The action of the three great powers of the virtual sky came too suddenly!

Even though Shen Zheng and others had already shot in the first time, they were still a step behind!

The violent thunder that shattered thousands of avenues ripped apart the sky and pierced the universe, as if to destroy Zhang Qingyuan and this side of the world!

In the sky and the ground, all spaces that can be avoided are blocked!

The terrifying annihilation breath filled the air, and thousands of stars seemed to have collapsed!

The sky is full of Tan Tan, falling into the dark abyss where you can't see your fingers!

this moment,

Even Zhang Qingyuan felt the terrifying death crisis!

In the face of the joint blow of the three great powers of the virtual sky, even now he may not be able to resist!

This is the difference between quality and quantity!

Facing this terrifying joint strike,

Zhang Qingyuan only felt that Ruo Ruo was crushed by three violent worlds of destruction and thunder!

But fortunately,

In battle, vigilance has been his basic habit for many years.

Previously, Zhang Qingyuan folded his fingers and rebounded Lei Chen's attack. It seemed like an easy task, and the wind was light, but in fact, he did not relax because he easily defeated his opponent!

Standing behind him are the three powers of the virtual sky level!

Zhang Qingyuan looked sullen on the surface, but he was vigilant in his heart!


Over the years, he has watched the Tianyi Immortal Sutra, and at the same time, his own spiritual knowledge is extremely strong, so when the three virtual heaven masters in Wanlei Mountain took action, he had already discovered and reacted!

The sudden attack of the three virtuous Tiantianren of Wanlei Mountain was beyond the expectations of Shen Zheng and others.

But this does not include Zhang Qingyuan!

Almost at the moment when the ancestors of Wanlei Mountain's three illusory Tianren started to act, Zhang Qingyuan also reacted and made his move almost at the same moment.

Boom! ! !

Between the palms, the dazzling and dazzling rays of light suddenly burst, and the dazzling and terrifying rays of light shone on the nine days, and the terrifying aura attracted the thundering avenues of thousands of miles to boil at this moment!

"Otomu God Thunder!"

Zhang Qingyuan made a masterpiece of thunder and light in his palm,

The terrifying celestial magic thunder light shook Kyushu!

At this moment, in the face of the attack of the ancestors of the three illusory Tianren, Zhang Qingyuan has no reservations!

There is no need to keep it!

In defeating Lei Chen, he only showed that one-tenth of the power of the Yimu Shenlei was less than that, leaving most of his spare power.

This is because one-tenth of the strength is enough to defeat the opponent. After all, it is only the peak of the mere joint path, and there is no need for full force.

At the same time, keep an eye on it,

After avoiding all-out efforts, he was sneak attacked by the three great powers of the virtual sky behind Wanleishan.

Unexpectedly, Wanleishan, a great power that has been inherited for more than 10,000 years, is really so shameless.

As such,

The power to leave room plays an important role at this moment!

As an existence at the level of immortality, Zhang Qingyuan himself practiced the Chaos Dao, and his foundation was terrifying to the point of inconceivable. The combination of the two gave rise to a terrifying and boundless stalwart power!

Under the unimaginable splendid fairy light, the heavens shook, and the three oncoming phantoms of the Thunder World of Destruction shook violently one after another!

Countless violent thunders were torn apart!

The Void Realm Cave opened up by the Thunder Avenue shook violently at this moment, the avenue was penetrated, and the abyss that could not see the end was cracked for thousands of miles, and the long chaotic cracks spread and intertwined!

Nine days collapsed,

Thousands of thunder and howl!

Under the immeasurable celestial light radiated by the Otsuki God Thunder,

The three major virtual realm caves have collapsed one after another, destroying the dry and pulling the rot, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo!

"not good!!!"

The ancestor of Lei Wang, headed by Wan Leishan, shrank at this moment, his long hair like a steel needle exploded at this moment, and his heart was filled with this kind of creepy feeling!

How could this be so! ! !

What is the means? ! ! !

The phantoms of the three major virtual worlds collapsed one after another, and they were actually vulnerable!

How could a mere celestial being possess such a terrifying means?

Not only the ancestor of Lei Wang,

Even Lei Song and Lei Mie behind him had expressions of disbelief on their faces!

The dazzling and dazzling thunder light, shattering all methods, even the origin of their thunder road trembled violently at this moment!

As if feared!

What a joke!


No matter how much they don't want to believe it, it's the reality!

The three-way world was pierced and torn apart by the vast and terrifying Ottomu God Thunder, and the powerful force swept the world and bombarded the three people who were completely irresistible!

The earth-shattering explosion exploded and everything collapsed.

Across a long distance, I still feel the shocking thunder flashes, tearing the sky, electric snakes dancing wildly, and destroying thousands of stars!

The three Xu Tianren who suddenly attacked were defeated by one blow,

The figure flew upside down!

It dripped like blood lava from a mountain, and was completely destroyed under the violent thunderstorm!

With one blow back,

The Three Great Void Realm Cave Heavens of Wanlei Mountain were directly wounded and repulsed!


All of this is a long story, but it just happened in the blink of an eye!

When Zhang Qingyuan resolved the attack of the three people of Lei Wang Laozu, Yimu Shenlei ripped apart the cave with the power of the immortal technique, and the three of them were knocked into the air.

The help of Shen Zheng and the three arrived just now.

majestic power,

hit the empty space directly,

The violent energy swept thousands of miles, causing the sky to shake violently, and the avenues were torn apart!


At this moment, the three of Shen Zheng have no intention to pay attention to these.

At this time, the three of them,

Looking at Zhang Qingyuan, it was like looking at a monster!

this! ! !

Just kidding!

The three major virtual heavenly people joined forces to raid, and the strongest power broke out. Even the virtual realm cave was displayed, and the power of the three worlds was crushed.

With such a terrifying means of besieging and killing, even if a Xu Tianren is here, he may not be able to survive!

As a result, in front of this piece of Qingyuan,

In front of this young man who is rumored to be only a thousand years old and has just stepped into Hedao Heavenly Man, he was easily defeated by the means of siege and killed, and he was also severely injured in turn? ! !


What happened to that terrifying thunder light just now? !

Even for them, the moment they saw the Divine Lightning of Yimu split between heaven and earth, they had a feeling of death crisis coming, unable to resist, unable to escape!

This kind of If it is not the three great powers of Wanlei Mountain, if there is one less person to share, I am afraid they will all be wiped out under the power of that terrifying thunder!

"Hey! Brother Zhang, you are!!!"

Shen Zheng almost took a breath and looked at Zhang Qingyuan with an incredible look!

"A life-saving trump card, I didn't expect it to be used here, but it was blocked."

With the full power of Yimu Shenlei's power, Zhang Qingyuan's face was also a little pale, his breath was a little unstable, he nodded towards Shen Zheng and said.


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