ps: If you see this line of words, don’t subscribe yet. This is a repeat of the previous chapter. I haven’t finished writing it yet. Please post it for full attendance. Let’s read it tomorrow.


This attack of Yimu Shenlei almost consumed more than 90% of Zhang Qingyuan's Dao mana!

Let his dantian mana in his body be empty!

That is comparable to the powerful Dao mana in the middle of the virtual sky, and it almost can't support it!

Too much consumption!

The power of this move almost exhausted him!

But this is not surprising,

The enemy in front of him was not the **** hell-like intruder who was sensed by the will of Heaven fifty years ago and cast down divine condemnation, vowing to destroy it.

The tall and thin black-robed cultivator seems to be a strong man born in this world, but he just joined the organization called Youshi to serve it.

It can be regarded as his own person in this world.

This is because when Zhang Qingyuan was simulating the punishment of waiting for the sky and using the heaven and earth as the power to bless the Yimu Shenlei, he did not have the will of the heavens to help him, and he had to pay a great price to achieve the effect of the punishment for the heavens.

This price is your own mana!

Without the blessing of Heavenly Dao's will, one can only use its own strong mana to forcibly simulate the punishment of replacing the heavens to achieve a relatively level effect.

Fortunately, it's worth the effort!

At the price of more than 90% of the mana, he performed a terrorist attack that was shocking and destroyed everything in the world!

The opponent's attack was directly forcibly shattered by the strengthened Ottomu Shenlei, and even the dark avenue was torn apart, hitting it hard in one fell swoop!

"If you had helped your companion earlier, you can't tell, but now it's me who will end badly."

Zhang Qingyuan's slightly pale face gradually became ruddy.

This is the appearance of the mana in the body rapidly recovering.

compare to,

The enemy who was smashed by the Otsuki God Thunder can be said to be disabled now. Even if he can escape, he has to cultivate for hundreds of thousands of years.

"The weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected. He died because he was not strong enough, and I died because I was not strong enough."

"My life is here, you can take it as much as you can!"

The tall and thin black-robed figure's voice was calm, and the face under the shadow didn't seem to have changed.

There seems to be no fear of imminent death at all!

Do not know why,

Seeing this person in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

The feeling this person gave him,

like something is missing,


is missing a part of being human!

"Goodbye then!"

Zhang Qingyuan's expression darkened, and he didn't say anything. The whole person stepped across the vacuum, the dark Chaos Avenue condensed into terrifying stars, shattered the world, and slammed into the head of the tall and thin black-robed man!


The head of the black-robed figure of the master exploded, and the terrifying Chaos Avenue was like a grinding disc that even the avenues were crushed, smashing his body heavily, and vanishing in the void!

From this to the end,

That person didn't resist, and his mind didn't fluctuate at all!

Facing the coming of death calmly!


In the chaos, terrifying energy swept through, the void was torn apart, and the energy tsunami flooded the world, turning it into a chaotic death realm!

Zhang Qingyuan was in this terrifying nothingness. He raised his eyes to look at the sky, frowned slightly, and muttered in a low voice.


The tall and thin black-robed man, who didn't even know his name, gave him a great impact!

And what kind of existence does an organization that has cultivated such a killer exist? !

Zhang Qingyuan, who beheaded a strong enemy, not only did not have the slightest joy in his heart, but was full of heaviness.

"Forget it, leave first!"

Grabbing the storage space of the two people who had been killed, Zhang Qingyuan stepped out and disappeared into the sky.

in place,

The thousands of miles of heaven and earth that were shattered, as if the sky had collapsed in that area, and the dark abyss that could not be seen, swallowed up all the brilliance in the sky and the ground!

That piece of nothingness exists there quietly, waiting for the terrifying energy storm that fills the universe to disappear, waiting for the space to gradually heal.

A few days later, several figures came from the outside world.

Going deep into this shattered chaotic nothingness, I probed carefully, but I didn't find the slightest, everything was destroyed!

But what is certain is that the two people who came to ambush and kill have already died here.

until the message comes back,

In a secret organization, there was a shock.

The dark tide followed.


Zhang Qingyuan doesn't know what happened after he left.

The two black-robed men who came to target him for some unknown reason did not have many things on them, but Zhang Qingyuan still found them, a total of 700 top-quality spirit stones.

There are also some unknown medicinal pills, some precious spiritual ore materials and so on.

These sundries should be able to be sold for some top-quality spirit stones, but Zhang Qingyuan didn't care too much.

"This world is too dangerous!"

Recalling the previous conversation with the tall, thin black-robed figure, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel heavy.

If he hadn't been in seclusion for fifty years, and his cultivation had reached the perfection of the Dao, maybe this line of work would have been planted here!

Thinking about it not long after he entered Central Continent, he was vaguely pushed to the level of the number one in the younger generation.

being targeted,

Shoot the first bird!

Secretly coveting one's own enemies, I'm afraid there are more!

No matter those holy places, holy children and saints, or some people who have eroded this world from outside the domain, their existence will definitely attract a lot of firepower!

"Tsk tsk, it's really insidious. If I was proud of my reputation at the beginning, maybe the grass on the grave is three feet tall now!"

"Those big forces must have known about this long ago. The reason why my reputation can be pushed to the cusp of the wind and the waves, maybe there are some holy places to promote me to attract firepower."

Zhang Qingyuan's figure straddles the void and between the voids, the surrounding chaotic vacuum is full of brilliance, and he quickly retreats behind him.

Recalling the inexplicable fame at the time, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help feeling authentic.

"This world is too dangerous. Sure enough, I should continue to live for a while, and then come out after the situation calms down or the outside world completely forgets me!"

"This time, the enemy only sent a Quasi Dunyi and a Xutian If the enemy attaches great importance to it and sends a legendary Dunyi giant to kill me completely, then Got it?!"


Be sure to keep going!

Go to the great achievement, go to the world invincible, and even go out after you become an immortal!

Anyway, under the solid foundation laid over the years and many opportunities, there are basically no bottlenecks and obstacles on the road ahead, and there is no need to go out to take risks!

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan had a firm determination.

So he directly gave up his plan to go to that auction,

According to the description of the previous life, anything that involves the plot of the auction is the center of the gathering of wind and clouds, which will lead to unknown dangers.


After the encounter in the wild, Zhang Qingyuan flew for another half a month, and once again found a deserted field to release the Void Sky Mirror, and dived in!



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