"Haha! Give me death!"

High in the sky, a blue-clothed youth burst out laughing, the long sword in his palm shone with divine light, and it fell like a meteor.


The city lord propped up a large golden bell, covering his entire body, and golden light and shadow bloomed between the heavens and the earth, giving people an indestructible terrifying defense!


A kung fu meeting, the deafening loud voice resounds,

The golden bell instrument actually made a clicking sound under the sword light, and the next moment it shattered into thousands of pieces!


Standing on the city lord, Jianguang tore the true essence shield on him, leaving a huge wound, and the whole person was knocked out.

A booming sound, like a cannonball smashing into the ground, smashed several houses one after another, and the powerful airflow swept across, and the smoke swept up!

"Yanxingmen is doing business, you and other city lords have been defeated, quickly lay down your weapons and surrender! Otherwise, the nine clans will be implicated!"

The blue-clothed youth held a sword and grinned, roaring loudly in mid-air. The sound was like a sound wave visible to the naked eye, resounding throughout the city!

the whole city,

They all heard that voice.

Many cultivators who were resisting, seeing that the situation was over, could not help but put down their weapons.

The resistance in the city was greatly weakened.

Many people gave up their resistance.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Yanxingmen Wansheng!"

When the monks on the siege side saw this scene, they all cheered loudly.

A stream of light rushed into the city and began to control the city.

This small border town called Zhujiang City fell into the hands of the force called Yanxingmen.

"Everyone stays at home and is not allowed to go out. Violators will be killed without mercy!"

high in the sky,

Again came the order of the victor.

However, at this time,

The victors don't care about that anymore.

After mastering the protective formation on the city wall and initially controlling the entire city,

The blue-clothed youth led the large army and began to gather towards the center of the city, encircling the city lord's mansion and the residences of several big families in the city.

Then, a direct attack was launched.


Boom boom boom! ! !

In the center of the city, there was a series of violent explosions and roars from the residences of several large cultivating families.

"Changsun Wen, you didn't keep your promise, but you went back on your word!"

Not long after, an old and shrill roar came from the central area,

The cultivators of Yanxingmen have already entered the residences of several large cultivating families, and they are burning, killing and looting, and the thick smoke of gunpowder is rising!

The patriarch of a certain family is leading the surviving clansmen in their final dying struggle.

"Promise? Oh, when did I make any promises to you? I just told you to know the current affairs of Junjie and give up resistance, but I didn't say that I wouldn't kill you!"

Above the sky, Zhangsun Wen, who was wearing a long blue shirt, who led the attack of the cultivators under his command, sneered and sneered.

the voices of the two,

All resounded throughout the city.

That young man named Changsun Wen didn't care at all whether others could hear him or not, he was unscrupulous!

And the remaining resistance,

It also became more and more intense.

Successive explosions resounded in the center of the city, and from time to time powerful techniques and martial arts sputtered out, knocking down many nearby houses!

At this time,

Inside the cultivator's inn, on the balcony by the window on the third floor, Zhang Qingyuan, who felt everything in his eyes, couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

With Zhang Qingyuan's current strength, divine consciousness enveloped the entire city, and it was not difficult to perceive everything that happened inside in his mind.

It can be said that he clearly saw every scene that happened in the corner of the city.

But he didn't move much.

"Unless you have the strength to make yourself stand, otherwise, you are nothing but meat on someone else's chopping board!"

"Only strength is the greatest support for oneself!"

Zhang Qingyuan sighed and said secretly in his heart.

In the sense of consciousness, the monks or ordinary people in the small town that was suddenly swept by the war were trembling, uneasy, and at a loss as to what to do.

They are drifting ants, life and death in the hands of the invaders.

If you don't have this strength,

Probably one of them, too.

Anxiety all day long!

In the midst of the great changes that come with the war, let's be precarious.

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly,

But there was no idea to take action.

For this city, he was just a passerby, and he had no intention of participating in it, let alone a position to intervene in it.

Who is righteous and who is evil?

Who can tell?

the weak,

Not necessarily justice.

For example, the big families in the center of the city, they are weak in front of the Yanxingmen, but who knows if there is any deeds in those cultivating families that oppressed the bottom cultivators and used fists to force other people's interests?

For the city, he was just a passer-by and an outsider after all.


Just when Zhang Qingyuan stepped out and was about to leave.

Take a step,

Brow wrinkled slightly.

With divine consciousness covering the entire city, he ~www.readwn.com~ heard a conversation.

"The few people in Zhujiang City have been completely dealt with. This time, we should be able to continue to hide the news of the detour to the Song Kingdom for a while. However, there are still many monks in the city, and maybe they will spread the news. Senior Brother Gongsun, What should I do next? Shall we lock down the city?"

"What else can I do, kill them all!"

The young man named Gongsun Wen had an indifferent voice, without the slightest emotion.

"All of them were killed? What about the mortals in the city? There are estimated to be 200,000 people in Zhujiang City. Will they all be dealt with?"

"We deal with it together. If the news can be concealed for one day, I will have to wait for an extra day of preparation time. Even those mortals have the risk of leaking the news, not to mention that I don't have so many people and energy to manage these things. I just killed a hundred people."

Gongsun Wen's voice did not fluctuate in the slightest, as if he ordered a few chickens and ducks to be slaughtered.

Without any emotion.

"Okay, brother."

The other person complied with the order, without any refutation, turned around and left, and gave the other party's order to the other people in Yanxingmen.

"Even mortals were killed together?"

Inside the restaurant,

Zhang Qingyuan took back the steps he had taken, and his eyes became cold at this moment.

The whole city has 200,000 to 300,000 people,

Not only monks, but also many mortals.

Old people, young adults, women, children, babies... But obviously, since these people decided to massacre the city, neither children nor babies will be spared!

"You... this is courting death!"

On Zhang Qingyuan's face, an icy look appeared.


He's just a passerby,

did not intend to participate in the wars of these local power conflicts,


slaughter the city,

That's it!

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