"The world is still too dangerous!"

One day later, when Zhang Qingyuan learned from the Times of the Cultivation World, after the huge change that took place in Yujing ten years ago, which attracted worldwide attention, he couldn't help but sigh.

What is certain is that that auction was the one that I was going to go to before that!

At that time, I was going to take a look at this so-called biggest event in a thousand years.

It's just that on the way, he encountered an inexplicable killing of people from an organization calling himself Netherworld.

With his own means, Zhang Qingyuan finally killed the opponent.

But after this battle,

Zhang Qingyuan felt the murderous intention hidden under the cultivation world of Central Continent,

Deeply feeling that his own strength is insufficient, Zhang Qingyuan decided to find a place to settle down, break through a realm first, and then improve his strength.


Although I didn't see that grand auction that was rarely seen in a thousand years, I just avoided the disaster that broke out!

"Fortunately, I have foresight, and I never thought that even the hidden giants of the world would appear!"

"Sure enough, you should improve your strength first, and have enough strength to protect yourself before going out to make waves."

this moment,

Even Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness in his heart.

did not expect,

Even the long-hidden giant Dunyi showed up and made a move!

Although he never saw it with his own eyes,

But just relying on the description in the text, I already felt the terrifying power of the existence based on the peak of the world!

Under the existence of the giants at the peak, it is only the distribution of the power of the Dao that spreads to millions of cultivators, and all of them are burned to their roots. Only a few experts in the Heaven and Human Realm who have opened up their own Dao have been spared!

Such mighty power,

Simply unimaginable!


Zhang Qingyuan looked at the sky and couldn't help but yearn for it.

Many years ago, when he was on an adventure in Yunzhou, he once devoured the remnant soul of a heaven and man reincarnated from the upper realm.

The treasures from the heavens and human beings from the upper realms were trying to replace themselves and achieve a different kind of rebirth.

As a result, he was defeated by himself and became his own resources.

The other party's practice experience is undoubtedly of great help to him.

But the remnant soul of the heavenly being is only a heavenly being at the level of the Tao, and it is only because of the treasures obtained in the upper realm that the remnant soul has been preserved to this day.

The other party's inheritance of the Upper Realm Sect was also blocked by the unknown means of the Upper Realm Immortal Sect. There was only some experience in cultivating to Heaven and Man, as well as the means the other party obtained in various places.

Therefore, after Xutian, Zhang Qingyuan didn't have much to learn from.

He didn't know much about the legendary Dunyi.

It's just that from Gui Yuanxin's memory, he can see the peerless style at a glance!

"I don't know what happened to the Four Seas Auction House, but it actually attracted the existence of the first-level escape. When I was chatting earlier, I heard Shen Zheng say that the Four Seas Commercial Bank and the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce cooperated very closely, and they have been life and death allies for many years. relationship... I don't know if the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce will be affected by this."

tomato novel

Thinking of this layer, Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly.

Shen Zheng can be regarded as one of the few friends that he has made since he entered Central Continent. Thanks to the care of the other party, he has clarified the way forward in one fell swoop, and obtained the Nine-Turn He Dao Flower in one fell swoop, laying the foundation for a complete Void Realm Cave Heaven in one fell swoop.

If the other party encounters any trouble, this is what he does not want to see.

However, after searching the Times, Zhang Qingyuan was relieved that he did not see any news that the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce was in trouble.

If you are in trouble, you can help yourself when the time comes.

The favor I owed at the beginning,

But still remember.

Zhang Qingyuan continued to browse the Times.

In less than half a day,

The Times accumulated over the past ten years are all read.

It can be seen from some news in the Times, and I don't know if it is because of the huge change in Yujing. In the past ten years, there have been a lot of conflicts and wars in the entire Central Continent Cultivation World.

Conflicts between sects and sects, and battles between forces, broke out one after another.

As if it was negotiated,

Troubled one after another.

In the Times, leave a conflict report.

The fire of the swordsmen began to spread.

"Is it possible, what is going to happen to Zhongzhou?"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly, and instinctively had a bad feeling in his heart, as if something was about to happen on this earth!

Suddenly, he remembered the so-called heavenly change that he said before his death when he was chasing and killing that **** Yama, when he was parasitized by an existence outside the sky!

Think about the past sixty years since that battle.

Is it difficult,

Is the change in the sky about to begin?

the sky changes,

what exactly is it?

Just as Zhang Qingyuan was thinking,


Boom! !

There was a loud noise from the horizon, and a dazzling light suddenly erupted in the direction of the city wall. The entire small city shook violently at this moment!


Zhang Qingyuan looked up, his eyes passed through the obstructions of the heavy houses, and he saw that outside the city wall, hundreds of thousands of cultivators came with the escape light, constantly bombarding the light curtain on the city wall, intending to enlarge a gap above. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The monk guards on the city wall began to fight back, and successive rays of light shot out, densely packed, constantly colliding and exploding in mid-air!

A chaotic battle broke out,

There are shattered and blasted True Yuan rays of light everywhere.


Several major cultivation families in this small town began to gather cultivators from the clan under urgent orders, and they continued to fly to the sky with the escape light, and support in the direction of the city wall!

The chaotic battle began to spread.

The offensive and defensive war began to become more and more intense, and there were rumbling sounds one after another, splendid explosions filled the sky, flames, frost, air currents, strong winds and so on.

There was a commotion in the city,

Some daring monks began to take risks and rioted in the city. Several shops began to raise gunpowder, and the light of battle broke out.

Several leading comprehension families in the city crowded out to patrol, arresting those who caused chaos.

More people hid in houses.

So as not to involve themselves in the chaos.

"The arrival of war is always so sudden. This is only a very remote corner of the cultivation world in Central Continent. How many wars will break out in the wider world outside and the world with more abundant resources?"

Zhang Qingyuan stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes looking at the sky, the whole city was shrouded in his perception, and a haze appeared on his face.

In his perception, there seems to be something wrong with the world.

If before that,

Heaven's will is cold, rational, orderly,

Then in the current heaven, Zhang Qingyuan felt a little restless, and seemed to be contaminated by robbery!

Is this what the man was talking about?


Is there something that he doesn't know is happening in Middle-earth?

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