People walk through the sky, and below is a world with no end in sight.

Zhang Qingyuan is not in a hurry to travel,

Therefore, while walking through the high sky, while looking at the vast world that can't see the end, I couldn't help but feel a little insight in my heart.

Sending mayflies in the heaven and earth is a drop in the vast ocean.

Even now, he can walk through the void and rise above the nine heavens.

Even if he uses his full strength, he can break through the space and destroy the world, which is a natural disaster. His breath flow is enough to crush it.

Even if he is now, he is already invincible when he escapes.

But in front of the vast world,

It's just like a grain of dust!

The world is too big,

The world is too vast,

In the time of eternity, in the vast world, one's own existence is not worth mentioning!

The fluctuations in his mind caused a flash of inspiration in Zhang Qingyuan's mind, and all the problems encountered in his practice suddenly became clear at this moment!

Past practice, past mistakes, have emerged one after another.


future road,

It is also reflected clearly at this moment!


Zhang Qingyuan was suddenly startled and woke up suddenly.

withdraw from this state.

"this day......"

I don't know when

Zhang Qingyuan had already stopped.

He stands in emptiness,

He looked up at the boundless sky above.

"This is...a reward of the will of heaven and earth?"

Zhang Qingyuan fell into deep thought.

Hundreds of years ago, he beheaded a demon beast in Qingzhou, and finally was able to be promoted to a state similar to breaking through to the real hole. The soul became extremely active, as if it was connected to the world, and the understanding was short. He has been greatly improved in time, and he has received a very expensive reward for him at that time!

After beheading Xue Yan Luo fifty years ago, he was still thinking about whether he would be rewarded with similar rewards for beheading the enemy for this side of the world.

It's a pity that Zhang Qingyuan did not get a similar opportunity later.

It didn't continue to take it to heart.

but now,

When he was trapped in an airtight cave in the virtual sky mirror and sat for 50 years, when he came out, the sky and the earth suddenly opened up, and he realized the great road of heaven and earth in his mind. in status!

"Perhaps the reward of the will of heaven has always been there, but I haven't noticed this. There is no sympathy between heaven and man, and I understand the way of heaven, so I didn't get it."

Zhang Qingyuan was thoughtful.

"This state of perception is like some kind of blessing from the will of heaven, like the blessing of artificial intelligence!"

[You understand the world, your understanding of Ottomu Shenlei has been greatly improved, your Immortal Technique Ottomu Shenlei proficiency +134]

[You understand the world, your understanding of the Five Elements Immortal Art has been greatly improved, and your Five Elements Immortal Art and Five Elements and All Heavens Great Reincarnation Proficiency +231]

【You feel the world...】


in the mind,

Lines of numbers flashed across the proficiency panel, which had been almost forgotten by Zhang Qingyuan over the years.

This means that the many immortal arts he has mastered have been greatly improved.

And the harvest is not just that,

The comprehension of the immortal scriptures, the comprehension of Chaos Dao, and even the comprehension of future cultivation, all gave Zhang Qingyuan a feeling of enlightenment!

If he wants to break through now, the success rate of taking Jiuzhuan He Daohua to break the world to the virtual sky level is almost 100%!

"However, now is not a good time to retreat!"

Zhang Qingyuan's figure was motionless,

With his eyes fixed on the void in front of him with no end in sight,

As if to see a flower.

"You guys have been watching for so long, don't you plan to come out?"

Facing the empty sky in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan said with a blank expression


without the slightest sound,

Only the clouds of air blow around,

as if there was nothing,

Only Zhang Qingyuan was talking to himself.

But Zhang Qingyuan didn't move at all, he just stood there.

"As expected, you are the first of the younger generation in this world, and even we can perceive it. If you can grow up in the future, you will definitely be the pillar of this world!"


A gloomy voice swayed in the void.

Immediately after,

boom! ! !

The entire sky suddenly darkened at this moment!

Some kind of indescribable power, invisible and intangible, intertwined with each other, blocking the heaven and earth in a radius of ten thousand miles!


The dark vacuum twists,

Two figures, one fat and one thin, in black robes walked out.

"I don't know who the two are?"

Zhang Qingyuan bowed his hands indifferently and asked calmly.

But in my heart,

But it set off extreme vigilance!


Absolutely strong!

Especially the tall, thin and silent man in black robe gave Zhang Qingyuan a great sense of danger!


This latent ability,

If it hadn't happened to me, and my mind was integrated into the world, the Taiyi Immortal Sutra would have been greatly improved, and I might not be able to perceive the traces of the two!

If you walk into the opponent's trap without being aware of it, you will be attacked by the opponent's sneak attack.

Zhang Qingyuan may not be sure that he can survive under the attack of the two!

"Jie Jie Jie, why don't you ask me why I came here?"


There are four hundred more words here.


I have a proficiency panel chapter list https://

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