Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 527: Revisiting Tongtian Shenmu

ps: Do not subscribe when you see this line of words. This is a repeat of the previous chapter. Let’s read it tomorrow.

(ps: Liu Zhangyuan at the end of the last chapter forgot that it was gone before, and now it has been changed to visiting Taoist Mingxin, alas, in order to modify it, I wrote 500 more words for free.

This book has been written for too long, and many things have been forgotten. I have been flipping through the previous chapters for the past two days, flipping through the foreshadowing that has not been filled in before. )

After visiting the Taoist Mingxin, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly felt something.

Although the contemporaries have basically entered the soil, at least the previous generation should still exist more or less.

But this time I left,

Maybe the next time I come back, the older generation will also be buried, and there will be fewer people I know, so it's time to visit one or two.

Zhang Qingyuan thought of a person, a person who used to take care of himself a lot, and who was also a close friend of his own master.

That is Master Lu.

As a friend of his master, Mingshui Daoist, Master Lu gave him a lot of protection and help when he was weak, and Zhang Qingyuan will naturally not forget it.

It didn't take much time for Zhang Qingyuan to see Master Lu again.

At this time, Master Lu has already begun to show his old-fashioned attitude.

Years are not forgiving,

The hunched figure and the old face can only vaguely see the spirit of being a master of the formation back then!

Although Master Lu has long been promoted to the real world,

But hundreds of years ago, when Zhang Qingyuan first entered the real yuan realm, the other party was already enlightened.

After that, after a few decades, his master, the Ming Shui Daoist, had already died. Although his master was injured in his early years and caused by other hidden reasons, it could be regarded as an untimely death.

But when the Master Mingshui Daoist was sitting in the seat, he was also eight hundred years old.

As a friend of the same generation, Master Lu is not too young to think about it.

Now hundreds of years have passed,

The aging and twilight of the years are almost visible to the naked eye,

Let Zhang Qingyuan be a little silent.

Such a breath of life, if there is no wrong guess, it is estimated that Master Lu will reach the limit in less than ten years.

Another familiar acquaintance is dying.

A sadness suddenly rose in Zhang Qingyuan's heart,

This is meditation,

The essence of practice is a path to loneliness.

Maybe one day, when you come to the end and look back, those who have grown up with you when you were a child, whether they are enemies or relatives and friends, have all been buried in their graves.

between heaven and earth,

You are the only one left!

Zhang Qingyuan was sad in his heart, but he didn't show anything on his face.

Master Lu was very happy for his arrival.

Pulled him and said a lot of things, all of which were memories from the past, recalled the Mingshui Daoist, recalled the days when we were young and worked hard together, and finally sighed, if the Mingshui Daoist learned that the apprentice he accepted finally had If such a high achievement, it must be smiling Jiuquan.

While talking, I also longed to say that if the legendary underworld where all the souls of heaven and earth belong to really exists, I must talk to the old boy when we go down.

Young people are high-spirited, old people like to remember.

Between sighs,

Only then did Zhang Qingyuan know many things in the past of his former master, Mingshui Daoist. He also knew that Master Lu and his own master, Mingshui Daoist, were friends of life and death. No wonder he tried his best to help him back then.

Many years ago has become a somewhat ignorant memory,

It came alive in the conversation.

Zhang Qingyuan smiled, and Ying and Shi talked about what happened in the South China Sea before.

only in the heart,

For some reason there was a sourness.

On the way,

Lu Yunxi, the granddaughter of Master Lu, also appeared.

At that time, I had also taught the other party for a period of time,

Unexpectedly, the weak and weak girl back then was also successfully promoted to the realm of Dongzhen, and her realm even surpassed that of Master Lu!

The girl from the past has grown into a strong person now, with bright eyes and white teeth, and her skin is better than snow, like a fairy who walked out of a painting.

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were all stunned.

It's just that he lowered his head, and that shy and cowardly color seems to have not changed after many years.

When Zhang Qingyuan said a word to her, she lowered her head shyly. Just like in the past, she didn't dare to look him in the eye, and when she answered him, she also called him the head court.

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly, but his heart was a little warmer.

This reminded him of the days when he was in charge of the academy, teaching her and a group of outer disciples.

time is changing,

But there are always some people who haven't changed.

After talking for a few days,

Zhang Qingyuan also left a jade slip to Master Lu as a gift.

I hope that the other party can go further and live longer. Those people he knew in his youth are almost the same.

Then it's time to say goodbye and leave.

Not long after he left Master Lu's mountain gate, Zhang Qingyuan felt a breath behind him and chased after him.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but press his footsteps and stood on the top of the mountain.

A stream of light fell,

It was Lu Yunxi who came after him.

Her figure fell lightly, panting a little, her cheeks flushed.

" what happened?"

Zhang Qingyuan asked in a gentle voice.

I saw Lu Yunxi took a deep breath, and her two slender hands nervously grasped the corners of her clothes, as if summoning great courage, she closed her eyes and said something to Zhang Qingyuan:

"Zhangyuan, I like you!"

The voice fell,

Lu Yunxi's pretty face was as red as fire, and she lowered her head and dared not look at Zhang Qingyuan again.

"Qingyuan, I'm very happy to see you promoted to the old man, but I'm even more happy that you can find yourself."

"It's right for us to practice, understand the mind of heaven, and pursue the way of heaven, but first of all, we are all just human beings, not the icy and cold way of heaven. We shouldn't use the order of heaven to advertise ourselves and obliterate our own humanity."

"The old man also knows that this has nothing to do with you running around for many years, rarely forming friendships with others, and lacking a Taoist partner who seeks the same way. But you can remember one thing, Yunshui Sect will always be your home!"

When Zhang Qingyuan approached the ancestor of Danyang and was about to say goodbye to the other party.

The ancestor of Danyang took Zhang Qingyuan's hand and talked a lot.

Unlike Zhang Qingyuan, the ancestor of Danyang was a monk trained by the Yunshui Sect, and spent most of his life in the sect.

Since I was a child, I grew up with my brothers and sisters, and got the attention of my teachers and the care of my sect.

Although he has gone through many obstacles along the way, he has finally achieved the realm of Wanhua at the peak of Yuzhou.

For the ancestor of Danyang, the Yunshui Sect, who grew up since childhood, is his home.

Three thousand years have passed,

The brothers and sisters from the past, the same doorway, and even the elders and ancestors who had taught him to treat him like a parent have died one after another, and have long been buried in the soil.

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