
In Zhang Qingyuan's body, the invisible air machine oscillated open, like a tidal torrent, the space is distorted and surging layer by layer!

The collapsed building fragments scattered all over the sky were all repelled by an invisible force, and there were wisps of Taoism that were like nothing, setting him off as if he was a fairy who came into the world!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure was suspended in the void, and his indifferent eyes swept over the people in the hall below.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and the faint voice echoed in the void.

"Zhang came from the net, I don't know how to deal with them?"

He did not release his breath, nor did he deliberately restrain it.

Although the cultivators of the heaven and human series have basically reached the level of the unity of heaven and human beings, the law uses the heaven and the earth, and without deliberately restraining the qi, they can still achieve the effect of a mellow and flawless breath, the only perfection, and no leakage!

But even so,

But even if the low-level cultivator cannot perceive the vast and terrifying aura of the Heaven and Human Series, when the low-level monk faces the great power of the Heaven and Human, if the existence of the Heaven and Human Series does not deliberately cover up, then the low-level monk, You will feel a kind of feeling like facing a big terror, a big ominous feeling!

That kind of like facing the bottomless **** death,

like a sea of ​​abyss,

Like the sky!

This is the suppression of the life level, and it is also the vast fear that comes from the most instinctive sixth sense of every cultivator!

At this moment,

The whole Yanxingmen up and down is felt!

I felt the sky above the sky as if it were falling, and the boundless terror pressure was crushed down, like a mountain of ten thousand feet, with no end in sight.

Countless people's minds went blank for a while,

As if the next moment, the dark abyss of death is about to come!

In the past, the disciples of Yanxingmen who acted recklessly and arrogantly in the territory of South Vietnam, under the pressure of this huge terror, their hands and feet were paralyzed, and they lay on the ground.

Many people lost their voices directly.

Shattered by the terrifying boundless breath, he died violently on the spot!

death comes,

Filled every corner of the void!

deathly silence,

Even the air seems to freeze!

At this time,

in the hall,

The head of the Yanxingmen in the first seat could no longer maintain his figure, and stared blankly at Zhang Qingyuan in the sky, his eyes were a little blank, his throat twitched slightly, but his dry mouth was unable to speak after all.

what happened?

Is this the opponent we Yanhangmen want to capture with all the power of the sect?

Isn't it just a small hole for a real monk?

What's this?

Is it the realm of Wanhua, or is it the heaven and man in the legend?

Is it necessary for you to act in this way as an almighty above all transformations?

Just say it directly, I will definitely enshrine you like an ancestor up and down the Yanxingmen, how can it cause such a misunderstanding?

If you say that you are above the myriad of transformations, how dare we mobilize such a large force to hunt you down?

for a time,

There are thousands of words in Hong Daoping's heart, and he doesn't know where to start.


Isn't this bullying honest people?

Fortunately, Zhang Qingyuan didn't know his inner thoughts, otherwise he would only be more speechless.

Just as people stand at a high place for a long time, it is easy to forget the scenery at the foot of the mountain.

Yanxingmen has dominated the South Vietnam border for thousands of years, and has never encountered any challenged opponents. It has developed a self-centered thinking in everything.

That's it,

However, Hong Daoping never thought that in the past, the people in the South Vietnam border were regarded as ants, and they wanted to shout and kill them. In the face of higher-level existence, how could they not be ants?

And as ants, where do they get the qualifications, so that they can only look up to the existence, and take the initiative to show their identity in front of them?

I am used to looking down, but I have forgotten how to look up.

"We are all undoubtedly offended, please forgive me!"

His dry mouth moved, and Hong Daoping was still in the extremely terrifying depression.

"Oh, is it so?"

Zhang Qingyuan was noncommittal and didn't have much reaction.

He stood with his hands behind his back on the top of the hall, looked up at the sky, and looked at the sky in the direction of the mountain behind the Yanxingmen.

"However, your plea is not sincere at all!"

"Look, you are scolding me in the bottom of your heart now, saying that I am a self-satisfied idiot, and I am so arrogant with a little strength. When your ancestors arrive, I will be smashed to pieces... ..Is not it?"

Zhang Qingyuan's voice was quiet, his words were unhurried and unhurried, resounding throughout the hall.

in an instant,

Hong Daoping's whole body was covered with cold hair, and his face showed an incredible look, full of horror, and his breathing was stagnant!

The whole person was almost stunned there, and an extremely cold cold air surged up from the soles of his feet, spreading throughout his body, the blood also solidified at this moment, and he couldn't move!

no doubt,

These words were exactly what he was thinking when he lowered his head and pleaded with Zhang Qingyuan!

He has been in charge of Yanxingmen for hundreds of years, but everyone who encounters him should respect him when he goes out. Once he is slightly dissatisfied with the family or power he receives, he can decide the life and death of that family or power in one word!

He is accustomed to being at the top, although he bowed his head for a while because of the situation, but there will still be deep resentment in his heart!


Why does this person in front of him know what he is thinking?

Not even a word!


A bone-chilling chill shrouded,

Hong Daoping only felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave in the long winter and poured a bucket of ice water on his head!

"Respect... Your Majesty..."

At this moment,

Hong Daoping only felt that he was going to die.

He stammered and wanted to say something to beg for mercy, but his mind was blank and he couldn't say anything.


At this time, Zhang Qingyuan didn't even look at him.

his eyes,

He has been looking at the sky behind the mountain behind Yanxingmen.

"The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, you Yanxingmen, you are not a family, don't enter a family!"

With a slight sigh,

I saw that in the mountain behind the Yanxingmen, there was an earth-shattering aura rising into the sky, shaking the sky, as if the terrifying gods were angered, and the celestial phenomena in the sky for thousands of miles were inspired, and the dark clouds shrouded half of the sky!

"Where is the **** who doesn't know how to live or die, dare to come to my Yanxingmen to make trouble!"

The earth-shattering roar spread from the back mountain, resounding through the heavens and the earth, causing the whole earth to be turbulent at this moment!

The terrifying momentum is like a volcanic eruption,

A figure wrapped in the vast aura that crushed the sky, shot like a meteor!

"Old Ancestor is out!"

Hong Daoping, who had fallen into despair at first, was filled with great joy in neutral time!

With the ancestor's shot,

This person in front of him must be inevitable!

Under the joy Hong Daoping even forgot the fact that his life and death were in Zhang Qingyuan's hands, and he forgot to cover up his emotions, and the excitement of the rest of his life flooded his face.

To this,

Zhang Qingyuan was too lazy to look at each other.

Facing the Great Ancestor of Yanxingmen who came from the back mountain with monstrous momentum, Zhang Qingyuan just slowly raised his palm, facing the direction of the other party.

Just one click!


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