As the most outstanding rising star of Wanlei Mountain, Lei Chen can be regarded as a rare talent in ten thousand years. Looking at the entire Central Continent cultivation world, he is an existence that can be ranked in the ranks!

Such a genius is definitely not weak!

But unfortunately,

He met Zhang Qingyuan!

Long before he became a heaven and man, Zhang Qingyuan brought his Five Elements avenue to the point of perfection!

It is the five great avenues that have come to the end of Consummation!

At the same time, before he was promoted to heaven and man, he went against the yin and yang and five elements, and his achievement in one fell swoop can be said to be the chaotic avenue standing at the peak of the world!

accumulated over the years,

Let him have a terrifying sublimation when he was promoted to heaven!

With such strength, how can Lei Chen compare with him?

Perhaps Lei Chen has the power to fight against the virtual sky under the full force of the explosion.

But that's all there is to it!

Not to mention the immortal art of Yimu Shenlei that he has mastered, but he can't take any attacks from the Five Elements Supernatural Power and Chaos Avenue!

Maybe based on age,

Zhang Qingyuan still belongs to the new generation.

But his strength is already close to the ancient power of the older generation!

In the loud rumbling sound,

turbulent storm,

The counterattacking thunder spear pierced through Lei Chen and fell on the ground, collapsing the earth in a radius of 10,000 miles, billowing smoke and dust hitting the sky like a tsunami, dyeing the entire sky yellow!

The mountains and rivers collapsed, and the sky shook!

And seeing this scene,

everyone present,

Whether it is the many monks in the battle between the two sides of the battlefield below, or the great powers of heaven and man who compete with each other in the nine heavens,

It was as if words were lost at this moment!

Deathly silence!

"It turned out that you were defeated so easily?"

Someone couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

"It's so easy to block Lei Chen's ultimate move. With such strength, I'm afraid it is not already at the level of the legendary Void Heaven Great Expert, or even the powerhouse among the Void Great Experts!"

"How is this possible! Even if the rumors are true, hasn't it been a long time since Zhang Qingyuan went against the heavens in the outer continent? How could he enter the country so quickly?!"

"Bastard! Do you want to die! How dare you call that lord by his first name!"

Everyone around them glared angrily, and they all turned their angry eyes to the daring and disrespectful person, and left quickly at the same time, for fear that they and others would be implicated by that guy and would be shocked to death by the existence of the sky!

Those who are high in the heavens,

It is already beyond the mundane world!

Whether it is Dongzhen or Wanhua, as long as the big man on the top has a thought, it is enough to shock them to death from the air!

"Great, such a method!"

above the sky,

Yan Beigui looked at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help raising his hand, holding the hilt of the giant sword behind him, and forcibly put it down again, for several times.

Totally itchy!

Such a monster, it is exciting to fight hands!

At this moment, in Yan Beigui's chest, a frenzy was already rising.

As a fighting maniac, even if he entered the virtual sky and became the top second-level powerhouse in the world, he could not change the belligerent personality formed since he was a child.

"Lao Yan, Fellow Daoist Zhang is the guest I invited. Don't think about it. If your hands are itchy, feel free to play with you after this battle."

Shen Zheng was also shocked by Zhang Qingyuan's strength and performance, but when he saw Yan Beigui's excited face on the side, he already knew in his heart that the fighting madman had aroused interest, and his heart was not good, so he spoke quickly.

This guy,

Not in battle, but on the way to battle!

Even if it's my own, sometimes I can't help but challenge.

Simply speechless!

"Hmph, Lao Yan, I don't want to fight with you, your methods are a little more unpleasant."

Yan Beigui's expression was excited, obviously he was already aroused by fighting intent, staring at Zhang Qingyuan not far away, but still said:

"Don't worry, it's just the usual exchange and discussion. If that brother doesn't want to, I, Lao Yan, are not someone who is difficult for a strong man."


"With the strength shown by Daoyou Zhang, I am afraid that it is no less than me. Daoyou Shen can rest assured. What's more, being able to fight against the powerhouses of the virtual sky level may be helpful to him."

Murong Yue on the side made a faint voice, and her eyes moved slightly under the white veil of steaming clouds.

As the most talented Tianjiao in the Eastern Realm, Murong Yue naturally paid more attention to Zhang Qingyuan, the rising Tianjiao of the new generation.


Even when I was at this level, I couldn't even do this!


The age of this young man is rumored to be less than a thousand years old!

It's just terrifying!

"Fairy Moon, don't you want to..."

Shen Zheng showed a wry smile, just as he was about to say that Murong Yue should not go to the fire.

At this moment,

A sudden change has occurred!

boom! ! !

On the opposite side, the three celestial beings of the three imaginary levels of Wanlei Mountain, Lei Wang Laozu, Lei Song, and Wanlei Mountain's mountain master Lei Mie suddenly burst into flames.

The Wanli Starry Sky seems to have been destroyed at this moment!

Boom! ! !

A terrifying force that cannot be described in words is coming!

The three major levels of the virtual sky, the peerless powers who are almost standing at the peak of the current cultivation world, start at the same time, but the release of breath makes the sky of the nine heavens silent, and instantly falls into the abyss of despair where you can't see your fingers. The ominous feeling of death has come to the world!

In that endless darkness,

The stalwart scene rises from the ground, covering the sky!

That is the world phantom of three angry seas and thunder waves!

It slowly emerged from the endless chaos, and almost in an instant, it filled the entire chaotic world, including the limit of the horizon of the virtual sky, as if three worlds were separated by heavy voids and slammed with unstoppable stalwart power. !

Void cave! ! !

After the power of the heavens and the human beings has reached its limit, based on its own avenue, it will penetrate the world of the world in the inner world, and open up a place in the virtual world. Since then, it will step into the virtual world level!

this moment,

At almost the same time, the three celestial beings of Wanlei Mountain, who were at the level of the virtual sky, attacked Zhang Qingyuan violently!

He even went all out to move out the Void Realm in the inner world and turn it into a peerless blow that penetrated the sky and the earth, and at this moment, he wanted to join forces to wipe Zhang Qingyuan from the world!

"Dare you!!!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Zheng's eyes were about to split, roaring and roaring, the sound was like thunder shattering the vacuum of thousands of feet, as if it was an angry dragon roaring!


A terrifying aura erupted from Shen Zheng's body, and a golden world appeared behind him in the void, giving him the mighty power of the creator, turning it into a big golden hand that turned the world upside down, and moved towards the three people in Wanlei Mountain. Shoot it!

When the Yanbei returned behind him, Murong Yue's expression also changed.

They didn't even think about it,

The people of Wanlei Mountain have even lost the reputation that the sect has accumulated over the past ten thousand years. They have chosen the three great powers of the virtual sky level to join forces to raid a junior who has not entered the Hedao for a long time!

What a joke!

Does Wan Leishan really want no face at all? !


The two of them also hurriedly shot, and the stalwart power that penetrated the sky and the earth broke out!

Under the terrifying fairy light, the mighty force split the sky for thousands of miles, and with the power to shatter one world, it also bombarded the three of Wanlei Mountain!

Above the nine heavens, six phantoms of the terrifying cave world suddenly appeared!

If the sun shines brightly,

Burning the heavens and the earth, it brought immeasurable light and heat to the world. The avenues in the sky are as real, and the gallops are like tides, destroying large swaths of space!

At this time,

The dozens of heavenly beings behind the two parties all widened their eyes, suddenly woke up, and fled in all directions in panic!

The chaos of the digital virtual sky level,

It's time to start!

Run for your life!

This is not a battlefield where we can stay!

------off topic-----

think eunuch,

I want to break the want to open a new book......

Every day I turn on my computer, these three thoughts pop into my mind.

There is a big problem with the setting of this book. The more it is written, the more tormented it is, and it gets later and later every day. Forget it, it took several months to come up with a satisfactory ending plot.

I tried but failed.

The realm is not enough, and the plot of Central Continent does not have enough pen power to support it. Then let's go with the fate, anyway, it started to rot after it was put on the shelves. If you can't save it, then you can't save it. Try to speed up as much as possible, and finish the following plot within this month, so that the book can be concluded, and then a new book will be opened to prepare for the war.


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