The floating immortal island in the virtual sky mirror was obtained from the forbidden land of Shenxu when it was in Qingzhou Cultivation Realm.

On that island, there is also a hidden immortal spirit that seems to have come from outside the realm.

And the soul of that crippled immortal finally fought with a creature from outside the realm that seemed to cross the border called the Blood Origin Realm. In the end, both sides were injured, allowing Zhang Qingyuan to take the last advantage.

After reading the records of Canxian Divine Soul, Zhang Qingyuan learned that this floating immortal island was formed by a grain of sand that fell from an immortal court in the upper realm.

Immortal Court, dust, falling into the mortal dust...

The grandeur of this secret,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't imagine it.

But he also instinctively felt that this floating immortal island is a good thing.

After all, 5,000 years ago, an unknown existence in the upper realm struck from the air, destroying the million-square-meter land in the northern part of Qingzhou, leaving only a chaotic ruin. God's Ruins Forbidden Land.

But in the core of the forbidden area of ​​Shenxu, this floating immortal island has always existed in the forbidden area of ​​Shenxu full of chaos.

Just because it is safe and sound in the forbidden area of ​​Shenxu, which cannot be easily crossed by even the strongest of the heaven and the human series, is enough to see its extraordinary.

So before leaving, Zhang Qingyuan directly used the virtual sky mirror to put the floating immortal island in it and take it away together.

But unfortunately,

Maybe it's because the damage was too serious in the war,

In the following decades or hundreds of years, the floating immortal island has been slowly repaired, and it does not seem to have much magic other than some indestructible characteristics.

But later, with Zhang Qingyuan dripping some of the source power of heaven and earth, the floating immortal island began to recover at an accelerated rate.

And now,

The island is lush and full of aura.

The entire floating immortal island has a faint, extremely faint fairy rhyme!

This ray of fairy rhyme is very weak,

Weakness is only 1/10,000th of the Immortal Stone!

If it wasn't for Zhang Qingyuan who also cultivated the Taiyi Immortal Sutra, his perception of the divine soul would have been greatly increased, and he would not have felt the presence of the inaudible immortal energy.

so weak,

It doesn't make much difference at all.

But after all, there is a trace of the power of fairy rhythm that does not exist in this world, and the spiritual energy is relatively abundant, which is undoubtedly a good place for retreat.

"It was transformed by a wisp of dust from the Immortal Court in the Upper Realm. I don't know how vast and great that Immortal Court is!"

Looking at the floating immortal island that was suspended in mid-air, with strands of air lingering, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh and speak.

A grain of dust turns into a floating island,

And survived the aftermath of the battle that even the virtual sky level may not be able to survive, millions of miles of heaven and earth have been broken, it still exists, and at the same time can be repaired independently.


What a terrifying existence in that legendary heaven!

"Upper realm..."

Zhang Qingyuan sighed again.

As the source of the Immortal Dao, the Upper Realm and the Canglan Realm were originally closely related.

Several major sects such as the Five Elements Sect in the ancient times originally originated from the Five Elements Immortal Sect in the Upper Realm and several immortal sects in the Southern Immortal Region.

I am afraid that most of the ancient fairy tales also originated from the upper realm!

When Zhang Qingyuan devoured the memory of a heavenly being from the upper realm by chance in Yunzhou, the other party used a three-life stone produced in the forbidden area of ​​the upper realm Mengtian Emperor to almost assimilate himself and reborn himself with the help of his own body. Live another life!

Such mysterious and mysterious items and methods are almost incomprehensible to the Azure Realm as the lower realm!

Zhang Qingyuan looked up at the sky,

It seems that I have seen a wider upper world!

"Forget it, one day, I will also go up, but before that, let's improve my own realm and strength!"

Zhang Qingyuan's figure landed on the floating immortal island, and a training hall was opened on it.

Immediately, he took out the white jade futon and sat on it.

Take out the spar of the source of heaven and earth,

Zhang Qingyuan closed his eyes,

A new round of retreats began.


Time passed quietly in Zhang Qingyuan's retreat.

Fifty years have passed in the blink of an eye,

In the very beginning, what happened in the Eastern Branch of the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce, the dignified holy child of Jiuyang Holy Land, in front of Zhang Qingyuan, did not show the slightest resistance, and was fanned by a sleeve for thousands of miles, already It is once again bombarding the entire Central Continent.

It caused a huge sensation in the comprehension world!

After all, there were not a few people who gathered around that day.

There are those who want to challenge Zhang Qingyuan's reputation, those who fish in troubled waters, those who watch the fun, and some who are secretly fighting, and let the Holy Son of Jiuyang Holy Land run to challenge Zhang Qingyuan, so that they can see the details of each other.

Each has ghosts.

But no matter what, the scene that happened in front of them that day would not be a fake.


Zhang Qingyuan's reputation is even louder in the whole of Central Continent!

During that period of time, the streets and alleys were all talking about him.

If there are hot searches in this world, then Zhang Qingyuan during that period of time has become the darling of traffic.

His reputation has also further expanded in the cultivation world of Central Continent.

Many monks are The one who eats melons is called happy.

He was just a countryman from Outer Continent, and as soon as he entered Central Continent, there was such a big commotion.

This kind of rising experience, I don't know how many monks who came from loose cultivators have a sense of substitution!

However, as Zhang Qingyuan expected,

When he went to retreat in a corner of a mountain that no one knew about, never appeared in front of others, and no new deeds broke out in the future,

The talk about him finally subsided.

Hot, cool down.

In this world, hot spots are born every day, the competition between Tianjiao and Tianjiao, the conflict between the descendants of the Holy Land, the affair of a certain romantic Tianjiao, etc., Zhongzhou is so big, it can always make everyone who eats melons full.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's record was terrifying,

Looking at the entire Central Continent cultivation world,

It's all said to be unprecedented,

But people talk about a year or two that it's fine. This violent shock has caused a long-lasting shock in the hearts of countless cultivators.

But after two or three years, the enthusiasm has finally faded.

until ten years later,

If Zhang Qingyuan, the protagonist, didn't make any noise again, the topic naturally sank.

No one will stare at a topic every day,

Relevant deeds will only sink into the depths of the river of time. Until one day, Zhang Qingyuan will come out again and sit down for a major event that attracts attention, and will turn over his glorious record one by one.

However, Zhang Qingyuan, who was in retreat, knew nothing about the rumors from the outside world.

Fifty years passed in a flash,

in the sky,

With all the refining and refining of the source power crystals of heaven and earth,

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes,

In the deep pupils, it is like a chaotic tsunami surging with terror!

The road is complete!

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