This piece of land has been blocked for more than three hundred years and contains countless opportunities for spiritual things. At this moment, it can almost be said that it has become his unique experience hunting ground for Zhang Qingyuan!

"Before those people break through the mountain protection formation, just take advantage of this road to enhance my own strength, refining the royal jelly medicinal power deposited!"

In an instant,

Many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

High-intensity combat can not only accelerate the refining of royal jelly deposited in your body, but also enhance your control over your own strength and enhance your combat experience.

And after killing the monster beast, you can also get the treasure of heaven and earth protected by the monster beast!

You must know that the opponents he can see are at least the monsters above the True Element Realm.

And the spiritual things guarded by these monsters.

It may not be as good as the Golden Bee Royal Jelly, but its level is so high that no monk in the True Primal Realm can ignore it!

Each of them has at least a thousand years of spiritual power.


The monster beasts who resisted Zhang Qingyuan's advancing path were bad luck for a while, unless they were too powerful monsters, ordinarily those in the True Element Realm would take action one by one. After a fierce battle, these monsters would be eliminated and killed.

Fights again and again.

Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation level has been steadily improved, and his control of his strength has improved rapidly, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds!


Zhang Qingyuan's ability to do this has something to do with the right place and people like today.

In the outside world, especially in the South China Sea, almost most places have been developed once.

Valuable things are basically taken away by people.

The rest are basically poor places with low profits and high levels of danger.

It is simply not suitable for a real yuan realm monk like Zhang Qingyuan to go on an adventure.

And want to find this big island that hasn't been visited for 300 years like the remains of the Linghai Sword Sect, and find a place where there are a lot of monsters in the True Essence realm, and the treasures of the heavens and earth are guarded by precious treasures.

There is basically no possibility.

This big island where the remains of the Linghai Sword Sect is located, its own existence can be said to have formed a unique secret realm.

There are many resources like this, no one has ever stepped on it, and the aura in the air is extremely rich in islands, unless it is in the inaccessible and extremely dangerous areas of the South China Sea and the deep sea that it may be lucky to find it.

Now came to such a unique secret place.

Zhang Qingyuan will naturally not let it go.

Fighting and fighting is always the fastest way to progress. If you can enter this suitable place to practice, you must naturally seize the opportunity.


One thing Zhang Qingyuan ignored.

The cultivator who came in behind must also have the goal of rushing towards the mountain gate of the Linghai Sword School in the center of the island. However, there are many dangers along the way. Many great monsters of the True Essence Realm are hidden in the forest. In danger.

Zhang Qingyuan rushed along the way and cleaned and killed all the great monsters in the real yuan realm that way.

Naturally, a relatively safe route was formed.

This route,

Although it started far away from the bone area where the golden eater is located.

But in the end, it will be discovered by a part of the monks who come in behind, and then those monks who have found it will follow directly and rush along the trail towards the sect of the Linghai Sword Sect.


However, Zhang Qingyuan blazed a relatively safe route in an area that had been deserted for three hundred years and had formed a barren terrain.


"In three hundred years, due to the huge spiritual veins on the island, almost the entire island has grown into an unexploited resource secret realm!"

"It's like an adventure map in a game that has never been opened up."

"It's extremely dangerous, but the benefits are also great!"

Between a mess of mountains and forests.

Zhang Qingyuan was in a fierce battle, but several thoughts flashed in his mind involuntarily.


Zhang Qingyuan's figure was suspended high in the sky, with the Heitian Longsword in his hand.

With a sword pierced out, the majestic true essence swept across the entire sky tens of feet of air, engulfing the majestic true essence, suddenly it suddenly turned into a stormy wave falling from the sky. !

The strong wind broke through the air and howled, and the falling waves of true essence split between the volleys into countless sharp swords of true essence.

Suddenly fell from the sky like a violent storm.

Covering half of the sky, enveloping the scarred True Element Realm Serpent below!

Every sword shadow is crystal clear, revealing a sharp and striking aura.


The scales below were broken and blood was dripping, and the awkward snake rolled its body into a high-rise ball as much as possible.

The demon spirit swept all over, as if an invisible shield was resisting the whole body, the pitch-black snake letter kept vomiting, making a hissing, harsh sound, and the cold pupils stared at the sword rain falling from the top.

Under the circling, the surrounding air seemed to be distorted at this moment.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Sword rain fell all over the sky.

The majestic true essence sword light is like a bombardment of gusts of wind and showers,

The continuous explosions exploded at that instant, and the powerful sword energy contained within the period detonated at the same time, the sky vented and collapsed, venting in all directions like a cross current!

The serpent continued here, bombarding with terrifying sword energy like a gust of wind and rain, the monster energy that swept across its body was collapsed by inches, the sharp sword energy bombarded its body, and the scales were crushed and flew away. Blood splattered out, the injury was even heavier, and he no longer had any counter-attack ability!


A stern roar suddenly resounded from the smoke and dust enveloped by sword energy.

The snake is desperate!

I saw it suddenly The air seemed to collapse at this moment, turning into layers of tough and twisted steel bars, with terrifying force, the densely falling sword air and dust around it All fell apart.

The air shook.

The shock wave visible to the naked eye is ejected outward!

And the next moment,

The big snake curled up his **** body and turned it into a series of afterimages, as if it had crossed the space, and had crossed a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, and was about to flee towards the distant mountains and forests!

Such a sudden change, if it is the true origin realm monks who are generally not very vigilant, here.

It can't be said that it really escaped.


He is facing Zhang Qingyuan!

Not to mention that Zhang Qingyuan's divine consciousness is stronger than the average True Essence cultivator, and his spiritual sense is more acute. It is the frequent fighting over this period of time that has made his combat experience extremely rich.

This undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan aware of the idea of ​​Orochi's escape long ago!


A sword light,

Suddenly, I saw light from the sky and the earth, and it was like the Milky Way falling from Jiuxiao, tearing the space apart.

Suddenly appeared in front of the big snake fleeing.

That feeling,

It's like a big snake leaning his head up!


As if cutting tofu, the snake's head was cut off, and it rolled on the ground for several meters.

He no longer looked at the huge snake body that was constantly twisting and remaining alive.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the top of a purple elixir not far away, and the whole body was like a fruit burning with flames.

There was joy on his face.

"Snake letter fruit?!"

"Very good! It seems that we will be able to break through to the True Yuan Dual Consummation today!"

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