
"court death!"

The huge sound resounded from every corner of the hall. Below the hall, the cultivators of Yanxingmen were astonished, trembling, and did not dare to make a single sound.

On the first seat, Sect Leader Hong Daoping glared angrily, like an angry lion, patrolling his territory.

The air was dead silent,

A heavy feeling hangs over everyone's heart.

No one dared to speak.

"Gongsun Wen's identity is very important, and he has an inextricable relationship with the ancestors. No matter what method you use, within half a month, you must bring the murderer back and kill it with a thousand swords!"

Hong Daoping almost gritted his teeth, Sen Han's voice squeezed out word by word, and finally in the limited hall, it turned into a roar that the entire mountain gate could hear!


this day,

The entire sect of Yanxingmen, the overlord in Nanyue, moved.

The monks flew out of the sect and explored in all directions.

As the overlord in Nanyue, it is the only sect with a strong person in the realm of Wanhua in a radius of millions of miles, and the real cave in it also occupies more than 80%.

Therefore, Yanxingmen's rule over the territory of South Vietnam can be said to be extremely domineering.

Slightly inferior, destroying the family is just a trivial matter.

under heavy pressure,

A lot of information is being collected continuously.

Start to find the escape route of the murderer,


On that day, many of the monks and civilians in Zhujiang City were arrested by the ruthless Yanxingmen.

In order to prevent the murderer from escaping and hiding, they gathered the 100,000 people in Zhujiang City they had arrested in one place and passed it on. The burial of Gongsun Wen passed on by the sect!

The news spread quickly, and the entire South Vietnam border was a sensation!

However, the forces of all parties dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out. Instead, under the pressure from above, they quickly checked the outsiders and found the trace of the murderer.

At the same time, the monks from Yanxingmen attacked everywhere, and the major clan forces on the border set up barriers, and pulled down a tight network throughout the territory of South Vietnam.

Gotta find someone!

What happened behind him, Zhang Qingyuan is temporarily unknown.

After a trivial incident in Zhujiang City, he did not leave immediately, otherwise, it would only take half a day to cross the area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers.

At this moment,

He restrained all his breath, almost turned into a mortal,

One step at a time, walking in the world.

The scenes of the world are all reflected in front of his eyes, the merchants who eat and sleep on the road, the traveler who suffers from the dust, the old farmers who work hard by the fields, and the traders and soldiers in the city.

Different people, different things, and all kinds of things in the human world are intertwined in front of his eyes, depicting a grand picture of the human world!

"The appearance of nameless, the appearance of all living beings, the human heart of God's will, the red dust rolling in"

If Zhang Qingyuan realized something in his heart,

He is like a transparent person, walking in the world.

People can't see his presence,

When staggering with his figure, he involuntarily avoided it.

his presence,

It's like being independent from the whole world.

Only the child with a clear mind and a carefree play at the head of the village saw him, murmured something weird, and then walked away.

boom! ! !

Zhang Qingyuan measured the earth with his footsteps, and his mind knew the depths of the sea, but it was entangled with the qi between heaven and earth, cyclical fluctuations, the rolling red dust in the world, the joys and sorrows of all beings, and they all converged into a vast ocean. Outside, constantly impact, causing stormy waves!

Until I don't know how long,

Zhang Qingyuan faced the rising sun and came to the top of an ordinary mountain. The overwhelming morning glow came towards him, rendering his whole person golden, and bathed in a layer of golden clothes!

He slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, the mind seems to have risen to the infinitely high, infinitely vast land,

The world is rising,

The tidal wave oscillates,

A transformation that is difficult to describe in words happened within his body!

time flies,

I don't know how long it took,

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes again, and his breath was already ordinary.

Just like an ordinary mortal, nothing happened, everything just now was just an illusion.

"I didn't expect that just with a little kindness, there would be such an opportunity."

"The interweaving of Taoism, the appearance of all beings, and the realm of the virtual sky level are completely stable!"

"It's a pity that the top-quality spirit stones sent by the two killers in the Netherworld have been completely consumed."

Zhang Qingyuan sighed slightly,

Suddenly felt a little speechless.

It seems that since he entered Middle-earth, he has rarely been rich.

Every time I get some top-quality spirit stones, it is always quickly consumed.

Moonlight Clan used to describe him, that is more appropriate.

However, to this

Zhang Qingyuan didn't care much either.

The best spirit stone is gone.

There will always be opportunities.

"Now, where should we go next?"

Zhang Qingyuan stood with his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, and felt a little dazed for a while.

Central Continent is huge and vast.

When he came to this piece of land, he didn't seem to have any clear goals.

Basically go with the flow.

Zhang Qingyuan remembered that when he was in Yunzhou, he once met a disciple named Xiao Jingyun from the Holy Land of Central The other party gave him a token, hoping that he would be able to get together with him after entering Central Continent.

At the beginning, Zhang Qingyuan thought about taking this opportunity to visit Yi-2, and maybe he could ask some giants in the Holy Land for advice.

But then things changed so fast, and before he knew it, he was already at the level of the virtual sky.

And hundreds of years have passed,

Back then, Xiao Jingyun and himself only had a relationship on both sides.

The friendship between them is not that deep.

Maybe people have forgotten it.

This is a bit presumptuous.

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much."

"Well, with my current strength, I'm basically at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, but I haven't seen the existence of the first-level escape, so I'm not sure."

"But speaking of it, the auction in Yujing ten years ago has changed a lot. There is a mysterious giant from Dunyi. Maybe I can go to Yujing to take a look and observe the traces of the legendary Dunyi's shot. To measure your level of strength?"

"At the same time, if you are on the way, you can also go to Xiao Jingyun's holy place and visit one or two by the way."

Zhang Qingyuan made a decision in his heart,


Step out, escape into the void.


at the same time,

The light of the soul that reflected the red dust in the world, at this time, there was a voice of resentment that made Zhang Qingyuan a little concerned.

"Hey, the next year will be difficult. If you can't catch people, those people from Yanxingmen are used to being arrogant and domineering, and they don't know what to do with me."

"It's really a crime, hundreds of thousands of people, it is estimated that they were implicated and lost their lives."

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