The huge sound, as if the sound of thunder rolled, passed through the realm of chaos, and was introduced into the secret realm of Fangdongtian along the Avenue of Heaven and Earth!

The entire cavernous secret realm resounded with this huge voice!

Zhang Qingyuan frowned, and a haze appeared on his face.

Flip your palm,

The virtual sky mirror disappeared.

Immediately stand up,

One step out, the space under your feet shrinks into an inch.

almost in an instant,

Zhang Qingyuan crossed the space barrier of the secret realm of Dongtian, walked out of chaos, and appeared above the East Branch of the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce.

"what happened?"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly, his eyes swept around.

Although Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of commerce,

But the place where Zhang Qingyuan practiced was deep in the mountains behind the Chamber of Commerce.

at this time,

I saw at the foot of the mountains, a young man dressed in blue clothes, staring in all directions, standing on the stairs with a proud face, his breath slowly rising like the rising sun.

There are several good players of the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce scattered around, all of them suffered a lot of injuries, and the monks who gathered not far away were suppressed by the young man's momentum and dared not move lightly.

The main hall of the Chamber of Commerce reception house at the foot of the mountain was also somewhat damaged.

Obviously not long ago, someone forcibly broke through, and the final conflict caused such a scene!

At the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan, who has a keen sense of consciousness, can perceive the void around him, hidden in the mountains or in the distance of the void, and there are many lines of sight intertwined.

Seems to be watching this good show!

"You are that Zhang Qingyuan? Can't sit still anymore? I heard in Dongyang Realm that you defeated the three illusory powerhouses of Wanlei Mountain with one enemy and three, and you have come to ask for advice now!"

A mighty voice resounded throughout the world,

The echo echoes in the sky and the earth!

Although he was asking for advice, the young man couldn't see the slightest hint of asking for advice, but instead had a schadenfreude sarcasm.

When he heard the news, his first reaction was disbelief.

Even if Lei Mie, the owner of Wanlei Mountain, personally admitted this, he felt that it was just that Zhang Qingyuan colluded with him in order to build momentum, trying to step into the virtual sky with the general trend.

There is no such thing.

In the past, there were also people who managed their own reputation like this, and then deceived themselves under the expectations of the public, and achieved the virtual world with the general trend in one fell swoop!

It's just that those who made a name for themselves in the past are not as outrageous as this idiot named Zhang Qingyuan, and few people have exposed them!

To actually fabricate such an outrageous record, is this treating everyone in the world as idiots?

As a young man, he is also in the realm of the heaven and man, and he is only half a step away from achieving the power of the virtual sky. It is not that there is no power of the virtual sky in the door, and it is not that he has never played against the great power of the virtual sky.

As soon as the Void Heaven's Great Power Void Realm Dongtian unfolds, the power contained in it is not something that Hedao Heavenly Man can resist!

There are no immortal scriptures, such as magic,

What are you kidding? !

That idiot called Zhang Qingyuan, but he was born in a foreign continent, where did he come from?


Back then, he was born in the outer continent, and his reputation was already rising. Lin Yan, whose strength was one of the decisions of the younger generation, used the outer emperor Yan to burn down the two imaginary heavens of the Holy Land in one fell swoop. It was already an unimaginable means!

And after that battle, that Lin Yan also paid a great price!

This is the gap between Hedao Tianren and Xu Tianren!

That Zhang Qingyuan just came from Outer Continent, and he didn't stay in Central Continent for a long time. I am afraid that the baptism of Central Continent Heaven and Earth is not over yet. Where does it come from that he can easily defeat the alliance of the three great powers of the virtual world with one blow? !

This doubt is not just for the young people themselves.

Some fellows who are also holy places, in the process of communication, they also showed the same doubts.

It's just that the young people scoff at,

Since those guys knew it was fake, they didn't dare to knock on the door to test the authenticity of the other party.

So the youth simply acted on their own,

And in the door to teach,

But that idiot named Zhang Qingyuan hasn't come forward for several years,

After asking the people of the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce several times to prevaricate with the other party's retreat, the young man is even more certain that this so-called record of defeating the three major virtual heavens with one enemy and three must be a fraud!

So today, he is no longer careful.

Directly the sound travels to heaven and earth,

Even with extremely delicate control, it shook the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth!

The sound was heard in a radius of 100,000 miles.

You said you were in retreat and couldn't hear?


Now you will never hear it again!


Today, I will reveal the true face of you, a famous fisherman!

The youth sneered,

A terrifying aura rose in the body, and the sky changed color!

The sky was obscured, as if a peerless terror had descended, dark clouds shrouded the heaven and earth, and in the gloomy darkness, a vision of a luminous sun rose up, like a rising sun, tearing apart everything between heaven and earth. Visible and Intangible Matter!

The heavens and the earth trembled, the mountains trembled!

The ten thousand zhang sky collapses!

With the domineering and terrifying avenues filled with power, the young man has an invincible confidence in his heart!

my way,

Be invincible in the world!

"Luminous Day Avenue, this is the vision of the Nine Suns Holy Land. Has the Holy Son been born? Hey, that Luminous Day Avenue is extremely terrifying and possesses the terrifying power to suppress most avenues. The former Nine Sun Immortal Venerable, that kid named Zhang Qingyuan is in trouble!"

"No matter how powerful the Luminous Day Avenue is, it is only a heavenly man, but Zhang Qingyuan is the legendary monster who easily defeated the three great masters of the virtual world with one enemy and three. How can you say that the other party is in trouble?"

"Hey, you believe in rumors of such a record..."

Surrounded by curious passers-by who saw all this in their eyes, the commentary suddenly stopped.

Sounds like a duck strangled by the neck,

It can't be called out when it stops in the throat.

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!

I saw the youth in the Nine Suns Holy Land at the foot of the mountain burst out the powerful and terrifying Luminous Avenue, as if the rising sun,

Zhang Qingyuan in the void seemed to see a fly buzzing in his ear, frowned, and flicked his sleeves.

boom! ! !

In an instant,

At the foot of the mountain, the terrifying and scorching heat rises up, as if the young man on the Luminous Avenue, which is also burning through the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, is like a fly, and the whole person is thrown away!

The thick mountains collapsed one after another,

That figure turned into a straight line, and was photographed thousands of miles away, and no trace could be seen!


Zhang Qingyuan said something, but didn't look much, as if he had chased away a trivial fly.

He looked around and said again:

"Can someone tell me what happened?"

at this time,

heaven and earth,

Looking at his gaze, they all lowered their heads.

the whole world,

Deathly silence!

No more sound.


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