Zhang Qingyuan guessed right,

Yimu Shenlei is indeed the power of the Immortal Dao series!

This is not the power of immortals and gods that can be mastered by the lower world.

Although the attack of Tongtian Shenmu was just a test, using a trace of the power of Yimu Shenlei, the power contained in it, just the qi that escaped, was enough to change the color of the world and suppress the vast majority of heaven and earth. people!

It is for this reason,

When Zhang Qingyuan exhibited his step into the Chaos Avenue of Heaven and Man, and annihilated that trace of Yimu Shenlei in one fell swoop, this undoubtedly caused a storm in the heart of Tongtian Shenmu!

This little devil, who has just entered the realm of heaven and man, mastered the laws of the Dao, so terrifying? !

[Your Dao, is it a Dao formed by the fusion of yin and yang and the five elements? ! 】

Tongtian Shenmu said in a low voice, and there was a trace of shock that could not be concealed between his words.

There is no need to try,

The strength of this kid is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

the road he walked,

I am afraid that it has reached the ultimate in the world!


Break through!

Recalling the last time we met, Tongtian Shenmu had a vague feeling.

"Senior has good eyesight, it's not bad, blending yin and yang, returning to one and the five elements, it took a lot of effort for the junior, otherwise, the junior should have broken through to heaven and man long ago, but fortunately, it finally got through. It's gone!"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded,

Recalling the many difficulties encountered in order to walk out of this most powerful path, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh.

If it wasn't for the purpose of making up the final Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra, he would actually be able to break through to the Heaven and Human Realm with the Five Elements Immortal Sutra long before he went to Qingzhou.

The Five Elements Immortal Dao itself is also a mature road to becoming immortal.

in this era,

After cutting off the connection with the upper realm, it is basically impossible to walk through the Five Elements Avenue.

This also means,

If he walks along the fifth, then on the next road to immortality, there is a great possibility that he will overwhelm ten thousand paths and finally win!

But unfortunately,

Now that the world has changed greatly, coupled with the many changes hidden behind it and the upper realm,

This made Zhang Qingyuan have to lay a deeper foundation as much as possible and gain more powerful strength to face the immortal gods in the upper realm that may appear on the road to immortality in the future!


Your efforts were not in vain,

Got a huge reward!

As far as he knows,

Among the three levels of the Heaven and Human Realm, He Dao, Void Heaven, and Escape One, the gap between each level is almost the distance between the middle of the cave and the realm of myriad transformations!

But now,

He is just a first-time entrant to the Heavenly Man of Hedao,

But he, who has integrated the five elements of Yin and Yang and stepped into the Chaos Avenue, has the strength to face the peak of the virtual world!

Before the breakthrough, the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign, who could bring him a lot of danger, was only able to suppress him with just one hand!


It can be said that it is advancing by leaps and bounds!

It is already close to the peak of this world of self-cultivation!

【very nice! 】

for a long time,

Tongtian Shenmu couldn't help but exclaim, and his voice was full of complexity.

[The path you are taking has infinite potential, and it is even said that it has already begun to transcend this world! 】

Tongtian Shenmu's words were full of emotion.

did not expect,

In this small world that is about to enter the end of the end of the law and has been harvested for hundreds of thousands of years, there will actually be such a peerless genius!

Break the barriers, use your own strength and talent, detach from the shackles of the world,

That is the common denominator of the great powers of the heavens and the world, across the starry sky and the universe!

If this kid does not die in the future,

Maybe in the future it will become that kind of existence!

Many thoughts flashed in Tongtian Shenmu's mind, and suddenly an idea came into being.


Can this kid help him in the future?

Just when Tongtian Shenmu fell into contemplation, Zhang Qingyuan was moved by it.

"Dare to ask the seniors, what does it mean to be detached from this world?"

Zhang Qingyuan cupped his hands, and looked at the divine tree that radiated endless starlight and was incomparably deep.

Covered by the lush branches, it seems to support a mysterious starry world!

The world torn apart by previous fights,

At this moment, everything has been healed!

[You who have come this far must know how to become a fairy! 】

The calm voice did not answer directly, but instead asked aloud.

At this time, Tongtian Shenmu had a certain idea and decided to reveal something.

"To become an immortal? According to the knowledge of the younger generation, if you want to become an immortal, you must defeat all the competitors on the same generation's road to become immortal, and use yourself to overwhelm all the ways to achieve an invincible appearance, and then be recognized by heaven and earth. In the dark, there will be some kind of promotion and transformation, and the ultimate immortal path will be achieved!"

Zhang Qingyuan looked at Tongtian Shenmu suspiciously, not knowing what the other party meant.

these years,

The vast jade slips he collected were not for decoration.

What's more, two or three hundred years ago, he once devoured the memory of a reincarnated person from the upper realm named Gui Yuanxin, and even knew more than the ordinary monk in the realm of heaven and man~www.readwn.com~.

[You are right, it seems that you have a deep understanding of this! 】

Tongtian Shenmu made a long voice, and the voice seemed to look up at the eternal starry sky above.

[With a single layer covering ten thousand paths, combining the power of human beings, the power of heaven and earth, and finally ascending to the supreme position in the world, and finally achieving the fruit of immortality that transcends the world, this is the orthodox path to immortality, from the immortal path In the 140,000 years that have been handed down, this has always been the case. 】

The voice of Tongtian Shenmu resounded in Zhang Qingyuan's mind like a thunderous roar.

this moment,

Some events that Qingzhou and his party experienced suddenly flashed in his mind,

He flashed past the Great Zhou Dynasty who founded the entire Qingzhou Dynasty, and finally proved the Dao of Heaven and Man with the luck of the Dynasty, and finally even had the Great Zhou Divine Emperor with the power of the virtual sky.

this means,

Could it be a secret technique that imitated the path to becoming an immortal?


The other party is just a test item that a certain existence secretly planted? !

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, Zhang Qingyuan's consciousness diverged for a while, but soon, Tongtian Shenmu's next sentence suddenly pulled back his divergent thinking!

[However, such a method of enlightenment is a shortcut to enlightenment, not the real way of practicing the right way! 】

What? ! !

The words of Tongtian Shenmu instantly exploded like a thunderbolt in Zhang Qingyuan's mind, setting off a stormy sea in his mind and consciousness!

The path to immortality that has been handed down since ancient times is not the right way to practice, but just a shortcut on the road to self-cultivation?

What a joke! ! !

this moment,

Even after going through countless strong winds and waves, Zhang Qingyuan was still stunned, his face full of disbelief!

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