Remember [] for a second,!

Sometimes, disaster is also an opportunity.

such as this injury,

It is true that the power of the virtual sky level obtained by sacrificing three million capital troops is extremely terrifying. It broke the Xuantian Mirror in one fell swoop and inflicted heavy damage on him. The terrifying power lingered in the bones of his golden body, and contained the laws of heaven and earth. The power.

But at the same time,

When Zhang Qingyuan refined all these powers, this huge power became the food for his promotion.

Especially since the golden body was broken,

In the process of cultivation and recovery, the power of the terrifying law of blood is constantly tempered by the remaining terrifying power, but it has brought his physique to a higher level!

As early as a hundred years ago, when Yuzhou and Yuzhou got the Buddha's finger, Zhang Qingyuan deduced a lot of knowledge accumulation by comprehending it and using the Dayan technique.

Now under this ordeal,

The accumulation of the past has finally transformed, and finally achieved his leak-free golden body!

"The body is flawless, perfection is boundless... This is the holy realm of body refinement on top of the glazed golden body! If it was me now, if I went back three years ago, then I would be protected by the Xuantian Mirror. Under the obstruction, most of them will only be slightly injured, rather than almost dying..."

shook hands,

Feeling that tyrannical and unparalleled, as if one hand is a golden body that can tear the vacuum and give people an indestructible meaning, Zhang Qingyuan secretly said in his heart.

In terms of body refining, if the glazed golden body is equivalent to the level of heaven and myriad transformations,

Then there is no leakage of the golden body, it is equivalent to the level of the heaven and the earth!

Heaven and man are the apex on the path of practice,

A leak-free golden body is also the pinnacle of body refining!

"Today, the ordinary Hedao Heavenly Man is no longer my opponent. Even if the veteran Hedao Heavenly Man is powerful, I will not be afraid."

great strength,

This undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan happy.

but soon,

Recalling the blow of the virtual sky level that day, he frowned slightly again.

"Nevertheless, if it is a celestial being at the virtual level, I'm still far behind."

Contrasted with the boundless blood-sea big hand that repeated the world at that time, the vast and terrifying energy,

Zhang Qingyuan felt that,

Although he has already condensed a leak-free golden body and has reached a state of invincibility, if he simply relies on his own strength to face that blow, he will still not hesitate!

"The Great Zhou Dynasty has been established for ten thousand years, and the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign has also lived on the throne and ruled Qingzhou for ten thousand years. There must be similar methods. Before, I thought it was very simple to obtain the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra. Now it seems that , you have to think about it in the long run first..."

In Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, a haze flashed involuntarily.

He hasn't forgotten,

The avatar of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor is the existence of the heaven and the human series, and it is also a avatar differentiated from the secret technique of one gasification and three purifications!

And this secret technique, according to the old man Kong Hai, came from the upper realm!

other side,

Maybe it has something to do with the upper realm!

After all, 5,000 years ago, the forbidden land of Shenxu was destroyed. According to the records of Feixian League, it was precisely because there was an altar in the land of Shenxu that could connect with the upper realm.

And the destruction of the land of Shenxu was because of the big shot of the upper realm, and the power spread here!

Over the years, no one knows what trump cards the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign has added!


The Five Elements Immortal Sutra has not yet been fully penetrated.

Even with the help of the Great Evolution Technique attached to the golden finger proficiency panel, and the accumulation of experience over the past few days, the Five Elements Immortal Sutra is only 80% enlightened.


The further back you go, the harder it is to improve!

Zhang Qingyuan knows that he has encountered a bottleneck, and it is difficult to improve in a half-hour.

if not,

If the Five Elements Immortal Sutra is thoroughly understood, according to his estimation, it is very likely that his strength will even be raised to a level that can compete with the illusory people in one fell swoop!


Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly, and his face was also a little sad.

Great Evolution is not a panacea.

Some things can't be figured out, no matter how you deduce them.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't have the slightest clue about the bottleneck of comprehending the Five Elements Immortal Sutra in front of him. He could only say that he kept accumulating new things to see if he could reach the Dugu level with a huge background.

Calm down a little bit,

Zhang Qingyuan did not continue to stay in the secret realm of Dongtian, but went out directly.

At this time, after three years of development, the Feixian League station has basically been repaired, and the mountain protection formation of the mountain gate has also been re-established.

It's just that because of the war at the beginning, the earth collapsed in a radius of thousands of miles centered on the mountain gate of the Feixian League, and all those rugged cliffs and cliffs disappeared. Nine secluded hell.

It makes the entire Feixian League Mountain Gate look like a hanging mountain in the sky.

This made many Feixianmeng monks uneasy.

I feel that the land is lost,

The mountain gate should be relocated to another location.

But at the same time, other people disagreed. They felt that the Feixian League station had been standing here since its establishment. It was a symbol of the Feixian League and should not be touched lightly.

At the high-level meeting, there has been a lot of disturbance.

But all this has little to do with Zhang Qingyuan.

When he left the customs, he received the solemn thanks and warm welcome from everyone in the Feixian League.

Even that Tiandao Wu Fei came to Zhang Qingyuan willingly and thanked him for helping him.

For this reason, the people of Feixian League held a feast,

As a thank you to Zhang Qingyuan.

at the same time,

It is also a celebration of the rest of the lives of all Feixianmeng monks.

To this,

Zhang Qingyuan only felt a bit of a wry smile.

However, in the face of enthusiastic people, it is really difficult to shirk.

Unfortunately, the leader of the Feixian League, Qi Tiandao, was not present. According to Xiaoyao Laodao, the leader of the alliance, Qi Tiandao, was at a very critical juncture in his retreat. He appeared that day because there was too much movement, which made him have to go out. .

After leaving the customs, because the retreat did not achieve its purpose perfectly, it was already made up for going out.

what exactly?

In fact, the entire Feixian League is not very clear.

But about a year after Zhang Qingyuan retreated and cultivated, he secretly left the Feixian League Mountain Gate.

In this regard, Zhang Qingyuan felt a little pity.

After all, Qi Tiandao is a **** of the right way, and if he can communicate with the other party, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to his own practice!

Although he has killed the existence of the Hedao Heavenly Human, he has never communicated with people of this level.

But since he left,

Then there is no way.

A grand banquet lasted for three days and three nights.

Among them, all kinds of jade dishes and sacred fruit spirits are all cherished treasures of heaven and earth taken from the treasury accumulated by the Feixian League for thousands of years.

However, at this banquet, Zhang Qingyuan was a little absent-minded.

He pondered, when Xiaoyao Laodao told him that with the Xuantian Mirror, he could enter the forbidden area of ​​the Shenxu by other means.

That is how the matter?

And now that the Xuantian Mirror has been severely damaged and is on the verge of being broken, can it still be used to reach the forbidden area of ​​​​the Divine Ruins?

Zhang Qingyuan felt that,

He needs to go to Xiaoyao Laodao to find out a thing or two.

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