the other side,

South Vietnamese border.

Just when the entire South Vietnam border was almost celebrating the demise of Yanxingmen, countless people were still cheering.

Several figures quietly appeared above the mountain gate of the collapsed Yanxingmen,

Looking at the broken mountain gate below, the collapsed ruins, the hidden underground secret room that was torn open, and the empty forbidden space, the head of the man looked gloomy, and he could almost squeeze out the water!


It was just a one-word order, without any emotion at all, but everyone behind him could feel the monstrous anger!

Several figures quickly scattered around, searching for traces, asking the local monks, chasing the original Yanxingmen monks, and so on.

Three days passed in a flash.

The figures who went out to investigate have returned.

"Trash! What's the use of asking you guys!"

The tall, thin man with a sullen face in front of him shouted furiously, and with a flick of his sleeves, the air seemed to have turned into a wall of substance, knocking the report that was kneeling on the ground in front of him and knocking it out. Mouthful of blood!

Incapable of venting,

The sinister man took out a compass, marked it with a magic formula, and looked in a certain direction with gloomy eyes.

"Damn it! I can only report it as above! But don't be complacent, you **** mouse, this seat has already recorded your breath! Humph!"

The sullen man snorted coldly and retracted the compass,

Then he stepped into the void, and the figure disappeared.


The yellow sand is long,

As far as the eye can see, there is a barren yellow desert!

at this time,

The scorching sun hangs high for nine days, emitting scorching energy, baking the entire desert like an oven, and the air is twisted under the scalding heat,

The steam is steaming, covering every space. If an ordinary person accidentally stumbles into this place, it is impossible to say that the meat will be roasted and matured in an instant!

It's a world of death,

The yellow sand spreads for thousands of miles,

Bury all life!

"Thinking back to that year, the Great Wilderness Sacred Dynasty was one of the five remaining ancient holy places, and the Great Wilderness Realm it controlled could be said to be one of the realms with the most abundant spiritual energy and the best environment in the entire Central Continent region."

"Unfortunately, after a big change, the Great Wilderness Sacred Dynasty was wiped out from the world. In the past, the spiritual energy was abundant, and the Great Wilderness World, which was a prosperous practice, has since become a barren land without any vitality."

above the sky,

The two figures, a man and a woman, passed over the nine heavens like shooting stars, and it was Zhang Qingyuan and Murong Yue who invited Zhang Qingyuan to come with him.

After leaving Yujing, they simply cultivated for half a month, and the two found it all the way according to the information on the map.

In front of you is a dead and barren desert.

Zhang Qingyuan was really unimaginable, what Murong Yue said was the Great Desolate Realm that was full of spiritual energy in the past and was the best cultivation area in the entire Central Continent Cultivation Realm.

"What happened to the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty back then? Why was an ancient holy place that had been passed down for tens of thousands of years suddenly destroyed? Which power did they destroy?"

"I don't know this very well. There is no relevant record in the sect. Although Xianyin Valley has a certain influence in the eastern world, it is not very conspicuous when looking at the entire Central Continent cultivation world, not to mention the Great Wilderness Sacred Dynasty and the sect. The gates are hundreds of millions of miles apart, and when the Great Wilderness Sacred Dynasty existed in the past, Xianyin Valley was just a role that could not be played in front of the ancient holy places, and the sects didn’t have anything to do with them.”

"However, there are still some rumors in the cultivation world at the time. Before I left, I went to check it out."

"I don't know the exact reason, but what is certain is that when the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty was destroyed, other ancient holy places also took action. Although I don't know the reason, but according to what some monks who fled and left at that time said, People from several ancient holy places such as Daxumi Temple and Tianjizong appeared in that battle."

"But it doesn't really matter much. We are just looking for and exploring the legacy left by the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty. The reason for the demise of the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty has nothing to do with me."


Zhang Qingyuan, who was beside him, nodded and responded in harmony.

It is exactly as Murong Yue said,

Their trip was just to explore the legacy of the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty. As for whether they were destroyed by the cooperation of several other ancient holy places, what did the Great Zhou Dynasty in Qingzhou, the Great Wilderness Holy Mission and this destroyed ancient Holy Dynasty have? Relationships don't matter.

The important thing is whether there is any inheritance such as the practice notes of slashing the way and escaping one in the treasures left behind by the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty.


A remnant of an ancient holy place,

Hopefully this time will be enough!

Three days later,

The two walked across the desert, talking all the way to the location of the map.

"It's here!"

Murong Yue was also a little happy when she finally arrived at the location depicted on the map.

After all, along the way, the yellow sand is long, and the air is like a steel-making furnace. It is not a pleasant journey.


This road has not been smooth.

I don't know if it's the aftermath of the previous fight, or the accident caused by the war. When they flew all the way, they occasionally encountered space turbulence, space cracks, etc., and they might collide with the slightest carelessness.

These dangers may be nothing to monks at the virtual level, but they are fatal to monks under heaven!

It's no wonder that the Great Wilderness World has become a forbidden land after the great changes five thousand years ago.

"Here? There doesn't seem to be anything magical here?"

Zhang Qingyuan raised his head and looked at the unchanging sand dunes in front of him.

The eyes could not help but be a little dazed.

Consciousness spreads,

Nothing special was found.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist, hey, it is rumored that the Great Wilderness Sacred Dynasty controlled a small world in the past, laying the foundation for its inheritance for 90,000 years."

"It is said that the small world is walking next to the blue world in the chaotic nothingness outside the sky, approaching periodically at regular intervals."

"When the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty was still around, there might have been a passage connecting the two worlds, but this passage was probably destroyed in the war that year, so we can only wait for the small world to approach periodically, and when it reaches the closest, use the The key pulls and jumps in."

"Now, it is the closest time in 2,400 years!"

talking room,

Murong Yue turned between her palms and took out a token with a black gold dragon pattern inscribed on it and a large character written in ancient Chinese characters "Huang"!

Just when Murong Yue was about to activate the token and open the door.

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly took her hand,

"Wait! Someone!"

Without waiting for Murongyue to react, Zhang Qingyuan took her hand and quickly retreated.

at the same time,

almost at the same time,

boom! ! !

The avenue stretched across the sky, and the terrifying attack swept across almost silently, attacking the place where Zhang Qingyuan and the two had just replaced!

The avenue of vacuum collapsed inch by inch, the universe was reversed, the sand and stone turned into powder, and the vacuum of a radius of 100 meters was directly shattered!

Not far away, Murong Yue couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

If Zhang Qingyuan hadn't suddenly grabbed her and escaped from that space, under this sneak attack, he would have been severely injured if he didn't die!

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