Since 5,000 years ago, the unborn Great Zhou God Emperor, who has been living in seclusion in the Shenjing by the world, has actually gone out for an unknown number of times under circumstances unknown to outsiders.

And his purpose is those monks from the outside world who are in the realm of unfamiliar myriad transformations,

And some monks who are withdrawn and do not communicate much with the outside world, or who claim to be in retreat!

Every time, his actions are extremely careful.

Even in the past five thousand years, nearly thirty Wanhua Dao Zun has been secretly captured by him and detained on the ninth floor of the Black Prison. The outside world has not noticed the slightest!

When Zhang Qingyuan heard the news from the survivors, he couldn't help but take a breath.

good guy!

With the entire Qingzhou realm and the people from the public gate, there are probably only about a hundred monks in the realm of ten thousand transformations.

Those who were secretly captured and imprisoned in the Black Prison by the Great Continent God Emperor were more than a third of the surviving Qingzhou Cultivation World!

How to not be shocked by it? !

According to Xuansu Daozun and others,

Being imprisoned in the black prison, their mana power will be swallowed up by that strange cage, and the mana will be continuously condensed, so that they can maintain their lives in the continuous swallowing!

That sky prison, like living creatures, is keeping them in captivity!

"That Great Zhou Divine Emperor, what is the purpose of doing this?"

While feeling angry for what happened to Daoist Xuansu and Ancestor Danyang, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a doubt in his heart.

"To be honest, I don't know. But according to the observations of some old people, that prison seems to be alive! The head of the Black Prison, Chen Lei, is not a living person, it may just be that strange sky. Prison Spirit"

"The mana I've been waiting for seems to be absorbed by it! I just don't know where this enormous power ended up."

"Humph! No matter what his purpose is, the **** court, this time I got out of trouble. When I go back, I must call the disciples and grandchildren of the old man, and call his mother's Shenjing in order to avenge this thousand years of imprisonment!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people. Among them, the grumpy old Taoist Master Xuanqing, who was full of white hair, shouted angrily. His voice was like steel, and it was loud!

Back then, he who had originally abdicated, returned to Xuanqing Dao Dongtian to prepare for retreat, hoping to improve and even break through to the next level.

As a result, the retreat did not last a hundred years.

It seems that his stupid disciple left because of something, and the realm of ten thousand transformations in the sect was also led away because of this or that kind of thing.

Then, the insidious villain of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor disguised himself as a disciple of Xuanqing Dao sneaked in and made a surprise attack. With the terrifying strength of the realm of heaven and man, he easily suppressed him in the retreat.

Even without causing the slightest fluctuation in the outside world, he was already captured!

The outside world didn't even notice the slightest!

Maybe his stupid apprentice even sat in seclusion in seclusion!

The old Taoist Master Xuanqing kept talking about it in the black prison, and he felt ashamed, and he couldn't swallow that breath at all!

"That's right! We must take revenge! That old ghost has offended most of the world, and even other cultivation forces that haven't been affected will definitely be at risk. When the news of my return comes out, it will definitely set off a huge wave in the world. sensation!"

"Jie Shi, we will mobilize the forces of our own, disciples and grandchildren, attack the prefectures and prefectures, and break the fate network he laid down! To cut off the fate of the dynasty in one place, the accumulation will be enough to severely damage or even disintegrate the fate of the dynasty in the Zhou Dynasty. The old ghost Jie Shi, who has a deep connection with the Great Zhou Dynasty, will definitely be hit hard!"

"Without the increase in the fortune of the dynasty, how much of the old ghost's strength is left? With the alliance of the top forces in the Qingzhou cultivation world, I don't believe that he can't be surrounded and killed!"

Many people present were filled with righteous indignation.

Trapped in the black prison, he was continuously drawn from mana, and became a leek kept in captivity by the other party.

This is a life-and-death revenge comparable to murdering parents and blocking the way!


There are also people who speak out rationally.

"It is rumored that the old ghost is just a weak person in the realm of heaven and man. It is really underestimating the old ghost! The old ghost attacked me so unscrupulously, and the strength shown in it may be out of the luck of the dynasty. He is also in the realm of heaven and man! And he is still a strong man in the realm of heaven and man!"

"Don't forget, everyone, near the Shenjing, the strength of the virtual sky level shown by the other party!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell silent.

However, it was quickly rebutted.

"So what?! Anyway, the old man can't take this breath!"

"It's a big deal, I gave up my identity and joined the Feixian League, just to oppose him!"

Someone was angry,

As far as the eye can see, there is a crowd.

Zhang Qingyuan, who was on the side, did not speak, and fell into contemplation.

Right at this moment,

Outside the gate, Xiaoyao Laodao's figure turned into a series of afterimages, straddling the hundred-zhang vacuum in the blink of an eye, bringing a wave of void ripples and quickly falling in front of Zhang Qingyuan.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, please come and help one or two!"

Xiaoyao Laodao's figure was eager, UU reading grabbed Zhang Qingyuan's hand and walked outside, not even having time to greet everyone present.

Zhang Qingyuan was stunned for a moment, and followed the trend out of the door.

The remaining monks in the Wanhua Dao Zun realm who were lucky enough to escape all looked at each other in dismay. The previous topic stopped, but they didn't know what happened.

Inside the secret realm of the cave,

On the white jade bed, the leader of the Feixian League, Qi Tiandao, closed his eyes and was lying on it. The golden chains within his body were looming, and the light was dim and uncertain!

His face looked extremely ferocious, as if he had suffered an unbearably painful nightmare!

"How about it, little friend, can you find a way? If you can save the leader of the alliance, this great kindness, if the little friend needs anything, the Feixian League will go through fire and water, and die!"

Xiaoyao Laodao's voice seemed extremely urgent.

He couldn't help but be in a hurry,

After Qi Tiandao was rescued, he fell into a coma.

at the same time,

A terrifying power lingered in his body, as if running through the body and the sea of ​​consciousness, it was indestructible, causing Qi Tiandao's breath to decline even more, almost to the point of death!

The first time he found the situation, Xiaoyao Laodao also tried to rescue,

But the invisible golden chain in his body seems to be made from the fortune of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is between the visible and invisible, and possesses incredible power. Xiaoyao Laodao tries to help the leader of the alliance with the cultivation base of the senior heavenly rank. Refining, but the chain is like steel, indestructible, Xiaoyao Laodao spent more than half of the mana, but the chain still remains motionless!

There was no other way but to quickly ask Zhang Qingyuan for help.

"Senior, don't be too polite, let me take a look first."

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