With the improvement of his cultivation and his deeper understanding of the Five Elements Avenue, the power of chaos created by Zhang Qingyuan's fusion of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements Avenue has become even more terrifying!

The terrifying breath flowed, and the virtual sky was crushed, and the sky seemed to tilt down.

Within a radius of thousands of miles around him, it collapsed, revealing a dark abyss where you can't see your fingers!

Chaos winds around,

Created a pressure that suffocated the world!


Zhang Qingyuan went all out to burst out with great power, and Guo Taiping on the opposite side was even stronger!

Boom! ! !

The two figures set off a vast turbulent, one black and one red light collided, tearing the sky into two halves!

But this confrontation only lasted less than a quarter of an hour,

The majestic power of chaos is to be penetrated!

Under the operation of the Great Falling Immortal Sutra, the more than ten-fold increase in power gained from burning love, hatred, jealousy, and madness is even more terrifying than the Dragon Qi of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor!

The Avenue of Heaven and Earth was torn apart by that terrifying force!

Deafening, resounding in the sound of Jiuxiao heaven and earth,

The majestic power surrounded by darkness was actually torn apart by life, and the sky was swept away by a terrifying impact, and the sky was instantly torn apart by the cracks in the abyss!

The sky is torn apart, and the sound shakes the sky!

the earth below,

Across thousands of miles away, the mountains collapsed one after another in the shock of violent vibrations!

At the same time,

On the nine days swept by the violent storm, a figure was repelled, and in the storm, it retreated a thousand feet away!

That figure is Zhang Qingyuan!

The chaotic power of the five elements, which is a fusion of yin and yang and five elements, surpasses the power of ordinary heaven and man, and overwhelms the power of the law of the law of ordinary heaven and man.

But at this time, he was not facing an ordinary cultivator in the realm of heaven and man!

That is to practice the immortal scriptures, and behind it is the secret disciple of the ancient sect of the mysterious holy land level from Central Continent, such as Daluo Zunjiao!

Anyone who has cultivated into the immortal scriptures has a terrifying strength that surpasses that of heaven and man of the same rank!


Zhang Qingyuan looked ugly,

In the confrontation of this blow, the terrifying power not only broke the power of chaos, but also the incomprehensible power penetrated into his body, causing a great impact!

If it weren't for the leakless golden body, it would be hard to say that under that blow, it would have been severely damaged!

The destructive power transmitted from it alone is enough to rip apart the backbone of the body!

The golden light burst out from the body, reflecting Zhang Qingyuan like a golden god, with the indestructible body strength, breaking the storm energy that swept the impact, forcibly stabilized the figure above the nine days!

But before he could fight back,

Guo Taiping's attack is here again!

The bright red light dyed half of the sky red, reflecting the **** and ominous light, as if the whole world had ushered in the end!

A smear of blood-colored knife light swept across the sky,

The storm swept across the sky and the earth was instantly cut open, and even the chaotic vacuum was cut in half from the middle like butter, and it swept towards Zhang Qingyuan with an irresistible momentum!

The attack of this knife came too fast,

Just as Zhang Qingyuan stabilized his figure, the blade that cut off even the avenue had already reached him!

Zhang Qingyuan only had time to shrink his pupils.

Divine Ability · Taishang Destroying Divine Ability Heavenly Sword!

The magical power broke out almost instantly, and with the majestic power of chaos infused, the black light that penetrated the sky and the earth lit up on the blade, like the brilliance that devoured everything in the sky and the ground!

The pitch-black sword light ripped apart the void and collided with the blade at almost the same time!

boom! ! !

The earth-shattering explosion exploded again,

For a moment, time and space were frozen for that moment!

Immediately afterwards, all the forces that shattered everything in the world were swept away!


Guo Taiping, who used lust, jealousy, and anger as fuel to gain more powerful power by using immortal scriptures, the power that shattered the world and brought the world to an end is far beyond the limit that Zhang Qingyuan can achieve today!

That style was inherited from Shui Jianxian, Zhang Qingyuan used it to kill many powerful enemies with a magical sword, but it was broken!

The sword light that penetrates the sky and the earth, the remaining power swept away!

In the face of the blood-colored sword light that exudes frightening power, even if Zhang Qingyuan achieves a leak-free golden body, I am afraid he will suffer heavy losses!

Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra · Tai Chi Chart!

The sword of supernatural power was broken~www.readwn.com~ But after all, it was a momentary gap for Zhang Qingyuan!

This allowed Zhang Qingyuan to successfully display the incomplete Yin-Yang Immortal Technique in the Yin-Yang Immortal Venerable Relic that he obtained from the Yunzhou Five Elements Sect!

One black and one white,

Pure darkness, pure white light,

Like swimming fish, they revolve around each other, reflecting the heavens and the world!

On the edge of the yin and yang group, the vacuum of ten thousand feet was torn and rotated, like the center of all Taoism in heaven and earth!

boom! ! !

Between the electric light and flint, the sweeping blade has arrived!

It broke through the vacuum of thousands of tens of thousands of feet, cracked a chaotic crack, and did not stop at all, slashing heavily on the yin and yang map!

The terrifying explosion struck again, the vacuum suddenly collapsed and shattered, and the power to annihilate everything could be swept away!

The vision is filled with energy,

As far as the eye can see, the whole world is white!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure retreated hundreds of feet again,

The yin and yang map of the fairy law was broken,

But at the same time,

The remaining blades were also blocked!

This is not surprising,

What Zhang Qingyuan obtained was just a broken Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra. Even after devouring all of Gui Yuanxin's memories, the Yin-Yang Dao had been greatly improved, but he still did not master the Yin-Yang Immortal Technique.

This allowed him to barely support Guo Taiping, who completely inherited the Daluo Immortal Sutra!

The terrifying impact acted on him, and the successive head-to-head battles made him groan, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The golden light on his body also dimmed at this moment!

"It can't go on like this!"


There are still 200 words here, and I will continue writing in 20 minutes.

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