"It's confirmed, the news is true. I have a good friend in Wanlei Mountain. The news is correct. In the end, the ancestors of Wanlei Mountain almost lost the entire sect's treasury!"

"My ancestor has a relationship with the ancestor Lei Mie of Wanlei Mountain. Not long ago, I asked around and the other party did not deny it."

"Not long ago, the sect master of Wanlei Mountain's Thunder Extermination was very troublesome, and it was true to announce to the outside world!"

"Wan Leishan is this crazy? They don't want the reputation they have accumulated over tens of thousands of years. Did they put the boy named Zhang Qingyuan under their feet?!"

The entire Central Continent Cultivation Realm was shocked three times as the news spread!

Don't look at Zhang Qingyuan's entry into Central Continent, it seems that the people he encounters are basically the existence of heaven and human series.

But this is because you have reached your level, so those who can stand by your side are also at the same level and with the same level of existence.

It's like when you don't have a penny in your pocket, you're basically surrounded by poor people.

But when you make a lot of money, the level of business you do is also rich!

The same is true,

In the realm of comprehension in Central Continent, it is not a world where heaven and man are inferior to dogs.

Heaven and man are still high above the existence,

called ancestors,

Sit and watch the sky rise,

Thousands of years have passed by!

As far as the entire Eastern Realm is concerned, the existence of the Heaven and Human series is only a hundred people.

The reason why the war with Wanlei Mountain gathered more than 30 masters of heaven and man is because the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce's Eastern Branch and Wanlei Mountain are one of the top forces in the entire Eastern Realm!

It can be said that such a top-level force has gathered more than half of the masters of the entire Eastern Realm, great power!

Heaven is high above,

virtual sky,

It is even more superior to it, and it can be called the existence of the pinnacle of Immortal Dao!

This level of battle happened, and in the end, it was a feat that even the descendants of the Holy Land might not be able to achieve by a foreign continent Tianjiao who had just entered Hedao Tianren for a long time. It was all three shocks!


Simply incredible!

If it is not probed through multiple channels,

And the ancestors of the peak of Wanlei Mountain personally admitted,

Anyone who hears such news will probably think it's just a prank!

But the reality is that!

That's why it set off a stormy sea in the whole of Central Continent!

"Born from other continents, he first appeared in Yunzhou, from Zhenyuan all the way to Hedao Tianren, hey! No way, it's only four or five hundred years?!"

"It's incredible! In just a few hundred years, he has become a god, and he has become a **** in the outer continent, and he has such a terrifying combat power!"

"Impossible! It is impossible for someone to take such a step, and I have never heard of this person's physique, hum! Unless it is the remnant soul of the ancient Escape Great Master, it is impossible for the younger generation to do it. Such a point!"

"This son will be my great enemy on the road to immortality!"

"Zhang Qingyuan, it's good, then let me try it, you shouldn't deserve such a reputation!"

"This son's talent is terrifying!"

Along with the sensational news, all the information about Zhang Qingyuan's past,

Apart from the fact that his origin in Yuzhou has not been exposed, the rest of the trajectory in Yunzhou and Qingzhou has been cleaned up one by one, and all of them have been handed over to several major forces in the cultivation world of Central Continent!

Seeing the horrifying life experience in front of me,

Many people lost their voices.

The new generation of monks regards him as an unprecedented huge opponent!


In the depths of certain holy places, the hidden great powers of the world cast their gazes.


Some hidden forbidden valley,

A ragged,

The young man with a pale face and blood stains on his body held a jade slip in his hand. After reading the news, he grinned and bared his teeth.

"Hey! No way, this is something that people can do? If it wasn't for the accuracy of Tianji Pavilion's intelligence, I would have thought that some second- or third-rate intelligence organization was fooling me!"

"What's wrong?"

A wisp of remnant soul floated out of the ring, and the translucent figure floated in the air in the form of a white-haired old man.

"But what happened to those guys in the Holy Land?"

"No, look!"


The young man handed the jade slip to the old man's remnant soul,

The old man's remnant soul's soul power rolled up, holding up the jade slip between his eyebrows.

After a while,

lay down,

There was silence.

for a long time,

Under the watchful eyes of young people,

Fang Cai let out a long sigh:

"Alas, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and a new generation replaces the old!"

"In this era, there is such a monster, and I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse!"

talking room,

The old man's remnant soul looked at the young man beside him, with a little pity, he said leisurely:

"Little Yanzi, living in the same era as such a monster, I don't know if it's your luck or your misfortune. In the future, this child will probably become your biggest opponent!"

"Humph! That guy is only two or three steps ahead of me. The road of cultivation is not for the moment, but for the back!"

"What's more, if I burst out with Emperor Yan, wouldn't I also burn to death the two virtual heavens that came from the Holy Land of Heaven?"

"I, Lin Yan, have never been weaker than others!"

Although Lin Yan was dressed in rags, was in a state of embarrassment and was seriously injured in the pursuit of the Holy Land, but at this time, the light in his eyes flashed, and he still showed extremely strong self-confidence!

"Haha! Very good! My disciple of Xiaoyao Tianzun must have such self-confidence!"

The old man phantom laughed, his face full of satisfaction.


As the so-called chaos is coming, there must be evil spirits born!

It seems that the kid named Zhang Qingyuan is also a monster born in response to the upcoming heavenly change!

But so what?

The other party quickly rose to this level with the help of the heavenly family.

Lin Yan, the apprentice who accepted his own teaching, where did he go wrong? !

Under his own teaching, Lin Yan's achievements are not much weaker than those who have obtained the Son of Heaven's Destiny.

This achievement, wouldn't it make him very happy!

Xiaoyao Tianzun laughed out loud,

But with a smile,

He seemed to feel something was wrong.

Zhang Qingyuan?

this name,

Where have you heard it?

The old man was stunned for a moment, and Lin Yan, who was on the opposite side, was also stunned by a flash of light at the same time.

Figures big and small,

stare at each other for a few seconds,

Suddenly realized something!

"Zhang Qingyuan?!!"

Almost at the same time, UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Xiaoyao Tianzun and Lin Yan shouted at the same time!

hundreds of years ago,


Cloud Water Sect!

In an instant, memories of his youth flashed across Lin Yan's mind!

He was completely stunned there!


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