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"The training of mana has reached its limit!"

In the immortal island, Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes, and there seemed to be endless chaos in the child hole, escaping unimaginable stalwart power!

This terrifying breath made the void in the immortal island a little suffocated.

If he hadn't already gathered most of the breath, but released all the power at this moment, I am afraid that the entire virtual mirror will be burst!

the power he has,

It is already beyond what the virtual sky mirror can carry!

"It's good luck. I didn't expect that a crystal of the source of heaven and earth would have such a majestic power!"

"This thing, I am afraid that the existence of the one who took the blood Yama brought in, or captured it, to cover the way of heaven, but I didn't expect it to be cheap for me in the end."

"But speaking of it, you can see how terrifying the existence of that statue is!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was calm, and he thought secretly in his heart.

The power contained in that crystallization of the source power of heaven and earth is too huge, so that Zhang Qingyuan has now raised the mana of the Great Dao to the point where he can't make progress.

Also known as the state of perfection.

At this level, his mana can no longer be improved even a little bit.

Just like a cup can only hold so much water since it was made, there is no situation where it can hold more.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's cup was made a little bit bigger.

For example, other people's cups may only be able to hold one liter of water, but his cups are like a big tank, far exceeding others.

But no matter what,

The capacity has been decided from the moment he left the factory.

When it is full, it will only escape when you put it in again.


Taking one step further is to use his own avenue as a seed to open up the void in his body.

Since then, it has entered the realm of virtual heaven!

Middle-earth is huge,

To monopolize seven points of luck in the world,

This refers to the practitioners who were born in the mainland of Central Continent, and the great masters who entered Central Continent from other continents are not included.

In fact, the Central Continent Cultivation Realm now carries more than 99% of the top power of the entire Canglan Realm!

Because the powerhouses above the level of Heaven and Human in Waizhou Tiandi, after entering Heaven and Human, unless there is a special reason, they will basically enter Central Continent and obtain higher development.

Therefore, in Central Continent, Zhang Qingyuan has encountered many gods and people along the way.


In the land of Central Continent, the legendary escape is hidden from the world.

Xutian is already the strongest one who walks between heaven and earth!

It can be said that it is under one person, and above ten thousand people!

This is why, when Zhang Qingyuan, as a heavenly man, defeated the three giants of the virtual sky in one fell swoop, it caused such great turmoil!

Otherwise, even if there are people with ulterior motives behind the scenes, it is impossible to cause such a huge discussion.

Although some younger generations are not convinced,

But for Zhang Qingyuan, the most powerful evildoer of the younger generation, most of them are recognized by the Central Continent Cultivation Realm, and even the entire Canglan Realm.

It's just that Zhang Qingyuan doesn't care much about this title.

"Fifty years of seclusion, it's time to go out!"

After staying in the same space for fifty years, Zhang Qingyuan already felt that his bones and muscles were rusted a little.

This is also the reason why he did not immediately take out the Nine-Turn He Dao Flower and use it to break through to the virtual sky level in one fell swoop.

Years of practice,

Zhang Qingyuan knows the truth about the combination of work and rest.

Staying in one place for 50 years in seclusion, although it feels good with the improvement of strength, but after all, my heart is a little tired.

To break through this hurdle, not to mention finding a good day and auspicious day, it should be in line with the way of heaven or something, at least you must have a peaceful mind.

Otherwise, what should I do if something goes wrong in the middle?

No one can guarantee that 100% will be able to break through the bottleneck, open up the Void Realm Cave, and be promoted to Void Sky successfully.


Even if you go out for a walk, you can relax.

When the exhaustion accumulated in this 50-year retreat has dissipated, and the state of mind is flawless, it is time to break through to the virtual sky level.

Towards the back mountain of the dojo, suspended on the top of the highest mountain peak in the floating immortal island, not only the restrictions of the seal imprinted in the space, but at the same time, it exudes the power of the avenue, and the entire floating immortal island is covered by the nine-turn confluence. flower.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't take another look, turned and left.

Out of the closed virtual mirror,

see the vast world,

Zhang Qingyuan's heart was relieved a lot.

Although the world in the virtual sky mirror is not small, it is only a small world after all, with a radius of no more than 100,000 miles. With Zhang Qingyuan's current consciousness, it is enough to shroud the entire small world in perception.

This is naturally a bit "narrow" for him.

This kind of mental depression has lasted for fifty years, and it is not something that can be ignored by a strong mind for a moment.

"Huh! After all, the outside world is still a lot more comfortable!"

Feeling the vast world, Zhang Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

I just feel that the sky is high and the earth is far away,

that closed feeling,

suddenly see the light,

The majestic chaotic mana makes the luck a lot smoother.

The majestic and terrifying chaotic mana that couldn't be completely restrained because of the breakthrough improvement before~www.readwn.com~ is now perfectly restrained, and there is no trace of escape.

"After 50 years of retreat, it's time to take a look at what's going on outside."

thinking room,

Zhang Qingyuan made a move,

The valley below cracks open,

The virtual sky mirror turned into a streamer and flew into his sleeve.


Without looking back, he stepped out and disappeared into the void.



An unremarkable small town of self-cultivation in an ordinary country in Xuan'an.

such a small town,

In that ordinary country, it's like sand in the desert, grab a lot of it, let alone the entire Xuan'an world.

In the whole town, the most powerful city lord is only the real state of Banbu Cave.

People of this level,

If it is in Yuzhou, it may be a powerful party.

But in Middle-earth,

However, like Yangzhou City, it is inconspicuous at all.

Although the place is small,

But the connection with the outside world is good.

It is not the kind of paradise that is closed to the country and has no external connections.

At least a few years ago, what happened in the Central Continent Cultivation World that shook the world would also be spread here through various channels.

As for the message being delayed for more than a few years,

For the long years of comprehension, it is not important.

"Well, as I expected, after I disappeared in front of people more than 50 years ago, the outside world's talk about me has disappeared, and it is estimated that most of me have been forgotten."

"So good!"

In a room of a high-end restaurant for cultivators, a thick stack of newspapers for the cultivation world was spread out. After browsing the information, Zhang Qingyuan nodded with satisfaction.

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