What happened behind him after leaving, Zhang Qingyuan, who was galloping in the void at this time, quickly left the Shenjing, and rushed back towards the Feixian League Mountain Gate is unknown.

A note of the Five Elements Immortal Art, the power is indeed earth-shattering, wounding the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign at the virtual level, so that the other party does not dare to chase.

But at the same time,

Forcing an envoy in the realm of myriad transformations with a power that is far beyond his own realm, not only almost exhausted his entire body, but even his golden body almost collapsed!

At this level of power, even a cultivator at the level of heaven and man cannot easily control it, not to mention that Zhang Qingyuan has not yet transformed and promoted.

between the void,

The chaotic air flow is constantly passing by itself.

at this time,

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Zhang Qingyuan's mouth.

The bright red blood is like lava, with incredible power, and every drop of blood has the vast power that crushes the void.

"It seems that the other party didn't chase after him, so this is an escape!"

After half an hour,

Having crossed the void of hundreds and tens of millions of miles, Zhang Qingyuan also slowed down after not feeling the breath of pursuit behind him, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Now, his condition is not very good.

Although it is said that after the Great Zhou Divine Emperor left the Shenjing, his strength would also decline,

But if the other party is chasing and killing endlessly, even if he has a backhand, he may not be able to stop it.

Who knows that this old silver coin has ruled the land of Qingzhou for thousands of years, and what trump card is contained in it!


Nothing happened!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure slowed down.

At the same time,


The void beside him slammed open, and two figures crossed the world like a teleportation, suddenly appearing in front of him.

He had already expected this,

Not afraid at all.

When the two figures arrived in front of him, it was his face!

The avatar of the three-purification secret technique of one gasification!

The two clones saw Zhang Qingyuan's pale face and slightly miserable appearance. They nodded to each other, and then they didn't speak. With a bang, the two clones turned into the purest essential mana. It rushed towards Zhang Qingyuan's body!

This is what Zhang Qingyuan left behind!

Knowing that Shenjing is the Tiger's Den for Longtan, even if the strength of his cultivation has increased greatly since this time, how could Zhang Qingyuan not even leave behind?

Although the two avatars have not been condensed for a long time, they have reached the level of entering the realm of Dao Zun of Wanhua under the cultivation regardless of consumption!

This is his last line of defense!

Every clone has some kind of amazing lore method!

If the Great Zhou Divine Emperor chases after him, with the preparations set by the two clones in advance, it will definitely be enough to make the other party suffer a big loss!

But it's okay not to follow.

Save a lot of battle effort,

Everything has to be prepared as a last resort,

If you run out of cards, it's not a good thing.

boom! !

The two avatars and the body itself are homologous,

With the influx of the majestic power incarnated by the two avatars, the heaven, earth, and celestial phenomena in a radius of ten thousand feet are motivated by it, and the boundless and thick clouds cover the entire sky, setting off the vast ocean, roaring and roaring!


The two avatars are united,

Zhang Qingyuan's breath has also recovered by more than 50%!

With the return of power, Zhang Qingyuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

At last I have regained my strength,

The unsafe feeling of losing the power has also dispelled a lot!


After some battles, Zhang Qingyuan found that his understanding of the Five Elements Immortal Sutra was already on a higher level!

"I never thought that there is such a benefit in using immortal art!"

at this time,

In Zhang Qingyuan's pupils, it seems that there are five-color rays of light rotating, turning into a round of the gods of the gods, reflecting with the outside world, as if it has become the source core of everything in the sky and the ground!

Slowly stretch out your palm, hold your palm slightly, and the Five Elements avenues merge, as if you are holding the entire world!

"The immortal scriptures are already 90% of the way. Only the last line is needed to fully understand the entire five-element immortal scriptures!"

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan's pupils lit up with brilliance, full of incredible power Dao Yun!

In order to fight against the Great Zhou Divine Emperor, he had no choice but to use the Five Elements Immortal Technique.

Immortals are worthy of being immortals,

The power that burst out at that moment penetrated the universe and was promoted to the level of terror beyond the sky!

And realized the power of that blow,

It gave Zhang Qingyuan a vision like a high-rise building, and his understanding of the Five Elements Immortal Sutra has been greatly improved!

This also made his understanding of the Five Elements Immortal Sutra reach 90% in one fell swoop!

only one step away,

fully comprehend,

Take a peek at that fairyland!

However, Zhang Qingyuan also knows that this step seems not far away, but its difficulty is almost as high as the sky!

Just go with the flow!

"Xianshu and Xianjing, perhaps they are complementary to each other. With this harvest, I will not be in vain!"

between the void,

Zhang Qingyuan murmured.


boom! !

The five-color divine light reflects the ten thousand zhang sky,

The Five Elements Avenue came to the world, and under the envoy of the higher Five Elements Immortal Sutra, it ran through the chaos of nothingness!

Zhang Qingyuan stepped out step by step and entered the chaotic passage, and his figure disappeared.

After a few days,

The battle that took place near Shenjing was already a storm like a tsunami, and it spread to every corner of the entire Qingzhou. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Everybody knows,

Someone suddenly attacked on that day, broke the Black Prison, and rescued all the felons on the ninth floor of the Sky Prison!


The man was still outside the Shenjing and fought a battle with the Great Zhou Emperor who was chasing after him!

that battle,

Within a radius of ten thousand li, the heaven and the earth are shattered,

The avenues were also destroyed by the collapse!

And the final result,

The Great Zhou Divine Sovereign also failed to stay behind the incoming attackers!

With the spread of this news, the entire Qingzhou Cultivation Realm was shaken, and it was an unprecedented violent shaking, like a meteorite fell to the lake, and the huge waves that were set off completely drowned the previous water waves. It caused the entire Qingzhou cultivation world to fall into an incredible shock!

Countless people were horrified,

According to rumors, there has been a Great Zhou Divine Emperor who has not been out for thousands of years, and he has not been able to take down the enemy. How is this possible? !

And standing at the top of Qingzhou, the big forces of Qingzhou, who have a better understanding of the top level of self-cultivation, are even more shocked by the shock!

do they know,

What level of strength is the Great Zhou Divine Emperor who is within the scope of the Shenjing!

"It's going to change!"

Many high-level cultivators heard the news, their mouths opened wide for a long time, and finally they could only murmur these four words indifferently!

countless people,

I have already felt that a storm that is about to sweep across the entire Qingzhou land is about to come!


All this has little to do with Zhang Qingyuan for the time being.

at this time,

Not long after he returned to the Feixian League station, he just got a shocking secret from the mouths of the Wanhua Dao Zun cultivators who were rescued!

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