League. According to rumors, the entire Qingzhou Cultivation World is the oldest living existence except for the Great Zhou Divine Emperor!

It is also the pillar for the entire Feixian League to stand on the land of Qingzhou!

Your Majesty, Qi Tiandao!

When Zhang Qingyuan took action to shake the Great Zhou Jingshi army, he was awakened by the vast aura of power from the secret cave in the closed world.

It is because of his existence,

On the occasion of the collision of the last blow, he took action to pull the people of the Feixian League, who were stunned and unable to move, back to the mountain gate, which did not cause Xiaoyao Laodao and the others to be devastated by the force that destroyed the world in the terrifying collision. The next situation involving death occurred.

It was also because of his presence that the mountain gate guarding formation was fully opened, and only then did he survive the collision.

if not,

Even if the monstrous power gained by Da Zhou's sacrifice of millions of capital elites is countered by Zhang Qingyuan, I am afraid that the entire Feixian League will suffer heavy losses.

Seemingly feeling Qi Tiandao's gaze, Zhang Qingyuan cast his gaze over and met his gaze.

Heavenly? !

Could it be that this is the leader of the Feixian League, Qi Tiandao, the most respected one?


This breath, is the level of heaven and human? !

Although Qi Tiandao restrained his breath and hid it well, he was still keenly sensed by Zhang Qingyuan, who had greatly strengthened his consciousness by practicing the Taiyi Immortal Jing.

When was the leader of the Flying Immortal Alliance promoted to heaven?

In Zhang Qingyuan's heart, a certain doubt flashed away.

At the same time,

the other side,

Qi Tiandao nodded towards Zhang Qingyuan and said:

"My lord, Qi Tiandao, is now appointed as the leader of the Feixian League. I would like to thank Daoyou Zhang for your help!"

"The leader of the alliance does not need to be polite. It is impossible to say that this catastrophe was caused by Zhang Mou, so that the Feixian League suffered an unwarranted disaster. This time it was Qingyuan, right?"

Recalling the terrifying aura of the virtual sky before, Zhang Qingyuan also had lingering fears and sighed authentically.

"Fellow Daoist does not need to be humble. Given what Qi knows about the one from Shenjing, these methods must be prepared for me and the Feixian Alliance. Even if they have the intention of dealing with fellow Daoist Zhang, they definitely have the intention of erasing me and others together. My plan, even if there is no Daoist friend Zhang, today’s disaster will not come, and another day will surely come, this time, Daoist friend is waiting for me to save a catastrophe!”

Qi Tiandao shook his head.

In my heart, I could not help but sigh,

Zhang Qingyuan in front of him, he knew that Xiaoyao Laodao once told him about this with a sound transmission during the retreat, but at that time he was in the critical stage of retreat, and he didn't go out to meet him.

At this moment, the first time I met, I was amazed.

At such a young age, he has already reached such a height, and he has not yet entered the level of heaven and man, but he has the power of the realm of heaven and man, which is really unbelievable!

What made him sigh the most was that after reaching such a height, his mind was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and he did not see the slightest bit of pride.

Thinking of some young Tianjiao who have made such a slight improvement, their nostrils are turned to the sky. In contrast, it really makes him sigh.


To deal with that person, I also need this son's help.

During the breath, many thoughts flashed in Qi Tiandao's mind.

Then, seeing Zhang Qingyuan's pale complexion, he stopped being too polite, and introduced it into the mountain gate. He gave Zhang Qingyuan a secret realm with the most abundant spiritual energy in the Feixian League to Zhang Qingyuan to repair his injuries. At the same time, he opened the inventory in the Feixian League. He has put on a lot of heaven and earth treasures so that he can recover from his injuries as much as possible.

The friendship of the landlord as much as possible.

Zhang Qingyuan was not polite to this, either.

Although the Xuantian Mirror was nearly shattered at the cost of blocking the blow that was close to the virtual sky level, its own body was also severely damaged, and the leak-free golden body deduced from a piece of Buddha bone was almost wiped out. .

Now, he really needs a period of retreat and rest.

So accepted the other's kindness.

After Qi Tiandao brought the many healing treasures accumulated by the Feixian League over the past ten thousand years, and then left to clean up the remaining hands of the Feixian League,

Zhang Qingyuan sat on the white jade futon and counted the things that Qi Tiandao had sent.

"I didn't expect the Feixian League to be so rich. The Nine Suns Holy Pill, with these healing sacred objects, would be enough for me to recover from my injuries within a year or two."

After putting away the things, Zhang Qingyuan did not immediately retreat to heal his injuries.

Instead, I began to reflect on this I was careless. After all, I underestimated the world. "

Recalling the deeds since entering Qingzhou, Zhang Qingyuan sighed again.

"Since I killed the demon king in Yuzhou and repelled the holy Buddha from the cultivation world of Central Continent, my heart has swelled a little."

"Especially when I arrived in Qingzhou, I learned that in the entire Qingzhou cultivation world, only the Great Zhou Divine Emperor is the existence of the realm of the ancestors of heaven and human beings. , I feel that with my own strength, it is enough to push the entire Qingzhou Cultivation Realm invincible...too arrogant!"

Recalling the scenes from the beginning, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help shaking his head.

"Since 5,000 years ago, the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign has not had much experience in the world, and has been living quietly in the divine capital. How can it be possible to believe all the rumors from the outside world?"

"No matter what, the other party is also a peerless figure from Central Continent, who has ruled the entire Qingzhou cultivation world for ten thousand years!"

"In such a long period of time, how can the accumulated information be described by simple rumors?"

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