"Back then, I was exiled to the South China Sea thanks to the "care" of the modest faction."

"Although in the past few years, surviving in the South China Sea has not been as dangerous as it is said in the legend, and I have also got a lot of opportunities in this place, and I am afraid that the gains are far greater than that of staying in the inner door."

"However, after being targeted for this matter, there will be some cause and effect, and I must have done one after I go back!"

Recalling that ten years are about to expire, I am about to return to Yuzhou and return to the inner door.

Thinking of the original reason,

A cold light flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

In fact,

Later in the conversation with Senior Brother Peng Li, who was in the Xuanshui line, Zhang Qingyuan learned that the so-called steady and radical factions are actually a very broad concept.

There is no life-and-death factional struggle between the sects.

The division of the two factions is just because of the different ideas about the future development of the sect, and in essence they are all for the development of the sect.

despite this.

But it is true that Zhang Qingyuan was suppressed at the beginning.

If he wasn't suddenly exiled to this South China Sea area, he participated in the newly promoted inner gate competition that year, and he won the top ten with a certainty of 80 to 90% of his strength at that time.

Obtaining the condensed true pill for that reward in advance, without delaying a lot of time later.

Zhang Qingyuan has not yet been suppressed by others, and he still needs to be grateful to Dade.

It doesn't matter who came to such a move back then.

Go back by yourself,

It must have been done.

"If you want to calculate the old accounts that were expelled from the inner door back then, with the triple cultivation base of the True Primordial Realm, it is estimated that you can barely compete with Yan Fanatic and the like, after all, there is still a gap."

"So, I need a higher level of cultivation, more treasures like golden bee royal jelly!"

"It's best to have the cultivation base of the middle true element when you go back!"

Zhang Qingyuan stood up.

He eased his muscles and bones, and cast his gaze towards the Linghai Sword Sect ruins.

Only a relic of the middle school can have such a precious treasure.

Returning now, the gain of raising a realm out of thin air is indeed great enough.

But this is not enough!

He wants more and becomes stronger!

This remains of the Linghai Sword Sect is a crisis, and it is also a great opportunity!

Only in this kind of place.

Only then can I get the chance to make progress by leaps and bounds!

Just like the royal jelly of this golden bee!

"According to the rumors, the battle broke out suddenly three hundred years ago. It was the great figure of the sect who raided the Linghai Sword Sect. The resources in the Linghai Sword Sect were never transferred. The wealth of the entire Sect for thousands of years was left behind. Here!"

"I want to return to the sect and avenge the original revenge."

"This trip must not be missed!"

Without the slightest hesitation.

Zhang Qingyuan stepped out and walked towards the center of the island, the mountain gate of the Linghai Sword Sect.


Although it took a few days to refine royal jelly, it has already lost the opportunity.

However, Zhang Qingyuan did not rush over in a hurry.

After three hundred years of unmanaged development, the entire island is now like a barren zone, with towering trees and numerous monsters.

Moreover, due to the enclosed space, the aura of the entire island is extremely abundant.

Under this background, the monster beasts on the island are extremely powerful, and there are not a few in the True Primal Realm, and there are not no dangerous areas such as the swarm of golden eater bees.

Even the fragments of Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation of Taiyi Divine Art, plus his own level of spiritual consciousness cultivation, have encountered a lot of danger.

For example, when passing through a mountain forest, because the vines growing on the ground are ignored.

It almost put him in an extremely dangerous situation.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't even notice that the seemingly ordinary vines turned out to be terrifying monster plants above the late True Yuan stage.

The moment he stepped into the range of the vine demon, the dense vines instantly rose into the sky.

Staggered waving.

It seems that the entire space is imprisoned and turned into a cage, trapping the enemy to death in it.

Fortunately, he is extremely sensitive.

At the moment when the Vine Demon erupted, he sensed the danger, and relied on the Fengyun Wuxiang of the Consummation Series to evade in an instant, came far away, and escaped the covered attack range of the Vine Demon.

This vine demon is just one of the dangers hidden on the mountain forest island.

Along the way,

All kinds of hidden powerful monsters, and even the poisonous insects in the forest, possess extremely terrifying power.

Go forward indiscriminately, in this dangerous zone.

That is simply looking for death.


With a keen sense of spirit, he can sense that the entire island should be connected to the great formation of the Linghai Sword Sect’s mountain guard. It was the head of the Linghai Sword Sect that used the powerful force to bring the Linghai Sword Sect’s mountain gate island. When expelled into the deep sea Tianyuan, the entire island was stripped in.

The formation Qi machine connected to the Mountain Qi machine has not weakened.

It proved that even if someone went to the mountain gate of the Linghai Sword School in the center of the island in advance, they still hadn't broken the mountain protection formation for the time being, and the time had not yet reached the level of urgency.

"Even if there is no one to preside over a mountain guarding formation of a medium sect, it cannot be quickly broken by a few True Primal Realms."

"Just take advantage of this time, along the way, you can pick more natural treasures hidden in the mountains and forests."

Along the way,

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered, and there was already care in his heart.


He did not deliberately rush on the road. If he encounters precious treasures on the road, he will fight against the monsters who protect the treasures. After a battle, he will kill the monsters and seize the growing spiritual fruit~www .readwn.com~Elixir, and even spiritual things like spirit mines.

Fighting all the way past.

The corpses of a monster beast fell, and the guarded spirits became Zhang Qingyuan's trophies.

Let him gain a lot of money.

And in the battle again and again.

Zhang Qingyuan found that

Not only did the true essence in his body not consume much, but the cultivation base was slightly improved!

This discovery,

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly realized.

When refining Golden Bee Royal Jelly in your body, the remaining huge medicinal power can speed up its refining speed in the fierce battle!

In this case,

It is like the embryo of an iron sword, in the constant forging of iron and fire, it becomes more tenacious and sharp!

It is precisely because of most of the remaining potency of royal jelly.

Not only did the True Yuan in his body not cost much, but Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation level had also been sufficiently tempered and improved!


Thought of this.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but his eyes light up.

Other cultivators in the True Essence Realm enter here, and the monster beasts that encounter the True Essence Realm may be avoided if they can, because once a battle breaks out and the True Essence is exhausted, it will take at least one day to fully recover.

This undoubtedly greatly weakened their ability to continue combat.

But Zhang Qingyuan is different.

The four-layer One Yuan Guishui Jing made Zhang Qingyuan's body of True Yuan like a torrent of rivers and seas, a steady stream of its foundation, and its endurance ability in the early stage of the True Yuan realm, almost no one can beat it.

at this time,

Coupled with the residual medicinal effect of the golden bee royal jelly.

His Zhang Qingyuan hardly needs to worry about consumption, and the more he fights, the scope of his cultivation base will continue to improve during the tempering time and time again!

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