"Junior brother dare not refuse."

Zhang Qingyuan urn replied angrily.


The guy in front of him looked a little reluctant, and Wang Yue showed a sneer on his face.

"You still know your dissatisfaction!"

"If you don't resist so fiercely about this matter, even if you are taken to the law enforcement hall, then I will pass you through to prove your innocence. You have fallen into this situation and you are not looking for it yourself?!"

"Fine, I don't bother to say too much."

"Now, the leader of the development situation in the South China Sea is our previous peak master of Xuanshui Peak and my master Mingshui Daoist. When you arrive in the South China Sea, you can go to Tiannan Island to visit one or two earlier. After all, it is Xuanshui Peak's. The younger generation, when you were able to enter Xuanshui Peak back then, the master and his elders liked him a lot. Maybe you will be able to help you to gain a foothold in the land of poor mountains and rivers."

Zhang Qingyuan stood on both sides respectfully.

Don't say a word.

But Wang Yuenian said in a bad manner:

"Originally, the sect decided to demote you to the East China Sea and the Hanhai Zong to fight the border for 20 years, to hone your temperament, to polish your spiritual state of mind, and you must not return to the sect until you have completed your cultivation. Now I have won for you. The best terms."

"Pack your things by yourself and get out in ten days!"

Wang Yuenian waved his hand, looking a little impatient.

I can hear this.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's heart was still depressed, but after all, he was a little more comfortable.

At least the other party has fought for himself, and it has really eased his own.

Looking at the brother Wang from the family, he is also like a tofu with a knife mouth, otherwise, if he is really demoted to the frontier of fighting with the Han Haizong.

Then I really have to consider the possibility of treason.

The punishment in the South China Sea is just to guard and open up.

The main task is to occupy the land that has been opened up by the sect, protect the safety of the mortal cities, resist the robbers of scattered repairs, clean up the monsters, and open up a piece of land in this poor mountain and water, so that the tentacles of the realm of comprehension can face As the ocean spreads, open up wasteland to obtain more cultivation resources.

But the East China Sea border is completely different.

Three hundred years ago,

The battle between the Yunshui Sect and the Hanhai Sect was on the front line of the East China Sea.

Conflicts have continued for hundreds of years.

Most of the outer disciples who were transferred by the sect were defensive.

That is the frontier of war.

Extremely dangerous.

Even a cultivator in the True Element Realm may not be able to say that it is safe.

Not to mention these years.

After experiencing events again and again in the past, he vaguely felt that the unending war three hundred years ago might break out again in the near future!

The time is pressing.

If it were on the border of the East China Sea at this time, the degree of danger would obviously be countless times higher.

Although the danger and opportunity are the same.

Although the border of the East China Sea Front is dangerous, the sect rewards the sect disciple who guards that area. If the monk who can kill the Hanhai Sect, the reward is far more generous than killing the monsters of the same level.

Moreover, after so many years of development, the East China Sea has become extremely prosperous.


Some talented junior monks in the sect, whether it is for fame or for other reasons, will also take a trip to that front after they are promoted to the True Origin Realm.

Kill the enemy monk.

In the war, he shined brightly and became famous throughout Yuzhou and even the cultivation world of Haizhou.

But no matter what.

Now Zhang Qingyuan vaguely feels that the next round of war may break out in the future.

With the current situation.

The East China Sea border is like a gunpowder keg that may explode at any time. Staying beside it, you don't know when it might explode.

If that were the case, Zhang Qingyuan might really consider the possibility of treason for his own safety.

In this way,

Compared with the distribution of Donghai for twenty years.

The defensive development in the ten-year period of the South China Sea didn't feel much anymore.

Many thoughts flashed in his mind.

But suddenly, he remembered something:

"Senior Brother Wang, can I still participate in the newly promoted inner disciple after two months?"

"The punishment of the sect is that you must leave within a month, what do you think?"

Wang Yuenian's tone was plain.

Some hate that iron can't make steel.


Zhang Qingyuan's face changed slightly.


I got into such a big trouble in the accident.

Not only had to be sent to the South China Sea to open up and guard the frontiers for the sect, but because of this, he was missed by the newly promoted inner sect disciple Dabi, and lost an opportunity to obtain the Condensed True Pill.

Zhang Qingyuan's mood is naturally not much better.

To know,

After traveling in the underground waters, his cultivation realm has been promoted to the nine-fold perfection realm, and his strength is not inferior to the half-step True Yuan realm cultivator!

This time the newly promoted inner disciple Dabi.

Most of the ten shows have already been promoted to the True Origin Realm and no longer participate in this competition.

It was the top ten in the past, for Zhang Qingyuan, it was basically a sure thing!

Even if it is number one,

It may not be impossible!

Among the top ten, each rewarded a condensed real pill!

"No matter, even if I missed this big opportunity, what then? If I can do it again, I will beat the villain!"

Zhang Qingyuan let out a long sigh of relief.

Spit out all the depression in my heart.

Even if he was sent to the border, even if he missed an opportunity to obtain the Condensed True Pill, Zhang Qingyuan still did not regret it.

At least the mind is unobstructed.

There is nothing to regret!

"It's okay to go to the South China Sea to develop and guard. Although that place belongs to the chaos of the mountains and rivers~www.readwn.com~, because it has not undergone large-scale development in the cultivation world, there are also a lot of precious cultivation resources in the wild. If you take a risk in the South China Sea area, you will be able to gather all the materials for the Condensed True Pill."

"Over the years, I have been adhering to the concept of steadiness. I rarely go out to explore and fight. I just stay in the cave house and practice hard."

"Safety is indeed stable, but at the same time it further limits my own progress."

"The eagle wants to take off for nine days. After all, he has to face the difficulties and obstacles before learning to fly. Now I have a certain degree of self-protection ability. It is time to see this vast world of cultivation!"

Think of it here.

Zhang Qingyuan's gaze toward the distant sky also became firmer.

This may be the change of mood caused by the accident in the underground waters. That day, he dared to punch the power for an unprecedented time. It broke the previous continuous and careful handling of people.

An edge,

Is gradually being born in Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

This allows him to be steady and careful in everything, and he has the courage to face danger directly!

Just like being sent to the South China Sea this time.

Face a dangerous and unfamiliar environment.

Now that he realizes that the decision of the sect cannot be changed, he does not lack the courage to face the dangerous challenges in the future!

It's just being sent to the border to open up guards.

It's not being put in jail.

In ten years, there is not much to say.

It is not uncommon for some inner disciples to go out to practice.

There is a change in the heart.

Zhang Qingyuan did not delay for too long.

He packed the things in the cave house, put it in the storage bag, and prepared to leave the mountain gate with the punishment and dispatch order of the sect.


Second later

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