Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 505: Immortal scriptures break the enemy

"Damn! How can it be so powerful?!"

At the moment Zhang Qingyuan made up his mind, Guo Taiping on the other side looked extremely ugly.

I originally thought that after casting the Immortal Sutra, I would definitely be able to sweep away the leaves in the autumn wind, and easily deal with the kid in front of me.


The opponent resisted a few tricks, but there was no big deal? !

To know,

After casting the Immortal Sutra, his power was even enough to kill some weaker cultivators of the virtual sky level!

And the person in front of you,

The realm of strength is nothing but the realm of ten thousand transformations!

I must kill this person, otherwise I will definitely become a great enemy on my road to immortality in the future!

At this moment,

In Guo Taiping's heart, an unprecedented murderous intention rose!

This kind of murderous intention is not the false murderous intention that comes from the practice of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires chapter of the Great Falling Immortal Sutra, but the cold murderous intention of his own rationality and instinctive killing intent towards Zhang Qingyuan!

Before this trip, the murderous intention he had against Zhang Qingyuan because of the provocation of the saint was actually a false thing born from the practice of the Daluo Immortal Sutra.

Because in his own sense, he is not the kind of person who can't walk when he sees a woman and lose his sense.

The reason why she was obsessed with the little junior sister was because the junior junior sister fell in love with another person, so she went to kill him in anger.

This is just because of the price of cultivating the Daluo Immortal Sutra,

that kind of passion,

The price of distorting one's own rationality and emotion!

But at this moment,

For Guo Taiping, towards Zhang Qingyuan, you have a real killing intent!

That is under the distorted Daluo Immortal Sutra, the killing intent born by the self to kill Zhang Qingyuan!


this moment,

Guo Taiping tried his best,

The Daluo Immortal Sutra was running at full strength, and the emotions and desires were fully sublimated at this moment, turning it into his most peak power!

It's just a breath of air,

Not long ago, the energy storm that swept and covered the void at the collision place was like being suppressed by an extremely terrifying invisible force, and it actually solidified!

Time and space seem to freeze at this moment!

At that moment,

The power gathered in Guo Taiping made the whole world feel terrified and frightened!

"The final blow? Well done!"

Seeing the precursor of the lore big move erupted from Guo Taiping, Zhang Qingyuan not only had no fear on his face, but a faint expectation arose.

He has never used the Five Elements Immortal Sutra that he has truly cultivated, and he does not know what kind of power the inheritance of the scriptures that reach the immortal gods really has!


The Guo Taiping taught by Daluo Zun in front of him is undoubtedly the best touchstone!

"Five Elements Immortal Sutra: Quiet the Five Elements Divine Light!"

In an instant,

The terrifying Five Elements Avenue is coming!

At this moment, the entire sky seemed to be shattered by a terrifying force, and the Dao Yun, which was difficult to describe in words, came to the world!

All the heavens and stars are completely covered and submerged by the power of gold, wood, water, fire and earth at this moment!

"What? Five Elements Immortal Art?! How is this possible?!!"

At this moment,

Seeing the endless five-element avenue running through the long river in the sky in front of him, Guo Taiping's pupils suddenly shrunk to the size of a needle, and an unprecedented look of shock appeared on his face!

How could someone cultivate the Five Elements Dao!

How could someone cultivate the Five Elements Immortal Technique! ! !

A fear that came from the heart suddenly descended, as if it was a big ominous disaster. The great natural disaster came to the world, and the danger completely covered him!

The power of the Daluo Immortal Sutra, which was obtained by burning all the emotions and desires, could not bring him the slightest sense of security!

For a moment,

Guo Taiping wanted to retreat immediately and escape from here!

As a secret disciple of Daluo Zun Sect, he has also read some ancient books recorded in the sect, knows some ancient secrets, and even understands what kind of terrifying power the Five Elements Immortal Dao is!

This is not something he can contend with who has only learned one chapter from the Daluo Immortal Sutra!

But unfortunately,

It's too late!

boom! ! !

The heavens and the five elements run through the universe and come to the human world. The terrifying power is above the heaven and the earth, slowly revolving and merging together, producing even more terrifying power!

A wisp of immortal energy merged into it, and the Five Elements Avenue merged into the only one, turning into a shattering divine light that penetrated the sky and the earth!

Time and space seem to be frozen at this moment!

The world fell into silence,

The chaos of heaven and earth is ushering in the end and death!

this moment,

An unprecedented shadow of death hangs over Guo Taiping's head!

In his pupils, a smear of annihilation chaotic, tearing apart the divine light of annihilation, rapidly expanded, destroying the heavens and the world!


Guo Taiping roared,

Under the crisis of life and death, the mana of the Great Dao in the body was burned to the utmost, and the emotions and desires of joy, anger, sorrow and joy were turned into the fuel of the raging flames at this moment, bursting out with terrifying power, and forcibly broke free from the solidified void!

at the same time,


The blood-colored light rose into the sky, like the blazing sun burning the vacuum,

A pagoda with a height of 1,000 meters suddenly appeared, the flowing breath shattered the chaos, and the blood-colored light shone on the nine heavens, shrouding Guo Taiping in it!

Gorefiend Buddha Tower!

This is an ancient spiritual tool in Daluo Zun's sect. It has incredible defensive capabilities. It is a life-saving thing that Master Guo Taiping asked for him!

At the moment when Guo Taiping displayed this life-saving thing, the Five Elements Quiet Divine Light also bombarded it with the divine power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

boom! ! !

In an instant,

At that moment, the whole world lost its luminous The whole world turned into black and white photos, everything is the chaos and the end!

Immediately after,

The divine brilliance like the sun erupted above the nine heavens!

An indescribable terrifying force swept across the sky and collapsed the entire sky!

Nine days are all broken!

on the ground below,

Countless people watched as the dazzling light filled the entire sky, followed by the terrifying scene shrouded in endless darkness, and their mouths opened wide, speechless!

Such a level of power! ! !

Just a trace of aftermath, I am afraid it is enough to destroy the entire Feixian League! ! !

At this moment,

Countless people have an indescribable feeling of fear in their hearts!

At the same time,

This terrifying impact pierced through the sky and swept the entire Qingzhou land!

Countless people felt the fluctuations that were far more terrifying than the Shenjing confrontation, and they flew into the sky one after another, staring at the sky in astonishment!

somewhere empty,

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor stopped abruptly and looked at a certain direction in awe,

Such power! ! !

Must speed up!

Complete that plan as soon as possible, otherwise even the strength of the virtual sky level is just fish on someone else's chopping board!

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor knew,

The fluctuation of momentum that came from should be that Guo Taiping went to trouble the weird kid named Zhang Qingyuan.

Although I don't know what the specific battle situation will be,

But this level of power fluctuation may affect the plan!

must speed up,

So as not to dream too much at night!

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor, his figure flickered, speeding up, and suddenly disappeared into the chaotic void.

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