ps: Don't subscribe yet. This is a repeat of the previous chapter. The author hasn't finished writing it yet. Please post it first to mix up the full attendance. Basically, you can't finish writing until four or five in the morning every day. Let's read it tomorrow.


Supreme Destruction Heavenly Sword!

A sword of supernatural power was cut out in a sword style, and the light of the sword was cold, as if it was cut out from the nine seclusions, and it would destroy the entire heavens and the world!

terrifying swordsmanship,

It made the sky and the earth seem to be frozen at this moment!

Time and space seem to freeze for it!

Boom boom boom! ! !

In the countless horrified and terrified eyes, the two rays of light that destroyed the sky and the earth collided together, resulting in a terrifying and boundless collision!

The heaven and earth with a radius of ten thousand feet collapsed in that instant!

Void shatters,

Turned into a large chaotic abyss,

light is swallowed,

The darkness that could not reach five fingers spread, and the terrifying chaotic shock swept in all directions, and even the avenues of heaven and earth were torn apart at this moment!


Just as the terrifying annihilation energy impact of shattering the vacuum swept across, a powerful will descended, and thoughts were like substance, solidifying the space!

Zhang Qingyuan made his move!

If you let the energy impact of the collision swept away, I am afraid that the entire Feixian League will definitely suffer an unprecedented tragic hit!

The supreme will comes, suppressing the space, suppressing all the power, and suppressing it within the vast void!

However, even so,

In the sight of the penetrated void chaos, swallowing some brilliance in the sky and the ground, it seems that even the soul has fallen into the dark abyss.

In the entire Feixian League, everyone grew their mouths in shock, and a kind of terrifying fear rose in their hearts!

Liver and gallbladder split!

"Who are you?! Why did you come to trouble me?"

Blocking the sword that came from outside the sky, Zhang Qingyuan didn't have any excitement on his face, but was extremely solemn, staring at the figure in front of him that was slamming into chaos.

It was a man with a knife, eight feet tall, with a burly figure, but his face was strangely pale.

And when he saw Zhang Qingyuan, there was incomprehensible anger and madness in his eyes, and the blade-like eyes seemed to tear Zhang Qingyuan into eight pieces and smash his bones into ashes!

This is a great enemy!

Zhang Qingyuan's mind kept coming from warning signs!

The dangerous aura emanating from the opponent is no less than that of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor when he was in Shenjing!

"You lowly bastard, how dare you seduce my little junior sister, go to hell!"

Guo Taiping's face was ferocious, his face was distorted, and he didn't intend to communicate at all.

The figure is like lightning, piercing through the void,

The terrifying breath is shocking, and a terrifying tsunami is set off in the chaos!

That icy murderous intent made the surrounding world seem to have fallen into a cold winter!

"What a crazy knife!"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned, and his face was a little ugly!

This is simply incomprehensible!

What **** little sister?

When did I seduce who?


Zhang Qingyuan felt sullen in his heart.

"Want to kill me? Come on then!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was cold, and he left a sentence. At almost the same time, the figure rose into the sky and flew towards the nine heavens!

There are many monks at the gate of the Feixian League, which is not a place to fight.

Fighting at the level of heaven and man, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, just the distribution of the aftermath is enough to cause heavy losses to the entire Feixian League.

In the middle of the fierce battle, he didn't have that much energy to look after the people nearby.

Go to another place to play!

"Dog bastard! Where to escape?!"

Guo Taiping shouted sternly, his voice was like thunder, and he carried out Jiuxiao, rumbled and resounded thousands of miles around!

figure like lightning,

Smashing through the numerous vacuums, the vacuum sent out a sharp sonic boom, which smashed through the sky, and swept through the virtual sky!

It was a space channel that was knocked out!

Catch the sky!

in the blink of an eye,

Two breaths are enough to destroy the sky and the earth, and it has already disappeared from the sky!

until a long time later,

The people of the Feixian League, who were originally shocked by the two earth-shattering breaths, who were almost motionless, seemed to be holding back for a long time, gasping for breath, and resumed their actions...

"The power of heaven and man..."

In the panting for the rest of his life, someone murmured,

Looking up at the sky absentmindedly,

The space gap that was smashed open by life and is constantly healing!


Supreme Destruction Heavenly Sword!

A sword of supernatural power was cut out in a sword style, and the light of the sword was cold, as if it was cut out from the nine seclusions, and it would destroy the entire heavens and the world!

terrifying swordsmanship,

It made the sky and the earth seem to be frozen at this moment!

Time and space seem to freeze for it!

Boom boom boom! ! !

In the countless horrified and terrified eyes, the two rays of light that destroyed the sky and the earth collided together, resulting in a terrifying and boundless collision!

The heaven and earth with a radius of ten thousand feet collapsed in that instant!

Void shatters,

Turned into a large chaotic abyss,

light is swallowed,

The darkness that could not reach five fingers spread, and the terrifying chaotic shock swept in all directions, and even the avenues of heaven and earth were torn apart at this moment!


Just as the terrifying annihilation energy impact of shattering the vacuum swept across, a powerful will descended, and thoughts were like substance, solidifying the space!

Zhang Qingyuan made his move!

If you let the energy impact of the collision swept away, I am afraid that the entire Feixian League will definitely suffer an unprecedented tragic hit!

The supreme will comes, suppresses the space, suppresses all the suppresses it within the vast void!

However, even so,

When I saw the pierced void chaos in my eyes, it swallowed up some brilliance in the sky and the ground, as if even the soul fell into the dark abyss.

In the entire Feixian League, everyone grew their mouths in shock, and a kind of terrifying fear rose in their hearts!

Liver and gallbladder split!

"Who are you?! Why did you come to trouble me?"

Blocking the sword that came from outside the sky, Zhang Qingyuan didn't have any excitement on his face, but was extremely solemn, staring at the figure in front of him that was slamming into chaos.

It was a man with a knife, eight feet tall, with a burly figure, but his face was strangely pale.

And when he saw Zhang Qingyuan, there was incomprehensible anger and madness in his eyes, and the blade-like eyes seemed to tear Zhang Qingyuan into eight pieces and smash his bones into ashes!

This is a great enemy!

Zhang Qingyuan's mind kept coming from warning signs!

The dangerous aura emanating from the opponent is no less than that of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor when he was in Shenjing!

"You lowly bastard, how dare you seduce my little junior sister, go to hell!"

Guo Taiping's face was ferocious, his face was distorted, and he didn't intend to communicate at all.

The figure is like lightning, piercing through the void,

The terrifying breath is shocking, and a terrifying tsunami is set off in the chaos!

That icy murderous intent made the surrounding world seem to have fallen into a cold winter!

"What a crazy knife!"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned, and his face was a little ugly!

This is simply incomprehensible!

What **** little sister?

When did I seduce who?

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