"It sure is that guy!"

Lin Yan looked at the information in his hand twice again, and said with a grin, almost gasping for breath in his heart!

Hundreds of years ago, he was still in Yuzhou and belonged to one of the inner disciples of Yuzhou Yunshui Sect.

According to time,

In the intelligence, Zhang Qingyuan, the monster from outside the continent, has risen roughly the same age as himself.

familiar names,

Roughly the same rise years,

And it's a mysterious origin.

Up to now, there is no earlier information about Zhang Qingyuan's first appearance in Yunzhou in the intelligence of Tianji Pavilion. It seems that he suddenly appeared in Yunzhou as a whole, with no past.

It's like practicing ascetic practice in the deep mountains and forests after birth, and not going out to the mountains until the peak of True Yuan.

No one can find information before this.

But this is clearly not possible!

Birds flying in the sky will leave traces. No one can go all the way to the peak of True Yuan by retreating in a mountain nest.


The other party was born in a more secret place,

That is a place that even Tianji Pavilion has never known!

Such a birth,

Lin Yan knew something.

Because so does he.

until today,

Even if the information of Tianji Pavilion spreads all over the land of Jiuzhou, he could not find out the details of his origin.

Because of his origin,

It is for Yuzhou, which was isolated from the land of Jiuzhou more than 10,000 years ago and is a lost land!

"It's probably him!"

Xiaoyao Tianzun also sighed and said.

Although hundreds of years have passed, that was when Lin Yan was young, and he was one of the few peers who left a deep impression on him.

In my mind, I remember the shadow of that guy.

"I didn't expect such a monster to appear in such a small Yunshui Sect!"

"If you count you, if Yuzhou is discovered and reconnected with this continent, I am afraid that Yunshui Sect will be famous all over the world!"

"I don't know, if this news spreads, how many people will be shocked."

Tianzun Xiaoyao's face is a little weird.

Back then, the sect of Yuzhou, although it was said to be the overlord of Yuzhou, actually had a lot of constraints, and it was even more inconspicuous when placed on the land of Central Continent.

There is a large sect in the district, and the most powerful realm in the sect is only one or two Wanhua.

But rather,

From that small sect, two peerless talents emerged!

Not only are they all leaping forward in a few hundred years, and they are promoted to the realm of heaven and man in a short period of time, but they are also enchanting characters who can defeat the heaven and earth at the level of the virtual world at the level of the heaven and the earth!

Simply incredible!

"I didn't expect that guy to have come this far. This is one of the few old friends of mine. I really look forward to seeing you in the future!"

"There will be a chance!"


Time flies, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Inside the secret realm of the cave,


The top-quality spirit stone in his hand was shattered, lost all luster, turned into fly ash and dissipated in mid-air.

Zhang Qingyuan, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, opened his eyes. His dark eyes were as deep as a starry sky, and they contained incredible Taoism, which made the surrounding void distorted at this moment!

As if the ancient beast awakened, the terrifying aura swept out, and collided with the spiritual energy between the sky and the sky, producing a splendid arc spark!

Under the terrifying breath, the world is shaking violently!

"The middle stage of the Hedao, it's finally here!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed, and he took a deep breath.

At this moment,

It seems that the gods in charge of the heavens and the earth swallow up the qi of the heavens and the earth, causing a tsunami of qi between the voids, the entire cavern secret realm is violently shaken, and the splendid light shines in all directions!

After a while, Zhang Qingyuan restrained his own aura that made heaven and earth fear him, and everything calmed down.

Feel the unfathomable mana in the body like the ocean, as if he can set off a huge torrent between heaven and earth with just a thought.

The kind of mighty power that controls the universe and the Dao surrenders to it, so Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but have the illusion that the universe is in his grasp!

"In the middle of the Hedao, the mana is stronger!"

"But the top-quality spirit stones have all been consumed. If you want to continue to maintain a rapid improvement, you must need more top-quality spirit stones, or the source power of heaven and earth!"

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh.

The reason why he was able to advance so quickly after entering the realm of Heaven and Man.

One is that his accumulation in the realm of Wanhua is already extremely strong, which gives him the foundation for rapid improvement after entering the heavens.

The second is that after entering Central Continent, he was baptized with three thousand li of purple energy, as well as hundreds of top-grade spirit stones.

And these,

After he has now entered the middle stage of Hedao with him, he is basically exhausted!

"The law and the wealthy, the four elements of cultivation, even if it is a heaven and a man, if you want to be promoted quickly, you need a lot of resources... Of course, this is also very strong with the Chaos Dao I walk, and the foundation is strong. There is basically no bottleneck at the level of heaven and man, and it does not matter.”

"If it is an ordinary heaven and man, calculating the large amount of wealth accumulated over the years, but the Dao cannot be understood, and the cultivation will not be able to advance an inch."

"It's not bad that I stayed in Wanhua for so long, and I also walked through the Chaos Avenue. Otherwise, even if I have enough resources, I have to stay at this level for a hundred years!"

"It's just that the resources for cultivation will be a little troublesome!"

Zhang Qingyuan exhaled a long breath, frowning slightly.


He seemed to remember something,

palm up,

A round of white jade mirror emitting a brilliant light appeared in his hand, reflecting the fluctuations of Dao's power that made people feel terrified!

Void Mirror!

This is the holy artifact that Zhang Qingyuan got from Qingzhou!

at this time,

After many years, the virtual sky mirror was repaired again.

Divine Consciousness penetrated into the world in the virtual sky mirror, found a floating immortal island in the mirror world, and took out the fortune disk that was placed on it and condensed the source power of heaven and earth.

At this time, in the panyu of good fortune, there is a gleaming light, as if the source of heaven and earth contains the power of the law of the avenue.

About three or four.

Although it is still a drop in the bucket,

However, Zhang Qingyuan still nodded with satisfaction.

"Fortunately, I directly packed the island in the forbidden area of ​​​​God Ruins and took it away. I didn't expect that the legendary island where a grain of dust and sand fell from the heavens also had the effect of accelerating the gathering of the source power of heaven and earth... ."

"Furthermore, there is a special kind of immortal rhythm power in it, but unfortunately it was too broken in the battle, and it still takes time to recover. Otherwise, if you meditate on it, you may have unexpected gains."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered for a moment, and he pondered for a while.

Directly pour the source power of heaven and earth in the panyu of good fortune into the virtual mirror~www.readwn.com~ in the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods, and pack it away on the floating fairy island!


As if it had been stimulated, the floating immortal island vibrated violently, the vegetation on the island quickly stretched, the vitality and immortal energy began to linger, and the collapsed rocks also automatically recovered!

Zhang Qingyuan showed a smile on his face,


at this very moment,

"Zhang Qingyuan, get out of here for me!!!"


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