"Although the Chaos Dao is strong, this is my way of standing up. Compared with the Five Elements Immortal Technique and the Immortal Techniques of Yimu Shenlei, after all, it lacks a matching means of killing..."

A few days later, Zhang Qingyuan returned to the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce to sort out the harvest, thinking secretly in his heart.

In fact, if it wasn't for the participation of an unknown existence outside the territory, there should not have been too many twists and turns in the battle to kill Blood Yama.

But that's not a bad thing either.

At least in the fight,

Zhang Qingyuan also found some shortcomings in himself.

Although he relied on the deduction function of the proficiency panel to integrate the seven avenues of yin and yang, the five elements, and the seven avenues in one fell swoop, creating the terrifying chaos avenue,

But this is only the foundation of his standing, and there is no corresponding means of killing.

Although it is not that he can't use the Five Elements Immortal Sutra now, the immortal arts attached to the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra and the killing methods of Yimu Shenlei are also extremely powerful.

But if Chaos Avenue has a matching immortal technique, the killing power will undoubtedly be able to rise to a higher level.

However, because the Chaos Avenue is a new way that he walked out of,

If you want to obtain the corresponding killing moves, you can only create your own.

"Just relying on the current me, if I want to create my own immortal art, it is really a fool's dream."

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and did not continue to think.

As for him now,

He has mastered several killing techniques, among them Yimu Shenlei, which is able to integrate the heavenly way, replace the heavenly punishment, and its power is earth-shattering.

This is already the object of envy of even the virtual people.

For the time being, there is no need to pursue killing methods too much.

Let’s talk about improving the cultivation base first.

However, it will take a long time to retreat, and it will take a certain amount of time for the turmoil in the cultivation world in Central Continent to be smoothed out and disappear from people's sight, making people forget the name Zhang Qingyuan.

In this case, it is no longer suitable to stay in the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce branch.


After participating in the celebration banquet hosted by Shen Zheng, after Yan Beigui also bid farewell and left, Zhang Qingyuan also bid farewell and left.

Next, he will be in retreat for a long time.

This was what he had planned for a long time.

Not long ago, when he left the customs, the entire Central Continent comprehension world spread rumors that he had become the first arrogant demon of the new generation. For this, he also provoked a challenge from a certain holy son of Jiuyang Holy Land, and he ended up in front of the door, in full view of the eyes. Fanned by his sleeve.

After learning the inside story,

Zhang Qingyuan felt that something was wrong,

Although he defeated the joint attack of the three great powers of Wanlei Mountain in one fell swoop at the level of He Dao, Heaven and Man, it was indeed shocking.

But as the saying goes, there is no second martial arts without the first.

He is just a newcomer who has just entered Central Continent. Even if there are rumors of such a record, it is impossible for everyone to be convinced!

Someone must be fanning the flames behind this!

Those who have passed down for more than 100,000 years are extremely ancient, and the Holy Land standing at the top is also silent, and the Holy Son of the Holy Land has no intention of going out.

It seems to have acquiesced in the flow of news,

Even Zhang Qingyuan had some doubts that those holy land sects might also be involved in some kind of role behind the rumors.

This made Zhang Qingyuan feel that under the vast Central Continent cultivation world, there seemed to be a dark tide hidden in the turbulent.

So Zhang Qingyuan planned to leave the retreat for a while and disappear from people's sight for a while.

It's just because the Holy Son of Jiuyang Holy Land came to the door, Yan Bei returned with a request, and went out to deal with Xue Yan Luo in order to repay the favor of Jiuzhuan Hedaohua.

Now it's over,

It's also time to say goodbye.

"Brother Shen, farewell!"

"Brother Zhang, the journey is smooth sailing, you must visit your brother when you have time in the future!"


On the border of the eastern boundary, in the void, Zhang Qingyuan bid farewell to Shen Zheng who came to see him off, and then disappeared into the distant sky shortly after.


After leaving the Eastern Realm, Zhang Qingyuan did not have a very clear goal.

But after sorting it out, he still has a rough plan.

The first is the improvement of the most important cultivation, which requires him to find a place to retreat for a period of time, preferably the kind that no one knows about.

Recalling the turmoil not long ago, Zhang Qingyuan just wanted to keep a low profile.

He has no intention of becoming the center of sight in the cultivation world of Central Continent.

The second is Xiao Jingyun.

When he was in Yunzhou years ago, he was invited by the other party, but he has been delaying it until now. After the retreat is over, he is ready to visit the other party.

After all, behind Xiao Jingyun is also a Central Continent Holy Land.

If you can communicate with your colleagues, it will naturally be excellent for your own practice.


The Holy Land is first-class, and it knows more than ordinary people or strengths.

Before Xue Yan Luo died, Zhang Qingyuan was a little concerned about the change in the sky.

He also asked Shen Zheng,

But Shen Zheng also looked puzzled and didn't know.

This made Zhang Qingyuan very concerned.

It also involved Daluo Zunjiao, Tianyuan and so on, which also gave Zhang Qingyuan a sense of urgency to practice.

In the end, it was the suspected deceased who had wandered around in the cultivation world of Central Continent, and broke into the famous Yan Emperor Lin Yan.

In today's world where many old people are withering away~www.readwn.com~ If you can meet the old people you met in Central Continent when you were in the cloud and water sect when you were young, that would be the best.

"Of course, the main purpose at present is to cultivate to improve your realm strength!"

Zhang Qingyuan let out a long breath,

He flew for billions of miles in one breath,

Flying in the void for half a month,

I don't know where it is,

But at least it's far away from the Eastern Boundary.

Then Zhang Qingyuan found a place in the depths of the Monster Beast Mountains, and his figure fell into an unnamed valley.

This place is far away from the red dust, and it can be regarded as a remote and desolate area.

"That's it!"

Just looking for a ravine, the entire Central Continent Cultivation World is so big, the difficulty of finding him is beyond what can be described by looking for a needle in a haystack, this is simply more than finding a needle in the Milky Way!

When he takes him here for dozens or hundreds of years, who will remember who Zhang Qingyuan is?


light shines,

A round of ancient mirrors spun out,

fall in the valley.

It's a virtual mirror!

Zhang Qingyuan pinched a few tricks to completely hide this piece of heaven and earth.

Then the figure flashed,

It turned into a ray of light and entered the virtual sky mirror.

Being in the Mystery Realm of the Void Mirror, Zhang Qingyuan nodded with satisfaction.

With the repair of the virtual sky mirror,

This is also the reason why he bid farewell to Shen Zheng and left the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce!

With a virtual mirror,

Then it means that he can carry the secret realm of the cave where one party can practice, and it is no longer necessary to stay in the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce.

"What's more, there is this place..."

Zhang Qingyuan raised his head,

Looking at the floating immortal island above the virtual sky mirror, he whispered in a low voice.

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