"I can't help you? Why should I save him?"

The thin black-robed man's voice was hoarse and low, flat without the slightest fluctuation, as if there was no trace of emotion.

Watching his companions die in front of his eyes,

It didn't cause any mood swings in the other party.

"Aren't you mates?"

The sword light in the sky gathered, and Jian Wan returned to Dantian. Zhang Qingyuan's figure sat in Xutian, looking at the figure below, and there was curiosity in his voice.

"What about mate?"

The tall and thin man in black robe asked back.

Zhang Qingyuan was stunned and lost his words for a while.

From the moment the two of them appeared, he had already observed it secretly, and in a short period of time, he had made a plan to show the enemy's weakness and kill one person by sneak attack, and then deal with the other person.

Because the strength of these two people is not weak.

Even the short and fat man in black robe had a breath that surpassed all the cultivators of the virtual sky level that Zhang Qingyuan had encountered since he entered Central Continent.

That is at least the powerhouse of the series of the peak of the virtual sky!

And the other is even more terrifying,

Just standing there caused the entire sky to droop down, obviously not releasing any aura, it made the world tremble!

As if unable to bear the existence of the other party!

face each other,

It made Zhang Qingyuan feel like a real tsunami swept through the pressure!

This is a terrifying level that surpasses the heavens, the earth, and the ten thousand Taos only when you begin to embark on the road of slashing and escape!

Judging from the appearance of the two, there was no conflict.

Once besieged by two people, the danger level is almost greatly increased!

Even Zhang Qingyuan himself may not necessarily be able to deal with it easily.


must first be differentiated,

Kill the weak with the power of thunder,

At least in the next battle, weaken the opponent's combat effectiveness as much as possible!


Your goals won't be so easy to achieve.

After all, the companion on the other side is not dead,

So at the beginning, when he was going to plot against the giant bat monster, Zhang Qingyuan was even ready to take the blow of the tall and thin figure forcibly. Even if he was injured, he had to deal with the enemy first!

The result was completely unexpected,

From this to the end, the other party's companion didn't even make any moves, even if they were able to rescue them, they had been watching the play quietly!

It's really hard to understand.

"His strength is not strong enough, so he died in your hands, this is a matter of course!"

"The weak have no right to live!"

"Just like you, you are not strong enough, so you were hunted by me today, your world is too weak, and one day it will be harvested by us."

A tall and thin figure, his voice was extremely flat.

As if telling a very simple truth.

Zhang Qingyuan nodded, his eyes flashed, and he seemed to realize something.

"Then you, who are you?"

"Netherworld, you can call our organization Netherworld, I am the No. 3 Cleaner in Netherworld."

"So you are an organization created by people lurking in the sky, the purpose is to secretly hunt and kill geniuses from the Canglan Realm?"

"Yes or no, the purpose of Netherworld is indeed to break the rise of a new generation of geniuses in the blue world, but not all of them are outsiders."

"Just like you?"


Asking and answering, the voice is flat,

The voices of both were extremely flat, like two ordinary people talking.

As for Zhang Qingyuan's questions, the other party didn't hide anything, and they all said them one by one.

This may be because the tall and thin black-robed man is confident,

Looking at Zhang Qingyuan, it was already like looking at a dead man.

The dead will not leak the news, just treat it as kindness to satisfy the other party's doubts before dying.

Maybe it's because of the other person's character.

Say no to two,

The weak eat the strong,

The naked natural brutality elimination law,

Therefore, I will not pay attention to what I have to say, and I will use my wholeheartedness to improve my practice.

Zhang Qingyuan felt that it was probably the latter.


The tall and thin black-robed man in front of him might be a native of this world!

"So, you have been active all these years, and the outcropping Tianjiao was solved by you. So I was pushed to the front not long ago and became the strongest Tianjiao of the younger generation among countless people."

Zhang Qingyuan sighed, already guessing something.

No wonder,

No wonder the news spread so quickly after the fight with Wanleishan's few illusory ancestors, those Laozi Great Holy Land did not react at all, but made him feel that there was a turbulent undercurrent lurking in the Central Continent Cultivation Realm.

It turned out to be the reason!

His sudden rise in fame has a great impact on his sensational record, but at the same time, he has also taken this opportunity to become an attractive target among the new generation!

"Are you done asking?"

Seeing that Zhang Qingyuan fell into silence for a long time, the master black robe on the opposite side did not move. After knowing for a while, he asked aloud.

"I'm done asking."

"Alright then, please die in peace."

For the first time, the voice of the tall and thin black-robed man fluctuated~www.readwn.com~ Those eyes became extremely sharp at this moment, like a real light, shot at the bull, piercing the sky!

boom! ! !

At that moment, the tall and thin black-robed figure moved!

Shot out with one palm,

The vast power traverses the virtual sky, covering the sun and the moon!

Almost like the gods and demons above the nine heavens, they brought down this world-destroying natural disaster and low calamity!

The sky is thousands of miles around,

Suddenly collapsed at this moment!

The terrifying force is even more shocking and sweeping. If you are not prepared in advance and limit the battle to this space, I am afraid that the sky and the sky will change in a radius of 100,000 miles!

Under the palm of one hand, it is mighty and mighty, and there is no vitality!

The power contained in this palm,

It is more than ten times that of the previous giant bat monster!

Even Zhang Qingyuan,

They all felt an extremely strong sense of danger!

"As expected, you are about to take that last step! The sun and the moon are still in the light, the void in the dark, and the only way to cut the road... Then, please advise!"

The voice did not fall,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure rose up, and his breath seemed to enter the nine heavens at this moment, turning into an infinite giant who descended from the ancient times.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Two earth-shattering auras collided, tearing apart the vast void in an instant, and a huge dark abyss that could not reach five fingers penetrated the sky.

In an instant,

The entire sky seemed to be torn in half at this moment!

the intersection of collisions,

Brilliant arc flares are produced!


If anyone is here,

I am afraid that I will feel that my whole person is torn apart!


It's all just the beginning!


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