The fact that Zhang Qingyuan severely inflicted the sect of law enforcement monks was not low among the newly promoted inner disciples.

As a result, Zhang Qingyuan is no less than a popular figure like the ten show of the year.

Therefore, many people are also concerned about the punishment of the sect.

After knowing the final result.

Many people sighed in their hearts.

After being dispatched to the poor mountains and rivers of the South China Sea to commit crimes and meritorious service, he cannot return to the sect in ten years. Basically, it can be said that the future is bleak.

Although the practice is the same everywhere.

But how can such a harsh but landscaped land be compared with the native land of Zongmen?

Not to mention the stable practice environment of the sect, there are hand-to-hand teachings by the elders of the sect, and various kinds of practice benefits allocated by Xiaobi.

It's just the aura of the cave house of the sect, and it is not comparable to the outside world.

Not to mention,

In that terrible place, he still has to face the dangers from the outside world all the time, maybe one accidentally falls, and the path is cut off from then on, and people die.

The gap between each other in the future.

It will only get bigger and bigger.

Nowadays, Zhang Qingyuan, who is once famous, will eventually pass by like a meteor.

Bleak and dull.


Ten years later, even if they can still return or come back, I am afraid that everyone is already gone.

Many people feel a bit pity about this.

It's also regrettable.

The discussion from the outside world does not have much to do with Zhang Qingyuan, but the discussions among the disciples are also known to some of Zhang Qingyuan's few friends.

For those of you who are friendly, send a talisman to express comfort.

Those with deep friendships, such as those who explored the ruins of the cave with Zhao Yuanyang last time, also came to visit in person. The gatherings and conversations were full of condemnation of the unfair law enforcement of the Zongmen, and at the same time they punished the deacon who deserved the crime.

Although these did not allow the Zongmen to revoke Zhang Qingyuan's punishment.

But it did make Zhang Qingyuan a lot better.

At least among the monks who entered the inner door, there were no people who fell into trouble. Instead, they all expressed regret for Zhang Qingyuan's experience and wished him success in his return in ten years.

At least Zhang Qingyuan didn't cross friends.

But when Zhang Qingyuan left, it was Shen Hongzhou and Zhao Yuanyang who were the same door in the Seventeenth Courtyard period, but Lin Yan didn't know where he learned the details of Zhang Qingyuan's departure and also came to see him off.

Several people have a deeper friendship with Zhang Qingyuan.

Counted as friends.

But there is nothing to say farewell.

It's all things like wishing a smooth journey.


Several people brought some information he needed so much to self-sufficient Zhang Qingyuan.

Shen Hongzhou collected some sorted jade slips on the geographic maps of the South China Sea.

Zhao Yuanyang is the overall situation of the cultivation world in the South China Sea. For example, which families are developing there, the powers in the South China Sea regarding sects, cultivation families, casual cultivation, and wild monster races are roughly distributed.

As for Lin Yan.

It was for Zhang Qingyuan that he used personal connections to inquire about the news from the sect.

"This incident, in fact, the problem itself is not too big, but it's just because you suffered a disaster at this time."

When Lin Yan spoke, he immediately shocked everyone around him.

He doesn't play any tactics.

He directly told what he knew.

"In the inner sect of Yunshui Sect, there is actually a certain division of factions. According to the management of the inner sect disciples, they are divided into stable factions and radical factions."

"The philosophy of the modest school is to only polish the edges and corners of the disciples, let the disciples think twice before doing things, know the pros and cons, advance and retreat clearly, and protect themselves, not for the momentary anger and anger, so that the disciples will practice in the future. The safer way to go further, so that the more high-level monks in the sect, the more powerful the sect can become."

"The radicals believe that the conservative concept is lifeless. The monks should have an invincible aura to be able to climb to a higher level of cultivation. As for the people who fell in the middle, they are just short of talents and aura, and eventually survived. All will be masters at the top of the realm of cultivation, this is the way of the sect of prosperity."

"The two factions themselves belong to the dispute over the lines of the sect."

"However, the struggle is not fierce, and it is also a matter for the upper sect to consider, and it has nothing to do with our lower-level cultivators for the time being."

"It's just that three hundred years ago, the radicals were weakened because of something."

"The prudent faction began to grow, and at the same time, some old novice disciples began to use the name of the prudent faction to give the newly promoted inner disciples and younger generations some embarrassment, in the name of tempering."

"Gradually, some old disciples oppress new disciples."

"Three years ago, when the outer disciples, who were known as the strongest in decades, entered the inner door, some old disciples began to follow the tradition and set up tests."

"Then you know, Yan Kuangzu defeated several seniors on the spot. In the end, he made an agreement to fight a few years later. This matter only made a lot of noise a year or two ago."

"The fanatics of Yan were born radicals, and for a time the radicals became popular."

"This matter is not just a dispute between old and new disciples within, but also involves the ideals between radicals and steady factions."

"The moderate faction naturally has to make some counterattacks to suppress the momentum of the radical faction."

"And at this time, it broke out that you didn't respect the sect's law enforcement hall's order, and you shot and wounded the law enforcement hall deacon..."


Lin Yan glanced at Zhang Qingyuan with some pity, and could only say that his outbreak of this incident was really ingenious.

"The law enforcement hall has been investigated before and after your incident. The deacon was found out for certain past behaviors and was sentenced by the law enforcement hall to be sent to ice prison for 20 years."

"Actually, if it happened in the past, the punishment for you is totally but the timing is too unlucky. The steady faction needs to have a suppression and training. Goal, so..."

Everyone around,

After listening, they were all dumbfounded.

Even Lin Yan couldn't even think about why Lin Yan was able to get such detailed news. Both Shen Hongzhou and Zhao Yuanyang were stunned at this time because of the inner feelings, and their hearts were all occupied by this thought:

This sect still has such a secret!

"So, Lao Tzu became the chicken in the conservative group's suppression of the radical "killing the chicken and the monkey"?"

Zhang Qingyuan was very angry.

Just because of this **** stove, I was going to be distributed to the border for ten years, and I missed the opportunity of the newly promoted inner door to obtain the condensed real pill? !

Depend on!

Zhang Qingyuan cursed in his heart.

Because he beat the senior deacon in the law enforcement hall, he was classified as a member of the radical faction.

Isn't this just the unsuspecting disaster that has been tragically affected!

some of,

Perhaps Senior Brother Wang Yuenian is also a member of the conservative school, so he hates iron and steel, and his attitude changes.

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan thought a lot.

Finally he wanted to understand a truth.

Everything just comes from not being strong enough!

Because it is not strong enough,

So the radicals chose to keep Yan Fanatic and abandoned him Zhang Qingyuan.

So he became the abandoned son of the radical game.

And because it is not strong enough.

The conservative faction also kicked him to the border with this kick, as a slaying chicken, to suppress the rising momentum of the radical faction.

"Damn, I must be promoted to the True Essence Realm within these ten years!"

The depression in my heart couldn't help at all, almost shouting aloud.

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