"Good! It's a really good Yanxingmen!"

The light of the soul shrouded the area of ​​ten thousand miles, and countless information poured into Zhang Qingyuan's mind like a torrent.

In just a few short breaths, Zhang Qingyuan already understood the whole story.

In just a few days, Yanxingmen has already fully exerted its power as the hegemon in South Vietnam!

In just three or two days of work, a net of heaven and earth was laid in the territory of South Vietnam!

It's an ordinary Dongzhen monk, and he really can't escape this cage.

Arrest is inevitable!

But the means of Yanxingmen are not only that,

I don't know if it was to force myself to show up, or to anger the mortal people in Zhujiang City that day. The residents in Zhujiang City, whether they were monks or mortals, were arrested by their officers.

Even though many people had already escaped from the city, they were all found by Yanxingmen, and they were forced to show themselves as hostages!

In fact,

I am afraid that the people at Yanxingmen will not believe that they will appear because of this threat.

After all, he is just a passerby.

It has nothing to do with the people in Zhujiang City.

It is impossible to "send death" for a group of mortals and a group of low-level monks.

People at Yanxingmen are probably well aware of this.

But they did it anyway,

In addition to having a bit of luck, I feel that there may be some relatives and friends of my own descendants in Zhujiang City, and there is a 1 in 10,000 possibility that they can be forced to show up.


I am afraid it is to vent anger!

An important descendant of the sect's bloodline died, so why don't you **** pariahs go to be buried with you? !

As for whether the 100,000 or 200,000 mortal monks are willing and angry, what does that have to do with them?

"Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is..."

After sensing the specific news, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help sighing and muttering to himself.

From the thoughts of many mortal monks in this area, I learned that,

The Yanxingmen has been passed down for thousands of years in the territory of South Vietnam.

The sect has relied on a supreme elder in the realm of myriad transformations to suppress the Nanyue realm for thousands of years, and no one dares to make a sound!

Not only that,

Once there is a genius or power that can threaten them in the territory, that genius or power will definitely suffer a disaster for this or that reason!

The location of Nanyue itself is remote, and the spiritual energy is relatively desolate, and there is no force that will stretch out its tentacles for this desolate land and a great power of the Wanhua realm.

Therefore, Yanxingmen has been able to dominate this place for thousands of years, and it is a well-deserved overlord of the South Vietnam border!

But it is also for this reason,

In South Vietnam for thousands of years, he has gradually developed the arrogant and unscrupulous style of his disciples.

The local monks or clan forces in this world have to be trembling when dealing with the disciples of Yanxingmen, otherwise one will be displeased by the immortals, and the family will be destroyed!

Over thousands of years,

Arrogance has already penetrated into the bones of the entire sect!

at this point,

Zhang Qingyuan felt it deeply!

"Haha, it is beyond my imagination to be so arrogant and arrogant against an opponent who doesn't know the depths."

"It's simply, looking for a way to die!"

"Since you want to die so much, then I'll give you a ride."

"This is also considered to be killing harm for the people!"

"After all, many years ago, I also imagined that in the future, I would be a hero who would be a hero of righteousness who would draw his sword and help in the face of injustice..."

In the faint voice, Zhang Qingyuan turned around, facing the direction behind him,

step forward,

Ripples in the void underfoot,

The figure fell into the void and disappeared completely.


wild goose gate,

Floating Island, a magnificent hall.

Sect Leader Hong Daoping sat on the first seat, with dragons and tigers squatting, the terrifying aura vibrated, and the gloomy face made the surrounding vacuum seem to be pressing down on a mountain!

"Reporting to the head, we have strictly ordered the nineteen and eighteen families to block all entrances and exits in and out of the Nanyue border, and ordered our forces to launch all forces to search every inch. Now that the net has been set up, we will definitely be able to dig out that mouse!"

A middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe lowered his head and reported the tunnel to Hong Daoping, the head of Yanxingmen above, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

"Tianluodiwang? Where's that person?!"


Hong Daoping on the first seat was ugly, slapped the table fiercely, and made a loud noise that resounded throughout the hall.

The fury of thunder made everyone present tremble.

"Sect Master, calm down. Since the entrance and exit have been blocked, the mouse has already fallen into the bandit, but it's just that he couldn't find the other's mouse hole for a while."

"I have already **** all the people in that small town, and there is no doubt that there are relatives and friends of the mouse in it. When the deadline is reached in two days, the public beheading will definitely be able to force him to show up!"

Seeing that the entire hall was dead silent, the atmosphere was extremely depressed, and the color of the Hong Dao plane on the first seat was getting darker and darker.

"Humph! No matter what method you use in this seat, if you can't kill a city of people, then kill a nation of people and clean up every family. It doesn't matter even if the entire South Vietnam border is turned upside down, this seat only needs that **** mouse! "

"Catch that mouse, cramp the skin, and smash the corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

Hong Daoping was like an angry lion, roaring in the hall!

He couldn't help but be angry,

not long ago,

This matter has been known by the one who is cultivating in the secret realm of the back mountain!

The man drove him out without saying a word,

But this is exactly the worst case,

no doubt,

Next, if he can't save a little bit, he will definitely not be able to survive and die!

"Go away! Unleash all power and bring that mouse back to this seat!"

Hong Daoping roared,

The sound resounded in the sky,


Also at this moment,

Boom! ! !

A loud bang shook the heaven and the earth, like the sound of the earth's veins being blown up deep in the earth, the roar swept through, and the whole earth was like a 12th magnitude earthquake broke out, the angry dragon turned over and shook violently!

Everyone in the hall was shaken by the shock, and Hong Daoping's actions were also shaken violently.

If it weren't for the fact that the cultivation bases of the few people present were extremely advanced, it would be impossible to say that some people would have been thrown out on the spot!


"No! Where did the idiot come from, you are seeking your own death!"

In just an instant, Hong Daoping reacted. This is a scene that can only be produced by someone forcing the mountain gate and bombarding the mountain protection formation!

At the same time, there was a breath, and it quickly landed from a high altitude outside the mountain!

The plane of Hong Dao showed a ferocious color, roared and roared, and the sound shook the sky. The terrifying Dongzhen breath was like a tsunami at this moment, sweeping into the sky!

I want to start violently!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Also at this moment,

The top of the hall above the head was broken, and the dome was built with materials that were enough to resist the attack of the monks in the real yuan realm. At this moment, it was like a thin piece of paper, torn apart by invisible force, cracked every inch, under the action of invisible force, Turned into a fluffy powder!

Sawdust is falling like snow~www.readwn.com~ The dust is swept away by the impact of the airflow!

A figure lingered with traces of immortal energy, like an immortal, descending from the nine heavens.

"Aren't you looking for Zhang Mou, you don't need to work hard, Mou is already sent to the door automatically."

soft voice,

Like a clear spring,

The ripples spread all over the world!


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