It is not difficult to understand the newspaper of the Cultivation Realm.

After all, in the early days of Zhang Qingyuan's distant memory, similar cheat sheets and tabloids began to appear in the folk.

Although the vast majority of practitioners focus on Changsheng, their productivity is truly high.

At least in the distant world in Zhang Qingyuan's memory, there is no technology that can make rice and wheat grow in just a few days, and there is no single-soldier aircraft or space transportation technology.

As the carrier of news, newspapers also play a great role for cultivators, so it is not surprising that they appear.

Of course, newspapers in this world are not called newspapers either.

It's called The Times.

The Times Times, naturally, recorded some recent major events in the cultivation world of Central Continent, and even the cultivation world of Outer Continent, and then sold it to people to watch.

Many comprehension restaurants will collect these things specially to attract customers.

Anyway, Zhang Qingyuan browsed the Times for nearly 20 years,

No matter which one it is, there is no discussion about him in the newspapers.

his presence,

Like a meteor that once streaked over Yuzhou,

After the flow has passed,

No one remembers anymore!

"This is very good. After all, the tree is big and attracts the wind, and the undercurrent of the cultivation world in Central Continent is surging. As an outsider, it is better to be a little bit better."

After retreating for a period of time, his strength has greatly improved, and he got such a news.

Zhang Qingyuan only felt comfortable.

There are also leisurely and leisurely looking for some interesting news in the newspaper.

For example, a certain Tianjiao was born and defeated the old man of a certain cultivation world. For example, a famous cultivation family was unfortunate, and the patriarch's concubine and a little white face ran away. Another example is the demon girl of the Tiankui School who asked for a lot of money, and several famous geniuses. Decided to eliminate harm for the people, and took the initiative to sacrifice himself to feed the tiger, but when he was found, he was sucked into a human.

Of course, these messy news is not what Zhang Qingyuan wants to see.

He is a decent man,

How is it possible to see these things?

What he was looking for were basically all kinds of headline events in the cultivation world of Central Continent. Unfortunately, there have not been many major events in Central Continent in recent years, so that the Times was full of all kinds of messy entertainment gossip, which made Zhang Qingyuan watch it for hours. .

Really bad luck!


From these times,

Zhang Qingyuan felt a certain clue.


Some calm down!

It seems that in the major holy places in Central Continent, the major factions have reduced a lot of activities, which has calmed down the cultivation world in Central Continent in recent years.

Like a beast that has gathered its claws,

not for other,

Just for the next charge!

Is this what's going to happen?

Zhang Qingyuan thought in his heart.


The Central Continent Cultivation World was like this, and it was rare to see a major event happen for many years.

Zhang Qingyuan fell into deep thought.

"Hey, Jiuzhou Auction House is about to hold the biggest auction event in a century?"

When he continued to read, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly saw a piece of news that interested him more.


Just a month later.

If you start now, you will probably be in time.


You should have a look yourself.

Maybe there will be some related news in there.

Staying at home and cultivating blindly has the benefits of doing ascetic practice, such as not sticking to cause and effect in everything.

But if the world changes drastically, or the war comes, maybe you will become the cannon fodder of the war with your eyes smeared!

This is not what he wants.

"For such a grand event, I don't know if I can meet acquaintances at the auction."

Right at this moment,

In a dark space where almost no light can be seen, the power between heaven and earth seems to be unable to affect it.

Several phantoms gathered.

"The image plate finally moved, and the target finally appeared!"

"Very good, the **** mouse has been hiding for so long! This time I must let him slash with a thousand swords, so that the hatred in my heart can be relieved!"

"Don't be careless, since that person is able to use the power of a mere combination of heaven and man to swept the three great powerhouses in the virtual to gain such a great reputation, it must be especially extraordinary!"

"I naturally understand, hey, it's not easy to kill someone who is favored by destiny, but so what?! As long as he uses his strength to break the trick and crush the past before he grows up, no matter how big the potential is, it is only potential after all. That's it, haven't we done this kind of thing many times in the past?"

"Fifty years have passed. With the speed of that kid's improvement, he might make a breakthrough again."

"Ascension is definitely improved, but don't be too careless. It was fine before Heaven and Human Realm, and it's not impossible to have the chance to soar into the sky, but after joining Dao Heaven and Human, you need to polish as much as possible before taking a step. At the same time, it also requires a lot of resources and a deep understanding of the Dao, these things cannot be completed in a short time."

"Having said that, it must also be taken seriously. With that kid's character, if he doesn't get hit this time, I'm afraid that kid will get up again."

"This brat is different from those arrogances in the past."

A calm voice, somewhat inexplicable.

Can it be the same?

In the past, those genius monsters with names, surnames, and great potentials, with a little strength, they spread it everywhere, and as a result, they achieved their achievements.

"In that case, let No. 3 and No. 6 go over there. With No. 3's quasi-escape strength, at the moment when he can't escape, he is already invincible enough to be invincible in the world, and he can be sure to take it down!"

"Follow the order!"

Negotiations that take place in an unknown space,

Zhang Qingyuan is unknown.

At this time he,

After checking out, one step into the void is to fly in the direction of Jiuzhou Auction House.

There are three hundred more words here.

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