"It seems that it's not just me and the other two who are eyeing the ruins of the Great Wilderness."

Zhang Qingyuan's figure was suspended in the void, looking at the space where he was standing before, shattered into nothingness, and the energy storm filled the sweeping space, his face was calm, and his eyes were deep.

"How long do you want to hide?"

Looking at the almost empty space in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan spoke as if talking to the air.

He is not in a hurry,

Stand there quietly, hands behind your back.

Murong Yue, who was behind her, looked at the empty world in front of her with a suspicious expression, but her body moved slightly closer to Zhang Qingyuan.

Before long,


The void in front was twisted for a while, like ripples in the water, and a figure walked out of the empty vacuum.

almost at the same time,

Like a chain reaction.

In all directions from southeast to northwest,

The aura also spread out, and the figure was looming, actively releasing the energy.

"As expected of the first person in the younger generation, Lao Hu, look, I said that being alive or not in this position is definitely not an easy role!"

In the void to the west, a white-faced scholar with a fan and a scarf walked out, shaking the fan in his hand,

He said to a burly man with a shirtless, burly body, and his bulging muscles contained a terrifying power that shattered a vacuum.

"It's really amazing, and the physique is also good, I really want to play a game!"

The burly man shone with light, his eyes flashing with eagerness to try, exuding a kind of oppressive power that is directly pressing!

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, I have seen all fellow Daoists."

On the other side, a Taoist priest with red lips and white teeth, wearing a yin-yang Taoist robe, also walked out with a few people, flicked the whisk with his hand, and saluted everyone.

"Amitabha, good is good!"

Infinite Buddha light shines in a certain void, reflecting the heaven and earth, a phantom of a Buddha seems to have descended into the human world, the Buddha's head is lowered, his face shows a color of compassion, and there are bursts of Sanskrit sounds oscillating between the voids.

"Giggle! The hypocritical guys, who arrived early tomorrow, had to be called out before they showed up. It's really ridiculous!"

The void was rippling, and bursts of pink dim light swayed, and an enchanting, charming figure also appeared.

The woman's face was covered with a layer of black tulle, her body was excellent, her waist like a water snake twisted, and her grand mind trembled, giving people an irresistible temptation!

The woman looked at Zhang Qingyuan and glanced up and down.

"You're that kid named Zhang Qingyuan, yo, you have a new love so soon, you must know that after my junior sister met you last time, she was going to die for you. The sweetheart!"

The woman's eyes were dark, and with the seductive voice, it directly made people restless, and set off countless ripples in their hearts.

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at the other party, then turned his eyes away, ignoring the charming woman.

Everyone present is not an ordinary role, and naturally they will not be affected.

Only the weaker Murong Yue standing behind Zhang Qingyuan,

His face was flushed, and his breath was a little breathless.


Zhang Qingyuan whispered softly, an invisible air spread, shrouded the opponent, and isolated the temptation between heaven and earth.

In an instant, it was as if a thunderous explosion exploded in Murong Yue's mind, causing her to shudder and come over suddenly.

Murong Yue glanced at Zhang Qingyuan gratefully,

Then he looked at the surrounding figures who appeared, and his face gradually became pale.

these people......

How would it appear here!

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes swept over the people around him vaguely, taking everyone who appeared around him in his mind.

A white-faced scholar, a shirtless man, a young Taoist priest, a Buddhist monk, and a seductive woman suspected of being a Daluo sect,

as well as,

Finally, his eyes were fixed on a young man in black clothes in front of him!

This person is carrying a long sword, his hands are wrapped around his chest, his face is arrogant, and his indifferent eyes seem to be unable to attract his attention!

No matter who it is, when they see him for the first time, they all have a terrifying feeling.

Like a sharp and tenacious edge piercing straight, people can't help but dodge away, or they will be blinded by the edge in the next moment!

This is no longer a person,

But a sword!

A divine sword that pierces the sky and fights the sky and the battlefield!

"I don't know who you are, why are you waiting for me behind your back?"

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the arrogant young man who was carrying a long sword in front of him. This person's breath was exactly the one who attacked them from behind!

There was a hint of mockery on the corner of his mouth:

"Sneak attack from behind, is this what the swordsman does?"

Hearing Zhang Qingyuan's voice,

The young man in black turned his head slightly, his eyes condescending.

"Sneak attack? The deity shot and never hid that sword. You didn't discover it in advance. What's the matter with the deity?"

The black-clothed youth's voice was calm, as if telling a normal fact.

"The trick just now is just to measure whether you are qualified to set foot here."

"If you are not convinced, the deity is here, you can come and try the sword!"

The aura of a black-clothed youth is extremely introverted, his sword intent is hidden and flawless, and I am afraid that even standing aside, there is no feeling at all~www.readwn.com~ But as long as anyone takes a look, there will be a feeling This kind of divine sword shatters the sky and shakes the terrifying feeling of Jiuxiao!

others stand there,

without the slightest movement,

But it seems that once you start, it will lead to the eruption of the volcano that has been suppressed for thousands of years, and the whole world will be swallowed up and burned down!

Zhang Qingyuan hasn't answered yet,

Suddenly I felt the corner of my clothes being pulled.

Turn your head slightly,

But seeing Murong Yue say:

"Fellow Daoist Qingyuan, why don't you, I didn't get hurt anyway."

"That person is Jiuzhou Jianzi, one of the leading figures in the previous generation of Tianjiao. It is rumored that he has already stood in front of the gate of Dunyi thousands of years ago, just to polish his flawless swordsmanship, So I never took that last step!"

"It's not a good thing to have a conflict, and the people next to you are not a good character."

"The one-page scholar from Haoran Academy, Chiyan, Wuzun in the north, Sizhangji from Taiqing Dao, Vajra Buddha from Daxumi Temple, and a demon girl who is suspected to be the sect of Daluo Zun... all of them are the previous one. The era, even the generation of influential figures in the last three eras, there are three ancient sacred places in the four ancient sacred places that exist today, and there are definitely big secrets in the big wasteland, and it is not a good thing to lose both in a fight!"

The cultivation world of Central Continent is divided into three thousand years as an era.

Zhang Qingyuan is the first person in the new era,

But here,

They are all figures of the last era, or even the last two or three eras!

As early as their era, they had already achieved domination, and now that many years have passed, they have already accumulated an unknown amount of things in front of the gate of the escape!

It can be said,

After a moment, the top group of people in the cultivation world of Central Continent,

There are quite a few here!

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