Boom boom boom!

The earth-shattering collision shattered the avenues of the heavens, and the ten thousand li sky was silent, which was extremely shocking!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure stood in the chaos of the void, surrounded by the laws of chaos, one after another, thousands of feet, down nine days.

His power is very strong,

Every attack has the supreme power to overturn the world.

Every time a shot is made, the void of thousands of miles is affected, as if the boundless river of the sky is pouring down!

Between the world,

In the legend, Dun Yi, who was at the peak, disappeared for unknown reasons. Zhang Qingyuan's existence can be said to be the strongest in the world!

But he is strong, why is his opponent weak?

The tall and thin black-robed figure in front of him has already begun to walk on the road of detachment!

The unimaginable dark avenue devoured everything in the world, and the confrontation between the two produced a world-shaking sound that shocked millions of miles in the nine heavens. It was to "see" two silhouettes with shocking breaths colliding and confronting each other!

Unimaginable means, incredible existence!

streamer running,

Reflect the void!

"This is... the supreme power is fighting!"

Within millions of miles, countless monks shivered.

At this moment, whether it is the cave realm that used to be known as the ancestor in one place, or the real realm of the spiritual realm that walks the most in the world,

All of them have produced a feeling that the sky and the floor are swaying and the world is swaying, as if it will be affected by the death and destruction of the body at any time!

"Is this the legendary power of the virtual sky?"

"No, it's more terrifying than the virtual sky!"

Countless people were terrified,

pale complexion,

There was great fear in my heart!

But the reaction of the outside world, the two who are in the middle of the war, did not care at all.

In that chaotic space where everything was shattered into nothingness, the tall and thin black-robed figure took a long breath. Thousands of Origin Qi seemed to be drained at this moment, and the breath seemed to be burning at this moment, sweeping the sky, and The sky is even darker!

At this moment, the aura of the tall and thin black-robed man became even more terrifying!

Even the heavens and the myriad ways seem to be suppressed,

I saw that his hands formed a mysterious black seal, as if arousing the origin of darkness, gathering extremely terrifying power.

"Heiyuan Town World Monument!"


In an instant, the heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars were covered by the endless darkness. The great sun and the sun sank and no longer bloomed. At this moment, the world fell into the boundless darkness!

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were condensed,

I saw that in the chaotic dark world ahead, the endless laws of dark order were intertwined and turned into a terrifying dark monument!

The black giant monument infested the world, suppressing the chaos of thousands of miles of heaven and earth, and the avenues are also swallowing and assimilating!

in an instant,

Zhang Qingyuan only felt that the whole world seemed to have turned into darkness,

became his enemy,



It's just a moment's effort, it's like the power of the world is pressing on the shoulders!

town! town! town!

The black giant monument on that side was pressed down from the endless chaos, and the boundless momentum of the sky was wrapped in an irresistible force, and it wanted to suppress Zhang Qingyuan on the spot!

"Good come!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes became more solemn than ever.

This kind of terrifying power, if it is facing the huge bat monster before, I am afraid that it can suppress the opponent in the breath!

But he wasn't the black bat that was killed!

At this moment,

After 50 years of isolation and seclusion, the mana that has been raised to the limit of the perfect combination of Taoism is boiling at this moment!

In terms of the power of the Great Dao alone, the current Zhang Qingyuan is no less than an ordinary monk in the middle of the virtual sky!

All this is because of the huge foundation he accumulated before he was promoted to heaven!

"Daitian Punishment · Ottomu Divine Thunder!"

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan's mind sank into heaven and earth, and his indifferent eyes seemed to have turned into the sky!

In the face of the terrorist attack of the tall and thin black-robed man, he couldn't keep his hands, and used the ultimate move at the bottom of the box!

Otsuki God Thunder is an extremely terrifying fairy art.

And fifty years ago,

After being lucky enough to kill the enemy who came from across the border, Zhang Qingyuan realized the means of greatly increasing the punishment of Daitian!

Fifty years of accumulation, coupled with the perception not long ago, this immortal art has become the strongest killing move in Zhang Qingyuan's body!

boom! ! !

Zhang Qingyuan's palms are united, and the world-annihilating light is condensing!

In an instant,

The earth-shattering loud noise, the heaven and earth began to shake violently, the vast fluctuations shattered the universe, and this side of heaven and earth should be buried!

The blazing thunder immortal light bloomed and turned into an unstoppable world-destroying divine light that penetrated through, and the rules of the avenues were broken down and destroyed, and collided with the black stele above the nine heavens!

Boom! ! !

An unimaginable explosion began. In an instant, the whole world lost its color in that area, and the sky and the earth were only black and white!

Time and space are affected!

Under the supreme might, the time of the world has slowed down!


The power generated by explodes ten times and a hundred times as large as the sun, and the light fills the sky and the earth, reflecting the eternity!

Thousands of miles away,

The avenues were torn apart and collapsed,

The terrifying pressure shock swept through, even if it was hundreds of thousands of miles away, it was affected by the terrifying shock force.

The earth collapsed one after another, and the terrifying abyss fissure swept through like an angry dragon, tearing apart continents after another, and the impact of smoke and dust swept into the sky, dyeing half of the sky a khaki, extremely terrifying!

At the same time,


In the boundless chaotic torrent, blood splashed and scattered in the chaos, the mountains and rivers were cut off, and the avenues were obliterated!

This is the blood of the quasi-escape that is about to be detached. Even for the heavenly people, it is a supreme treasure. If you can penetrate the laws and get inspiration, you will not be a dream!

The tall and thin man in black robe vomited blood, splattered blood in the sky, and his figure was knocked into the air!

"Destroy Xianlei, I didn't expect you to be able to do this!"

The face of the master in black robe is shrouded in shadows, and his face cannot be seen, but the weak and fluctuating breath means that it is definitely not much better!

This blow has already been hit hard!

To this,

Zhang Qingyuan is not surprised,

In the previous earth-shattering confrontation, the giant monument condensed by the law of the black avenue cast by the opponent was directly penetrated by the immortal technique Ottomu Shenlei blessed by Daitian Punishment, and even the avenue with the opponent was torn apart!

Although the Otsuki Shenlei exhausted its power and dissipated in the heaven and earth,

But that's enough!

"You are too arrogant. If you didn't sit back and watch your companion die, at least he could give you a share or two, and I may not dare to use such a killer move easily."

Zhang Qingyuan's face was also a little pale, standing in the chaotic torrent, looking at the other party and speaking lightly.

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